Hooked Boss

Chapter 1390

It's been half a year. Maybe he's found the other half, too? Maybe she's busy dating now. Maybe, Daning can't help laughing at herself.

Daining turned to think again, she and he are divorced, people look for who is not justified? How can I be so narrow now?

However, anyway, when I went to Lujia to see the bear, daining felt a little depressed.

Naturally, Lu Mu was considerate and warm-hearted. She always wanted to stay with daining for dinner and lodging, and daining declined one by one.

She understood Lu Mu's meaning, but now that she has made up her mind, she should not procrastinate. The day is very peaceful now. Although she can't see the bear often, she lives a very peaceful life. She creates her own life by her own hands, and there is no longer any pain and sadness.

Daining then said to Xiao Wu, "the store is too busy this month. After a few days, I will go to see the bear again."

Ringling Ringling

At this time, Daning's mobile phone rang without warning.

Dai Ning takes out the mobile phone, looks down, can't help but twist the eyebrow.

Lu Yifan's phone number flickers on the mobile phone screen. Lu Yifan seldom contacts with him. When he calls her this time, daining suddenly feels uneasy.

"Yifan?" Then Daning put through the phone.

Then, there came Lu Yifan's deep and sad voice. "Sister Ning."

Hearing the sound, Daning realized that it was wrong and stood up. "Yifan, what's the matter?"

Daining suddenly had an ominous feeling.

"Sister Ning, mother's cancer cells are spreading." There was a cry at the end.

Hearing the speech, daining couldn't help being flustered!

"How could that happen? What's the situation now? " Daining asked eagerly.

In the past two years, Lu Mu's condition has been well controlled. How could she suddenly relapse?

The other end then replied: "Mom's in poor health. The doctor said that there won't be many days. Mom is in the hospital now and can't take care of the bear. So if you have time, can you go back to Jiangzhou to take care of the bear, and Mom wants to see you, too

Lu Yifan's voice with a request, things to this step, daining did not think, then nodded: "OK, I'll book tomorrow's plane ticket."

After hanging up the phone, daining slowly sat on the card seat, unable to accept this fact for a long time.

The next morning, daining got on the plane back to Jiangzhou.

Dai Ning did not go to Lu's home, but went directly to Lu Mu's hospital.

Xiaoqiu was waiting at the door of the inpatient department early. Seeing daining, she rushed to meet her. "Sister Ning."

"Xiaoqiu, how is grandma bear Daining asked eagerly.

Besides, when I was in the hospital for a month, my mother's eyelid was not spreading. As a result, my mother's eyelid had been spreading for a month It won't last a few days. "

Speaking of this, Xiaoqiu tears like rain.

Although daining had psychological preparation, but still in the heart abnormal uncomfortable.

Later, Dai Ningcai asked, "are you and your baby OK?"

Two months ago, Xiaoqiu gave birth to a little princess. Lu's family was immersed in happiness. Unexpectedly, she encountered such bad news again.

"We're all fine." Xiao Qiu wiped her tears and answered.

Daining nodded and followed Xiao Qiu all the way to Lu Mu's ward.

Xiaoqiu pushes the door of the ward gently, and daining feels depressed as soon as he goes in.

There was no sound in the ward, and Mrs. Lu was lying in the hospital bed. She had no spirit at all. She was as good as dead.

Lu Yiming and Lu Yifan are sitting on both sides of the hospital bed. Each of them holds Lu Mu's hand. Their looks are very haggard. Maybe they have suffered mental and physical torture these days.

"Mom, sister Ning is here." Xiao Qiu goes to the front road.

At this time, Lu Yiming raised his eyes, and daining's eyes also glanced at him. After half a year, their eyes finally collided at this moment.

In an instant, daining put his eyes on Lu Mu's face and said with a smile, "Hello, auntie."

When calling auntie, daining's eyes turn red. Thinking about Lu Mu, who used to be so red and even full of teeth and claws, is now suffering from illness.

At this time, Lu Yiming has stood up, went to the window, and carried his back.

Lu Yifan stood up and made room for daining.

Daining glanced at the back in front of the window, then went up and sat down in front of the hospital bed and took Lu Mu's hand. "I haven't seen you these days. You are much thinner," he said

Lu Mu was powerless: "daining, I thought I would never see you in my life."

Hearing this, daining not only felt sad, but also held back tears and said, "you have not seen me? You must be strong. You said you would like to see the bear grow up. "

At this time, Lu Mu's eyes were filled with infinite regret. "Bear, please Take care of it. "For a moment, Daning didn't know what to say.

But Lu Mu didn't have much sadness in her eyes. Then, he looked at Lu Yifan and said, "Yifan, I want to talk with daining and your brother Say something. "

"Good." Lu Yifan is also red eyes, hurry to pull Xiaoqiu out of the ward.

After the door of the ward was closed, only Lu Mu, Lu Yiming and daining were left in the room.

"Yiming!" Lu Mu made an effort to shout.

Smell speech, Lu Yiming a turn, daining seems to see a wet thing in his eyes, but that wipe things fleeting, we can see that he is also trying to control his emotions.

Lu Yiming then sat on the other side of Lu Mu and said with a smile, "Mom, you are not in good health. Don't talk more."

At this time, daining has a premonition that Lu Yifan and Xiao Qiu will go away. She should say something to her and Lu Yiming.

Dai Ning looks up at Lu Yiming. She can feel that Lu Yiming doesn't want her mother to speak.

At the next moment, Lu Mu frowned and said, "I know I haven't had a few days. Do you want me to take what I want to say into the coffin?"

Lu Mu's words let Lu Yiming hang his head and stop talking.

Lu Mu glanced at her son, then turned to daining and said with a smile, "daining, I know you are a good child. I was wrong before, and I always looked at you."

"Auntie, it's all in the past. Don't mention it any more." Daining said quickly.

Lu Mu nodded and said, "yes, it's all over. Daning, in my lifetime, can I hear you call me mom again?"

Hearing this, daining suddenly raised his head and gazed at his mother. For a while, he didn't know how to refuse.

At the moment, she can't bear to say no, but if she doesn't refuse, how can she call her mother? Because calling her mother means

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