Hooked Boss

Chapter 1405

At this moment, Lu Yiming saw the pain in daining's eyes, and could not help frowning. His eyes were full of guilt and heartache.

Later, Lu Yiming came forward and said, "Daning, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. You've suffered so much. Please believe me, and I'll make up for you and bear!"

Dai Ning's eyes turned red and wiped a tear with the back of his hand. Then he sneered and said, "Lu Yiming, little bear is your son. You should compensate him. But I don't have anything to do with you. I don't have any relationship with you. It's over

Smell speech, Lu Yiming's eyes are full of depression. "Daning, for bear's sake, can't you give me a chance? I know you are angry. You can beat me or scold me, but it's time for the three of us to get together. Do you want bear to live in an incomplete family

For Lu Yiming's words, although Dai Ning was very sad, he still said firmly: "you don't want to kidnap me with a bear. It's better to live in an incomplete family than to live in a family full of hatred and quarrel every day. In this way, I feel very good. I love bear, and you love bear. If you want him, you can come to see him. When he is older, he can go to you

"Daning..." What else does Lu Yiming want to say.

Daning interrupted him immediately. "Lu Yiming, the harm you have caused to others is not something that you can erase with a word of apology and compensation as much as you can in the future. If you have killed a person, the reason why you can still let that person live is the same. The past is the past, and the past will never come back. You are a smart man. You should understand what I mean. It's very late, and bear should go to bed."

With that, daining walked to the door of his home with little bear in his arms.

"Daddy, Daddy!" The bear lying on daining's shoulder shouts while waving his little hand to Lu Yiming.

When he got to the gate, daining suddenly stopped, then turned around and said coldly on the other side of the road: "you are my neighbor. I'm very welcome. I can't stop the landlord from renting the house to you. But you'd better not take advantage of being my neighbor. I've been immune to you for a long time."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming moved his eyebrows. Smile said: "but the virus will also mutate, daining, I am not the original me now."

Daining was too lazy to talk to him. He squinted at him and turned to go.

However, at this time, the bear lying on daining's shoulder is a tearful way: "Ma Ma, Ma Ma, I want to sleep with Dad, I want to sleep with Dad!"

Maybe it's because Daning hasn't responded all the time. In the end, bear even swung his fist and hit him twice on Daning's shoulder.

Seeing that bear is crying for himself, Lu Yiming's lips are crooked, and he says, "daining, you've been tired for a day. Why don't you let me take care of bear at night?"

Lu Yiming is in a consultative tone, but daining is still very angry about bear's heartlessness.

At the next moment, daining turned around and walked to Lu Yiming. Then he put the bear in his arms and said: "little white eyed wolf, you can sleep with anyone you like."

With that, Daning turned around and walked into her own door and slammed it shut!

The bear, who was held in his arms by Lu Yiming, was frightened by the sound of closing the gate. Then he looked at Lu Yiming and said, "numb, angry, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Lu Yiming touched the bear's head and said, "Ma Ma Ma is not angry with little bear, but Ma Ma is angry with Dad, so don't worry about it."

At this time, bear was holding Lu Yiming's neck with his arms and said, "but little bear doesn't want to be angry with dad either."

Hearing this, Lu Yiming pulled his lower lip, both relieved and sad.

Later, he can only comfort the bear: "don't worry, Ma Ma Ma won't be angry with dad tomorrow."

"Then I go to bed early today, get up early tomorrow, and go to kindergarten obediently, so as not to make me angry." Little bear's innocent way.

After listening to his son's clever words, Lu Yiming said with a smile: "OK, we go to bed early and get up early."

Afterwards, Lu Yiming walked into the gate with little bear in his arms.

Daining vigorously slammed the door, then turned to throw the bag, took off his coat, and sat on the sofa sulking.

At the sound of slamming the door, imeda ran out of the bedroom.

Seeing Daning's angry face, imeda frowned and asked, "Miss Diana, what's the matter with you? Who made you so angry? "

In imeda's impression, Daning's character is gentle and elegant, rarely angry so much.

"It's not the heartless one!" Daning was so angry that his stomach was bulging.

"Who has no conscience?" Imelda could not help but take a look at the direction of the gate.

Then Imelda said, "Miss Diana, you probably don't know? Mr. Lu has rented our opposite door, and he has already moved here in the afternoon. "

"I met him just now." Daining can't help getting the way.Seeing daining's angry appearance, imeda said with a smile, "Miss Diana, is Mr. Lu the one who has no conscience?"

Hearing this, daining could not help saying, "does he deserve to be scolded by me?"

On hearing this, imeda knew she was wrong.

Later, imeda said, "Miss Diana, no wonder the opposite door has been cleaning up the house and buying furniture for the past two days. It turns out that the landlord rented it to Mr. Lu. By the way, I met the landlord of the opposite door this afternoon. She was very happy and said that she rented a very good price, which is twice of our rent! "

After listening to yimeida's words, Dai Ning realized that Lu Yiming had planned for a long time.

He asked others to recharge his store with 10000 cards in advance, and then deliberately rented the house opposite her. He also went to his own store to work every day. This is just Sima Zhao's heart - everyone knows it!

But she will not let him succeed, even if he wants more ways, she will not return to him, everything is his wishful thinking.

Seeing daining's silence for a long time, imeda asked, "by the way, why hasn't bear come back so late?"

Hearing this, daining's anger was not over. He said, "he loves to come back. Anyway, it's a heartless thing."

After hearing this, Imelda understood that what Miss Diana said was a little bear.

Why are you angry with him? By the way, is bear right across the door? Shall I knock on the door and pick up the bear? " Imada then asked.

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