Hooked Boss

Chapter 1840

Turning his head, Qi Xin saw that Guan Jin was lying on her side on the pillow, his hands on his abdomen, his eyes closed, and he should be trying to sleep.

Seeing this, Qi Xin couldn't help frowning.

Isn't he always looking forward to the wedding night?

How could he have been completely prepared, but he did not act?

Is it his own behavior that makes him unhappy?

But in retrospect, she did not do anything to displease him?

At this time, Guan Jin was not slow: "it's late, go to bed quickly."

Hearing this, Qixin quickly pulled the quilt over and tucked it in his armpit and answered.


Then she turned and lay down, staring at the gray ceiling, puzzled. She didn't understand why you, a thirsty man, could sleep with a beautiful woman?

Maybe it was a little tired during the day. Although it was uncomfortable for someone to sleep beside him, Zixin still fell asleep soon.

Vaguely, Qi Xin seemed to hear Guan Jin get out of bed in the middle of the night, and also heard the sound of flushing in the bathroom, but the sound did not make her wake up, because she was too sleepy.

The next morning, Qi Xin turned over and wanted to continue sleeping, but he suddenly thought that he and Guan Jin were sleeping in the same bed. So he immediately opened his sleepy eyes. However, when he looked around, he found that the pillow beside him was empty, and Guan Jin had already got up.

With doubt, Zixin sat up at the next moment, tied the belt around the waist of his nightgown, turned over and walked out of the bedroom door.

At this time, there was a voice in the living room that Guan Jin didn't know who to talk to.

"You're calling so early to ask me how I feel about being married?"

Hearing Guan Jin's words, Qixin widened his eyes and stood at the door of his bedroom, not going any further.

Thought: This is not eavesdropping, is it?

Who made him speak so loud.

But she really wanted to know how he felt about his new marriage.

I don't know what that end said. Then Guan Jin's voice came back.

"You're a big man and you're gossipy. Well, I'll tell you how I feel about my wedding night."

Smell speech, Qi Xin suddenly Leng in the spot.

These men can really talk about everything.

Thinking of last night, Qi Xin could not help frowning, because she did not understand why Guan Jin stopped at the critical moment. Therefore, she was on the side of the cat and wanted to hear Guan Jin's answer.

"Last night, I feel very good, because finally someone can go to sleep with me, and we will be together, day and night. Do you envy me?"

Hearing this, Zixin's mouth twitched, as if to see their old age sitting side by side in the row chair watching the sunset scene, but these are all illusions.

I didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone. Guan Jin said again, "I knew you would ask about that kind of thing. I tell you, we played harmoniously with each other last night, like glue like paint, sentimental and mingled with each other. Are you satisfied with the unity of heaven and man?"

I can't help but hear these words.

The next moment, Qixin suddenly saw that Guan Jin didn't know when she was standing in front of her. She wanted to run, but it was already late. She just let him catch hold of himself and eavesdrop on his phone.

At this moment, Zixin was as embarrassed as she wanted to be, as if she had been caught by him for eavesdropping. She didn't step forward or step back, so she got a big red face.

Suddenly saw Qi Xin standing at the door, Guan Jin Leng for a while, then hook lips way: "you wake up?"


Zixin nodded awkwardly.

Later, Guan Jin stepped forward, looked down at the shy and uneasy woman and said, "I didn't expect that my wife still likes to eavesdrop on me talking to others on the phone."

Qi raised his head and listened to the words?

Don't be so bad, will you?

It's just You were talking on the phone, and I happened to walk out of the room and I overheard you talking on the phone. If you are afraid of being heard, you can find a place where there is no one to call?

Why are you on the phone in the living room?

The living room, the living room, is the place to receive visitors. It means that you are not alone. Do you understand? "

Originally, it was Guan Jin who accused Qi Xin of eavesdropping on his phone call, but the next moment, things turned upside down. Instead, it was Qi Xin's aggressive accusation that Guan Jin should not have called in the living room.

Hearing this, Guan Jin looked down at the mobile phone in his hand and raised his eyebrow and said, "do you mean I have to pick a place to call?"

"Of course, I'm not deaf, and my ears can't block the sound of your phone calls?"

Zixin seemed to grasp the reason and retorted with his chin raised.At this time, Guan Jin shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, what you said is reasonable. Just hear it. Anyway, I also want to share with you our feelings on the wedding night."

As he spoke, Guan Jin's hand came forward and took Qi Xin's shoulder.

Guan Jin's words made Qi Xin's face even more red and wrung: "what What do you feel?

If you get up early in the morning, you are not serious and ignore you

With that, Qi Xin took switch Jin's hand and turned to go back to the bathroom.

However, Guan Jin reached for her wrist, pulled her into his arms, and bowed his head to the people in his arms with a touch of punishment: "how, after eavesdropping, I want to go?"

"What else do you want?

I've heard it all. "

Qi Xin raised his chin, a face of provocation.

At this time, Guan Jin carefully looked at the delicate face of the man in front of him. Suddenly, he touched her soft cheek with his finger pulp and said in a hoarse voice, "you woman, no wonder you are ferocious when you get up together. It turns out that you are not satisfied with the wedding night last night, and your women are duplicity."

"Who What's wrong?

Who Who is dissatisfied?

You Don't talk nonsense

As soon as hear last night bridal chamber candle, Qi Xin's face is more red, speak also a bit incoherent.

"If I had known that you were so dissatisfied, I should not have been pitiful, and let myself suffer."

Guan Jin's eyes at the moment with a strong possessive desire, and the corners of his mouth with a touch of regret.

His thirsty eyes made Zixin's heart thump. She couldn't help but draw back her hand, but his big hand was like a pair of iron pliers. She couldn't move at all.

"You What pain have you suffered?

It's like you've been punished. "

At this time, Zixin can only pout and whisper a complaint.

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