Hooked Boss

Chapter 1444

After hearing this, daining retorted, "Hey, how much have I sacrificed for you in recent years? Should you sacrifice for me? "

As soon as daining's voice was raised, Lu Yiming quickly comforted him and said, "OK, OK, now it's my turn to sacrifice for you. It's OK. I'll stay here with you. As for the business of the group, if there is a sail, let him hold it first! "

Smell speech, Dai Ning is again frown way: "say come back, Yifan OK?"? Can you stand it? "

Lu Yiming raised her eyebrows and said, "there was a little trouble in the past year, but fortunately, I have dealt with all of them. In recent years, the group has been relatively smooth. Yifan will not make any big trouble as long as it is diligent at ordinary times. "

Hearing this, daining nodded and said, "that's good."

Later, Lu Yiming and Daning are looking at the bear and flirting with each other. During this period, they have been clasping their fingers and enjoying each other's longest love confession

On this day, the three of them had a very good time.

After returning home, Lu Yiming helps bear take a bath. After going to bed, daining tells the bear a story.

At half past nine, bear finally fell asleep.

Dai Ning just breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the pajamas to the bathroom to take a bath.

Soaking in the bathtub, Daning felt exhausted and taken away by the hot water.

While enjoying the package of hot water in the bathtub, suddenly the door of the bathroom was opened from the outside!

The next moment, Lu Yiming, wearing a bathrobe, came in.

See Lu Yiming suddenly into the bathroom, daining can't help but embrace himself with both hands, frown asked: "Hey, people are taking a bath, you go out quickly!"

At this time, Lu Yiming is ambiguous smile, looking at the bathtub people, way: "you a person wash too lonely, I come to accompany you."

With that, Lu Yiming untied the waistband of his bathrobe.

See, Daning, don't look away. "You go out quickly. I'll wash it right away. When I'm done, you can do it again!"

But Daning's protest didn't work at all.

Then, a giant stepped into the bathtub.

Daning let out a scream. "Ah..."

Then Daning got up to run away.

However, Lu Yiming grabs daining's wrist and pulls her back.

Then, there was a mandarin duck playing in the water in the bathroom

The night was deep outside, but the room was full of love.

After a rain cloud, daining lies in the arm of Lu Yiming, complaining all the time. "Well, I promised others clearly, but I didn't mean what I said!"

Smell speech, Lu Yiming embraces Dai Ning bright and clean shoulder, smile way: "I also have to help you take a bath, OK?"

"Who wants it? I hate it Daning gave it a squeeze.

"OK, I'll be in charge of the bear tomorrow morning, OK? You rest. " The way Lu Yiming flatters.

"Imada is back, OK? Where else can I use you? " Daining pouted.

Yimeida has been back a few days ago, but now Daning and Lu Yiming are reunited. She is afraid that it will be inconvenient, so she lives in the opposite door.

"Since you don't need me, I'll hold you to sleep." With that, Lu Yiming hugged daining and closed his eyes.

Seeing Lu Yiming's attachment to himself, Dai Ning can't help but pull at the corners of his mouth. There is no way to take him.

However, she felt very happy in her heart.

Then she turned off the wall lamp and closed her eyes

This night, Daning slept very soundly and soundly.

It was not until she felt a caterpillar crawling on her cheek that she opened her lazy eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, daining saw Lu Yiming sitting beside his bed dressed neatly. His eyes were looking at her.

Seeing this, daining could not help rubbing his sleepy eyes. "What time is it?"

"Eight o'clock." Lu Yiming replied.

Hearing this, daining could not help frowning: "it's eight o'clock? It's time for bear to go to kindergarten

Said, daining would like to get up, but, Lu Yiming is to reach out and press her on the pillow. "Don't worry, imeda has sent bear to kindergarten."

"Oh." Hearing this, Dai Ning was relieved.

Later, Lu Yiming said, "you were tired last night. I should go to work."

Daning's face turned red when he heard this!

Last night, he didn't keep his promise at all, and he asked too much. However, she felt very happy.

Seeing her blushing, Lu Yiming's fingers slipped over daining's smooth face and joked, "how many times have you been so shy as a first married girl? When you can let me feel your enthusiasm. "

Hearing this, daining glanced at him. Sour way: "I was born cold, if you don't like, go to find a good enthusiasm for you."With that, daining stopped looking and pretended to be angry.

Seeing Dai Ning's angry appearance, Lu Yiming sighs. "Well, if you are indifferent, you will be indifferent. Who makes me like you? After a big deal, I will be warm to you."

"Disgusting!" Hearing the speech, daining couldn't help laughing.

Seeing daining smile, Lu Yiming felt relieved and said: "you will go to the coffee shop later, and you will fight again in the evening."

Hearing this, daining couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the tie between his neck, he raised his chin and said, "haven't you heard a word? The land can't be ploughed, only the dead cattle! "

Hearing this, Lu Yiming can't help but pick her eyebrows, and then bow his head and laugh.

"Well, what are you laughing at?" Daining frowned when he saw his tears coming out of his smile.

After laughing, Lu Yiming gazed at daining with a pair of burning eyes and said, "I didn't expect you would say this kind of story. It seems that you have made great progress."

On hearing this, daining's face was even redder, but she still pretended to be calm: "I've been in the world for a long time in recent years. There are all kinds of customers in the coffee shop, and not all of them are polite. I'll listen to some meat jokes from time to time. If you want to listen, I have a lot of them here. I can tell you slowly!"

At this time, Lu Yiming pulled his face and said sullenly in his eyes: "I think you can't open that cafe any more. If you open it again, you will learn to be bad."

"I've failed in my studies, OK?" Seeing that he seems to care about his environment, daining can't help but smile provocatively.

"Then you can only be bad to me!" Lu Yiming suddenly pulls daining into his arms. His eyes are full of exclusive desire.

Feeling the strength of his arms, Daning is very helpful, but still a pinch. Twist eyebrow way: "you light a bit, OK? You hurt me

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