Hooked Boss

Chapter 1386

"That's what I should do. You're welcome." Aunt Fen said with a smile.

"We're going." Daning put the bag into the car and got on with the bear.

Then, under the watch of housekeeper aunt Fen, the taxi slowly drove away from the villa door.

Seeing that the taxi was far away, aunt Fen returned to the villa.

At this time, a black figure came out of the corner.

The figure was tall and tall, wearing a long black cashmere coat, with a touch of perseverance and melancholy between his gestures, especially a cigarette between his fingers, and the smoke curled up from his fingers.

Lu Yiming's eyes stare at the taxi which has disappeared in front of him for a moment. Xiao Wang behind him stepped forward carefully and said, "Mr. Lu, it's cold outside. Please get on the bus."

Speaking, the car has moved slowly from the corner to the back of the road Yiming.

Lu Yiming doesn't speak. He throws the cigarette butt between his fingers on the road, then turns around and bends down to get on the car

Daning and bear stayed in the crystal Jasmine boutique hotel. Although the guest room is not big, as long as she and bear can get along quietly for a few days, it is enough for her.

Little bear was sitting on the bed playing with toys. When daining was tidying up her bag, she suddenly saw the long pearl necklace. She could not help but secretly said, "I was at Lu's house just now. Why didn't you return the necklace to grandma bear?"

Daning patted his head and felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to use here.

But I can't help it. I can only wait for the next time I see grandma bear and give it back to her.

Su Qing and Qiao Li know that daining is taking a bear in the hotel, so Su Qing specially invites Qiao Li and daining to her home.

On that day, Su Qing's home was very busy.

Jolie and Daning have two babies. Su Qing's family has three babies. Only when they are old in winter, they don't fight with the children. The five little babies catch up with each other, play toys, play games together, and even fight. Su Qing's family has become a children's paradise.

Su Qing asked the cook to cook a big table of dishes. Three women with six babies were a big table full of food. Little bear loved to eat since childhood. Daining fed him a lot of food. After eating, he played with his brothers and sisters. He didn't sleep all day. He was crazy.

In the evening, Lin Feng came to pick up Qiao Li and the children. Qiao Li was so happy that she followed Lin Feng.

Looking at Lin Feng busy, holding the child, taking care of Qiao Li's appearance, daining heart suddenly slipped a touch of heartache.

After Qiao Li followed Lin Feng, daining said goodbye to Su Qing with little bear. "Sister Su, Xiaoxiong and I have also gone back."

On hearing this, Su Qing took daining's hand and said, "you and bear will stay here for two days. It's very cold outside. Don't rush about any more. You can see that I have cooks here to cook and people to play with bear. We can still talk."

For Su Qing's retention, daining is very grateful, but daining knows that Su Qing's family has three babies, and close the curtain deep will go home, she and bear live here, always feel uncomfortable.

So, afterwards, daining said with a smile, "I haven't returned the hotel room, and bear's clothes are still there. We'd better go back."

Su Qing knows Dai Ning's character too well. She never wants to add trouble to others, so Su Qing is not good at forcing her.

Later, Su Qing said, "I'll let the driver see you off."

Dai Ning just wanted to say something, but Su Qing said with a smile: "you can't refuse this. It's very cold outside. If you stand for a taxi for half a day, it will freeze our bear."

With that, Su Qing reached out and touched the bear's face.

"Good." Daning accepted with a smile.

Later, daining will hold the bear and ride back to the hotel in Suqing's car.

Daning and bear were tired of playing all day. After eating something at night, they went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Daning reached for the bear and found that his body was very hot.

Daning can't help but be surprised, because bear was more than half a year old, had two high fever, at that time were hospitalized for intravenous drip, Daning was scared to death.

Then, daining touched the bear's head and found that his head was also hot.

The next moment, Daning turned on the light.

In the bright light, Daning saw the little bear's fat face red.

Dianing, who has had several experiences, knows that the bear has a fever, and the temperature is not low.

For a moment, Daning was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

She got up quickly, dressed, and walked back and forth on the carpet twice.

What to do? What should I do?

She didn't expect the bear to have a high fever, so she didn't prepare any antipyretic drugs at all.

Look at the watch. It's just over 12 o'clock. It's still early when it's morning.

She wants to go out to get medicine for bear, but she is not sure that bear is alone in the hotel.

Helpless, daining had to dial 120.

"Hello, my child has a high fever. Please send an ambulance right away!" As soon as the phone is connected, daining is eager."High fever? Madam, there have been several serious traffic accidents in the downtown area tonight. The ambulance can't line up now. If the child has a high fever, you'd better bring the child to the hospital by yourself. I'm really sorry! " Finish saying, that end then hang up the phone.

"Hello? Hello Su Qing wants to say something, but the phone has been hung up.

Daining looked down at the sleeping bear. It seemed that he could only take him to the hospital.

But at this point, the location of the hotel is relatively biased, and it is difficult to get a taxi. Dai Ning was the first to think of Su Qing and Qiao Li, but he thought about it and gave up.

It's midnight now, they go to bed early, and they all have several babies. A phone call by themselves will surely wake them up.

Thinking about it, Daning thought of a person.

But think of him, daining and feel very embarrassed, so looking at the mobile phone will frown.

She didn't want to call Lu Yiming, let alone ask him to help.

But on second thought, now it's not that he needs him, he wants him to help, but his son needs him. Since he has admitted that bear is his son, then bear is his responsibility.

After making up his mind, daining dialed Lu Yiming's mobile phone number.

Ringling Ringling

The phone only rings twice, and the other end answers.

"Hello?" At that end came Lu Yiming's unique low voice.

"I..." Hearing his voice, daining suddenly felt a tight heart, even a pause.

"Daning, is that you?" Hearing daining's hesitation, Lu Yiming's tone is with a touch of tension.

"I'm Daning, it's bear, bear he..." Dai Ning cleared his throat and said in a quick voice.

"What's wrong with bear?" The voice at that end was extremely tense.

"Bear has a high fever. You Can you come and take him to the hospital? " Daining looked at the red faced bear with a burning heart.

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