Hooked Boss

Chapter 2026

The next moment, Qi Xin began to read Guan Jin's itinerary.

"At nine o'clock this morning, you will preside over the regular meeting; At 10:30, Wang Huihui of Shengming group came to visit; At 11:30, you will attend a dinner party organized by a government department; At 1:30 p.m., you should listen to the quarterly report of the financial department; At 3:30, you have made an appointment with some managers for afternoon tea. This is your itinerary today. "

After Qi Xin finished, her eyes were staring at her Notepad. For a long time, she didn't hear Guan Jin's voice. She couldn't help looking up, but saw Guan Jin leaning on the swivel chair, touching her chin, and staring at her thoughtfully.

Touching his eyes, Qi Xin was flustered. Then he looked down at his toes and said, "general manager Guan, I have no other orders. I'm going out to work."

As soon as Qi Xin's voice fell, Guan Jin seemed to be saying to himself, "today's schedule is so full?"

Smell speech, Qi Xin a lift an eye, see Guan Jin's brow a wrinkly.

Later, Guan Jin said: "today is meihui's birthday. It seems that I don't have time to choose her birthday gift. This arduous task is up to you!"

Hearing this, Qi Xin was silly on the spot! Today is Xiao meihui's birthday?

However, he asked his ex-wife to choose a birthday present for the next one. Can he think of it?

For a moment, Qi Xin's chest produced a touch of gas, she knew that he must be intentional, he just wanted to embarrass himself, just want to make himself sad! Seeing Qi Xin's stunned expression, Guan Jin seems to be in a good mood. He says what he wants.

"You go to order a bunch of roses for me. If you go to the florist, you must insert a bunch of unique and beautiful roses. In addition, if you go to buy a piece of jewelry for me, you can choose a pair of earrings. Meihui's earrings are particularly beautiful and the diamonds are vulgar. If you help me choose a pair of colorful ones, she will look good with white skin and young age! Remember to make sure the package is beautiful. She will be very happy to put in the card I gave you last time. "

Guan Jin in say this a lot of requirements, eyes constantly in peep Qi Xin's eyes.

Hearing these demands, Qi Xin's heart seemed to be pricked by a needle. However, Qi Xin knew that she could not lose her manners, absolutely. She could not let him ridicule herself, let alone let him know that he still had him in her heart.

Therefore, when Guan Jin said these requirements, in order to hide his loss, Qi Xin bowed his head and wrote down what Guan Jin said in Notepad.

Then Qi Xin raised his head and said with no emotion: "Mr. Guan, I will record all your orders in my notebook. I will be careful and I won't make any mistakes."

"Get out."

Guan Jin didn't find any emotional changes from Qi Xin's face, so he immediately sank his face.


Smell speech, Qi Xin quickly turned to leave.

After the door of the president's office was closed, Guan Jin angrily took the crutch in his hand and broke a tea cup on the desk.

Tsim sat down in his seat. He was all in a daze.

No wonder he returned the card to himself. It was for this purpose.

With a wry smile, Qi Xin opened the drawer and reached out to find the card with his handwriting.

"You are the only one in my heart. May you shine like a star forever!"

Qi Xin read the sentences on the card over and over again, reading such touching sentences, Qi Xin's heart is sad, because this is for another woman, Xiao meihui has become unique in his heart, she is nothing.

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