Hooked Boss

Chapter 1682

At this time, Ning xiner can't help laughing at herself: isn't she all put down? Now I think of Guan Qizheng's deep love for Su Qing, why can't we look at it? Maybe it's not because she can't see it, but because she can't get rid of it all the time?

At this time, Jane couldn't help worrying: "you said that my dead ghost would not lose his job? He now has an annual salary of 700000. If he is unemployed, if he goes outside to look for a job, he will certainly not have the money. Will he not be able to give us the living expenses in the future? What can I do then? "

Seeing Jane's sad face, Ning xiner advised: "don't worry. Even if it's a liquidation of such a large group as Shengda, it's estimated that someone will take over. As long as someone takes over, he must need employees. As long as he has real talent and practical learning, he will certainly be left to work."

Jane felt a little relieved at this.

Then, Jane suddenly said, "in fact, it's good for him to lose his job. As soon as he loses his job, maybe his wife will divorce him. Then he will come to Sanya to find our mother and son."

Hearing this, Ning Xin'er frowned: "but does his wife know that you exist? Maybe what he said about his bad relationship with his wife is just an excuse? Jane, I think it's better for you to think more about yourself. "

"What else can I do for myself now? I just sometimes care about him asking for some money. If he doesn't want our mother and son one day, we can live. " Jane's sad way.

After hearing this, Ning Xin'er lowered her head and was silent.

She doesn't know what will happen to Jane in the end, but her hunch is that Jane and her children will be in a difficult situation.

After Jane left, Ning xiner's heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Although the chairman of Shengda went in this time and Shengda was also wound up, the hundred foot beetle died without being rigid. The relationship behind Shengda's large group must be complicated. Therefore, Ning xiner is very worried about Guan Qizheng and his safety.

For a few days, Ning xiner was a little uneasy. She didn't know what was going on in Jiangzhou. However, she tried to do something else to divert her attention. She knew that no matter what happened after Guan Qizheng, it was his own creation and had nothing to do with her. He was just the father of her child. Out of consideration for the child, she wanted the child His father has been safe, although the child in his stomach still does not know when he can recognize the father.

This day, Jane asked xiner to go to the mall to buy things for children.

Seeing Ning xiner, Jane couldn't help laughing and said: "Xin'er, the ghost called me yesterday. He was very happy. Shengda was reorganized. He was left in his original job. His salary is expected to be a little less this year. But at least we don't have to lose our jobs and cut our salary substantially. He will still call me on time for the maintenance of my children and me!"

Seeing Jane's happy look, Ning xiner said with a smile, "that's good. You don't have to worry every day."

"Well, although I have spent a lot of savings before, I don't want to see the father of the child have an accident. With him to support us, I will buy my own money for financial management, which will make me feel more secure." Jane laughs.

"It seems that we usually have to save a little more money so that we can not panic when things happen." Ning xiner said with a smile.

"Of course. By the way, my family's ghost who said that the chairman of Shengda wanted to retaliate against Guan Qizheng, but they didn't get good fruit. After the reorganization of Shengda, they didn't dare to mess around. It is said that the guans also gave those people a chance to settle down, so they won't have to worry about Guan Qizheng in the future. You don't have to worry about it any more! " Jane said as she picked out the children's clothes.

"I When did I worry? " Hearing this, Ning xiner immediately denied it.

Jane said with a smile, "OK, don't pretend. I don't know you yet? In fact, you have not completely let go of Guan Qizheng. "

Ning Xin'er, however, immediately explained, "after all, he is the father of my child. I just don't want the child to lose his father."

"But I really don't know what you think. You are pregnant, he divorced you, and you didn't even ask for alimony. The ghost of my family doesn't have much money. Guan Qizheng is different. He is a gold medal lawyer and has a lawyer's office. He makes a lot of money. Moreover, I heard that his parents left him a lot of inheritance. It's good if you want to build a real estate. You and your children don't have to worry about it in the future. " Jane nagged as she picked things up.

However, Ning xiner turned a deaf ear to her nagging, but she was glad that Guan Qizheng had nothing to do with her, and now all the crisis has been solved. Everything is calm. He should also resume a peaceful life. However, his deep love for Su Qing is useless. I don't know whether there will be a woman who can enter his heart in the future. It's hard, but What you can't do is not necessarily what others can't.

In the next few days, Jane will bring some news from Jiangzhou and Shengda from time to time, but there is no news about Guan Qizheng.

Ning xiner's life soon fell into peace. She did housework, cooking, shopping and walking every day. She lived a peaceful life.On that day, the weather was rather gloomy, and the temperature dropped a lot.

Ning xiner opened the refrigerator and saw that there was not much food in it. The weather forecast said that there would be a rainstorm in the next two days, which was definitely not conducive to going out, so she decided to go out and buy some food.

Ning xiner finds a loose black windbreaker from the wardrobe to put it on, because there is a hat on the windbreaker, even if it rains for a while.

Ning Xin'er went to a large supermarket near her apartment. The vegetables and fruits in this supermarket are very fresh, and there will be special prices after five o'clock in the afternoon, so she often comes to buy things at this time.

Ning xiner pushed the shopping cart, bought some vegetables and fruits, and then came to the seasoning area. There was no soy sauce at home. She wanted to buy a bottle of soy sauce.

She is in front of the shelf to concentrate on the selection of soy sauce, a pair of men's feet appeared at one end of the shelf.

His eyes fell on Ning xiner's body, and his eyes were full of missing. A hook between the corners of his mouth revealed a warm smile.

Ning Xin'er, who is selecting soy sauce, suddenly sees a figure staring at her from the corner of her eyes more than ten meters away.

She couldn't help but feel flustered. She was very alert because she was living alone recently, because a woman should pay special attention to safety.

The next moment, Ning Xin'er suddenly raised her head and looked at a place more than ten meters away from her.

When she saw that face clearly, her heart could not help but panic!

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