Hooked Boss

Chapter 1327

The cry of bear's tearing heart and lung made daining feel very uncomfortable. In addition, with the abnormal pain in the chest, daining couldn't help but shed tears.

Why did she suddenly come to this situation? She must not see her son's dirty and dirty?

Daining was filled with grievances and sadness, and tears came to her face.

However, daining knows that she can't fall down, she must face all these things firmly. Bear is still in her infancy. If she is not strong, who will take care of him? Who can hold up a sky for him.

So, the next moment, daining with the back of his hand to wipe the tears of his eyes, with a little hoarse voice coax bear. "Dear bear, Ma Ma Ma will be back soon. Do you know that you are sleeping with imeda tonight? Ma Ma, can you sing a children's song for you

The bear at that end probably didn't understand daining's words, but he remembered his numb voice, and his mood was a little stable.

Then Daning stroked her chest and sang to the phone. "Little swallow, wearing flowery clothes, comes here every spring. I ask the swallow why it comes? The swallow said

Singing and singing, daining was once again full of tears, but she has been in a forbearance, with the back of her hand constantly wipe tears around the corner of her eyes, trying to make her voice sound no cry.

As soon as daining sang, the bear at that end was really quiet.

Half an hour later, Daning's voice was hoarse, and Imelda's voice came from that end. "Don't sing, Miss Diana. The bear is asleep."

Hearing this, daining breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered: "yimeida, please take good care of the bear, I strive to go back tomorrow night!"

"Don't worry, Miss Diana." Imeda on the other end hung up.

After putting down the phone, daining leaned wearily on the head of the bed, but his heart was relaxed. After all, little bear no longer cried and fell asleep.

However, the chest pain is more and more serious, daining endure the needle like pain and pick up the milking machine to continue milking

Daining milked in the middle of the night intermittently. In the latter half of the night, he finally fell asleep.

When he woke up, daining suddenly opened his eyes and saw that the sun outside had risen so high.

Daining looked down at the wrist watch, it was nearly eight o'clock, daining did not care about the pain of needle pricking in the chest, and quickly got up to wash.

The Civil Affairs Bureau goes to work at 8:30. She and Lu Yiming have an appointment to meet at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau at 8:30.

The hotel is half an hour away from the Civil Affairs Bureau by taxi, and it will be late if there is no traffic jam.

Daining water can not afford to drink, let alone eat breakfast, a simple wash for a while, horsetail do not care to comb, then carry the bag out of the hotel door!

Taking a taxi in the morning rush hour is a little difficult. Daining is standing on the street frowning and staring at the taxi coming and going.

She has to go through the divorce procedures with Lu Yiming today, so she can't delay any more. Xiaoxiong is still waiting for her to take care of her. She doesn't want the relationship with Lu Yiming to change again. After all, he has someone around now, so it's time to let go.

Ringling Ringling

Daining just sat in a taxi, the mobile phone in the bag rang quickly.

"Civil Affairs Bureau!" Dai Ning said to the driver in front of him and took out his mobile phone. Looking down, he saw the phone number of Lu Yiming.

Seeing his number, Daning glanced at the wrist watch. It was already eight thirty-one.

She knew that Lu Yiming was urging her, so she answered the phone immediately.

As soon as the phone is connected, there comes Lu Yiming's rebuke. "Daning, please don't deliberately delay time. My time is precious. You'd better not play any tricks. I have to divorce you today. I won't change my mind!"

Hearing this, daining was not angry. "Lu Yiming, don't be sentimental. I don't have any nostalgia for you. It's the rush hour of traffic. It's hard to take a taxi. But I've already taken a taxi. Please wait a little longer. I'm divorced from you today!"

With that, daining hung up the phone angrily.

At the next moment, daining looked up to the taxi driver in front of him and said, "master, please drive faster. I have a hundred thousand things in urgent need."

The taxi driver in front of me has already heard the conversation between daining and the one on the phone. He can only shake his head helplessly and say: "Miss, that also needs to go step by step. This is a taxi, not a taxi plane. I can fly directly there!"

Daining was restless and did not take care of the taxi driver. He was very tired and distressed.

Lu Yiming, Lu Yiming, do you need to hurt yourself like this? It's not a good thing to say good separation, why divorce or can't talk well?

The taxi driver took Daning to his destination more than 20 minutes later.

After paying the money, daining got out of the car and felt nodding, heavy feet and chilly all over.Daining settled down in the spot, then folded up the thin windbreaker with both hands, and then quickly walked up the steps with his bag.

Entering the lobby on the first floor of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Dai Ning looked up and saw the tall and powerful man standing in the middle of the hall!

Seeing daining, Lu Yiming frowned, then raised his wrist, looked at the wrist watch, and said with a black face: "you are half an hour late. I thought you would not come."

For Lu Yiming's Yin Yang strange Qi, daining directly replied: "even if today's sky knife, I will come."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming's blue veins on his forehead are raised, and his eyes stare at daining's face.

Lu Yiming that can kill people's cold eyes let daining as if fell into the ice cellar, the heart also seems to be bleeding.

Daining don't look over his face. He felt that his whole body was in pain at the moment. He said coldly, "go in. Don't waste time here."

With that, daining went to the divorce window ahead.

The next moment, Lu Yiming followed the past with a black face.

There were a lot of divorcees on that day. Daning took a number thirty-eight and frowned because she quickly completed the divorce procedures and then bought a plane ticket to go back.

Glancing at the number 38 in daining's hand, Lu Yiming's eyes flashed. "I can't make it this morning. Come back in the afternoon."

Lu Ming is going to go.

Come back in the afternoon? In the afternoon, it is estimated that it will be dark. The latest flight from Jiangzhou to the capital of Western China is at 3:00 p.m., and she will certainly miss it.

Therefore, daining was eager to say: "no, it must be finished in the morning."

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