Hooked Boss

Chapter 1510

Dong Dong

At this time, the door was knocked twice, and the door was pushed open without waiting for the outside people to come in!

"Lawyer Guan, president Zhang of the bar association and his party have arrived and have been arranged to the conference room." When Jennie spoke, her eyes turned on Ning xiner.

Smell speech, Guan Qizheng affected a eyebrow, and then said: "you go to greet first, I'll come later."

"Yes." Jane nodded and took the door.

"Since you have something to do, I'll go first." Ning xiner is an interesting person. Naturally, she won't disturb others. What's more, she has finished all the things she should say at work.

At this time, Ning xiner closed the previous budget and put it into baonei.

Seeing this, Guan Qizheng said: "I have arranged for Sun Yi to connect with you. He is in his office now. You can go to him. In addition, this work should not be completed in a day or two. For the convenience of your connection, I have prepared an office for you here to save you from running back and forth. "

As he spoke, Guan Qizheng stood up.

At the moment, Ning xiner, standing in front of her desk, could not help but stir her eyebrows, and then declined: "thank you for your kindness. I don't think so. After all, he never told me so..."

However, the next moment, Guan Qizheng interrupted Ning xiner. "I have already communicated with you Mr. He, who totally agrees with me. If you don't believe it, you can go back and communicate with Mr. He. I think this is a very good proposal for the efficient completion of the work. I hope you can cooperate. "

After hearing this, Ning xiner knew that her opposition was invalid, and she said, "I'll go to Sun Yi to connect with her first."

"Good." Guan Qizheng made a point.

Later, Guan Qizheng and Ning xiner walked out of the office together.

Guan Qizheng walks to the conference room, while Ning xiner goes to Sun Yi's office.

Sun Yi used to work with Ning xiner, and Sun Yi is also Guan Qizheng's most valued person. Sun Yi understands the relationship between Ning xiner and Guan Qizheng, so Sun Yi is very good at communication. As long as it does not violate the professional ethics of lawyers and does not affect the interests of Qizheng law firm, he will cooperate with Ning xiner very well.

In Sun Yi's office, Ning xiner receives a short message from he Xianghua, which is exactly the same as what Guan Qizheng said. In order to avoid her running around, he Xianghua allows Ning xiner to work in the office that Guan Qizheng has prepared for her for the past few days, until the task is completed.

Ning xiner knows that they are all good intentions, but it is so close to Guan Qizheng that she can meet him almost every day, but she can only accept it.

Sun Yi takes Ning xiner to the office she has prepared for her. It is next door to Sun Yi's office. It is a very good office. Although the area is not large, the vision is wide. You can overlook half of Jiangzhou city. The green plants on the desk are obviously new and fresh.

Seeing that Ning xiner's hand touched the cactus on the desk, Sun Yi said with a smile: "this is specially allowed by lawyer Guan, saying that it can absorb the radiation of the computer."

Hearing the speech, Ning xiner smiles.

Before, she took care of him with all her heart for three years. Did he ever care about himself? Now he is very thoughtful.

Ning xiner knows that she is here to work, not to hurt the scene, so she put her heart and soul into the work, as for the feelings of constant cutting and confusion can only be left behind.

In order to avoid meeting with Guan Qizheng, Ning xiner usually comes early and leaves early, because she knows the habit of Guan Qizheng. He always comes on time in the morning and works overtime in the office for one or two hours at night. In this way, she can avoid him perfectly.

For the next two days, Ning xiner and Sun Yi kept communicating, but they didn't really meet Guan Qizheng. However, Jennie, the Secretary of Qizheng, would report to her office every day.

Jennie either brought some fruit or brought a cup of coffee and said something innocuous.

To tell the truth, Ning xiner hates her very much, but she can't tear her face. She can only perfunctorily.

But what Jennie means is that Ning xiner knows very well that she is here to spy on intelligence, and she can also say some words to demonstrate to her.

Although it was disgusting in her heart, she felt that this Jeanine was as infatuated as herself. After so many years, she actually got less than herself. She was only in love with Guan Qizheng. Apart from her work, Guan Qizheng didn't give her any hope, but she was still fighting.

In fact, Ning xiner is also very sad. In those days, she was like her, dreaming that one day Guan Qizheng would find her own good and fall in love with her. However, this dream has been broken countless times. Now Ning xiner has lost a little confidence.

Sometimes, she looks at Jennie is very poor, but she is not much better. Although she is not waiting for Guan Qizheng and wants to move Guan Qizheng like Jane, she still loves him in her heart. This love has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and it is not completely changed. Maybe it can not be eliminated.She's a little bit better than Jennie, she's still rational, she's got the last bit of self-esteem.

In the next few days, Ning xiner worked day and night, and was almost finished. She was relieved.

She can finally leave this suffocating place, and she really does not want to stay in Qizheng office for a second.

She knows that Guan Qizheng's office is actually two doors away from her own office. She has been working here for a week, and he has never stepped into his own office.

These two days, Jennie did not come, perhaps she also understood that she would not threaten her superior position.

In fact, no one can threaten Jennie to go to the top. If she doesn't pass the exam, she won't be given the chance to go to the top. She just doesn't understand.

This afternoon, Ning xiner suddenly remembered that some of her former things were still in Guan Qizheng's home.

Although those things are not valuable, they are all meaningful, so Ning xiner wants to get those books and souvenirs back.

It's just that she doesn't want to go to Guan Qizheng's office. After all, he hasn't stepped into his own office these days.

Ning Xin'er left a few minutes late this day.

Passing by Guan Qizheng's office, she stopped for a moment, but hesitated for a moment and left.

While waiting for the elevator, Ning Xin'er's brain is thinking wildly.

Do not want to, but there is a figure has quietly come to her side.

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