Hooked Boss

Chapter 149

Guan Dushen has been frozen in Su Qing's body. Fortunately, they are covered with quilts, not naked.

Seeing Qiao Li, Su Qing immediately screamed. "Ah

Then he went to the armpit deep in the evening.

Where has Jolie experienced such a situation? Standing there, her legs seem to be filled with lead, her eyes are staring at the two people who are playing folding, and her mouth is already wide enough to swallow table tennis.

"Not yet?" Although Guan Dushen did not change her face, she was still quite dissatisfied with Jolie who was still staring at them.

After being reminded, Jolie immediately turned her back and turned red. After all, she is still a yellow flower girl. Where has she seen this kind of real life version?

"You You go on, I'll go first! " Jolie turned and went in the direction of the gate.

But also feel a bit wrong, quickly turned back to pull the sliding door, but also said a loud to the inside. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Damn it, it's going to be a needle hole tonight." Jolie mumbled out of the door.

When the door is vigorously closed when the voice of the door, Su Qingcai red face push the close of the deep. "It's all your fault. I'm ashamed to see people now!"

"Why don't you have the face to see people? We are unmarried men and unmarried women. We are aboveboard. Besides, we still have an ex husband and an ex-wife. " Guan Dushen has a serious face.

"You said? I had an appointment with Jolie to come to my house for dinner tonight, and as soon as you pester me, I forget everything Su Qingzhen wanted to cry without tears.

On hearing this, Guan Dushen laughed. "It shows that you have just reached the state of selflessness."

"Disgusting!" Su Qing's small fist swung to Guan Mu's sexy chest.

However, her fists were just soft bread for him, and he was smiling and letting her fight.

However, after a few dozen punches, Su Qing collapsed. Guan Dushen did not feel at all. He felt that the wolf was tickling him.

After Su Qing collapsed, he took the opportunity to attack the city again

"Are you coming?" Of course, she was reluctant to protest.

He fixed her hands on the two sides of the pillow, his eyes with conquering light, gasped: "everything must be done from beginning to end, we can't give up halfway!"

Oh, my God! It's going to continue. Do you want to work so hard?

"You..." Su Qing opened her mouth to protest.

Guan Dushen naturally won't give her such a chance. He directly sealed her lips, and then he began to continue to twist the twist

When everything calmed down, there was a dim wall lamp in the bedroom.

The room was strewn with scattered clothes, messy sheets, and heavy breathing.

Su Qing was tired and lying in his arms with her eyes closed. After running outside for a day, she was really sleepy and couldn't lift her eyelids.

His fingers slid down her shoulder to her fingers. Vaguely, something cool was suddenly put on the ring finger of his left hand.

She couldn't help wringing her eyebrows and asked softly, "what are you doing?"

"Just look at it." The breath from his nose sprayed on her cheek and made her shrink her neck.

Su Qing frowned, forced to hold up the spirit, opened his eyes, raised his left hand, a glittering glitter on his fingers, the light is more than the wall lamp.

See a ring on the hand, Su Qing immediately came to the spirit.

What's more, the ring on her hand is a little exaggerated. The main stone of the luxurious group set diamond ring is huge, surrounded by countless bright small diamonds. She has seen this kind of diamond ring, but it is all in magazines. Only the wives of stars and rich people will wear them to show off.

After staring at the big diamond ring on his hand for a long time, Su Qing turned his eyes and looked at Guan Dushen, and asked in dismay, "what do you mean?"

Guan evening deep mouth a pull, stretched out his hand to hold her left hand, lightly way: "how to get married also want to have a ring, so I asked Lin Feng to help me order one."

"You don't have to buy this big one, then? How much does it cost? " Su Qing still bowed his head and sighed at the big diamond ring on his hand.

However, there was an idea that she could not get on the stage. It was better to use the money as a betrothal gift for her. She could also use the money to make money. It was estimated that this big diamond ring would cost millions, which would be dead money.

However, she did not dare to say such words. She was afraid that she would be ridiculed by him and that he would ridicule his own money fans.

At this time, Guan Dushen suddenly said with a trace of guilt in his eyes: "I was too careless when I got married last time. I just bought you a diamond ring casually. This time, I'll make up the best one for you."

Hearing this, Su Qing has chuckled.

Bowing his head and fiddling with the diamond ring on his hand, he said in a child's anger, "then you have to buy me a safe."

"What do you mean?" Guan Mu asked with a deep frown.Su Qing raised her eyes and said with a smile, "I'm afraid that a big diamond ring will be stolen by thieves."

After hearing this, Guan Dushen raised his eyebrows and said, "it's a problem, but it's really troublesome to buy another safe. It's better for you to live in my house tomorrow. Anyway, there is a big safe in my house. You can put as many things as you like!"

"Good." Su Qing nodded immediately.

However, seeing the smile on Guan Dushen's face, she immediately felt that she was surrounded by him.

"Why did you stay in your house? And when did I promise to marry you? Will I marry you if you give me a broken ring The next moment, in Guan Dushen's smile, Su Qing reaches out to take off the ring.

However, where is the ring that can be easily removed?

Guan Dushen grabs Su Qing's left hand and clasps his palm with her ten fingers. She feels a little pain.

As soon as Su Qing looked up, she bumped into a pair of deep and burning eyes. She gazed at him and felt that his eyes were different from those at ordinary times.

At the moment, his eyes are focused, persistent and affectionate, and he doesn't know where to go with the alienation, coldness and arrogance of the past.

Then, he announced in a domineering way. "You have put on my ring, you can't take it off again if you regret it!"

Smell speech, Su Qing feel now the atmosphere is good serious, so can't help but smile: "I still sell you, can't it?"

Originally it was just a joke, but Guan Dushen took it seriously. His other big hand grabbed her soft shoulder, but she could not help but wring her eyebrows.

"From now on, you will be my old woman in this life!" Guan Dushen announced on her head.

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