Hooked Boss

Chapter 310

With a lot of screams, there's a call!

A few seconds later, when Su Qing's eyes adapted to the bright light, she couldn't help but say with joy: "it's a call, you can go!"

But at the moment, Guan Dushen's deep eyes looking at the sudden arrival of the light, it is a little disappointed, because the electricity comes, it means that she has to leave herself.

Su Qing turns around excitedly, just about to take a step, don't want to crack a sound, everywhere fell into a dark.

Su Qing was startled and immediately screamed. "Ah, what's the matter?"

Guan Dushen immediately supported her for thousands of years. "Be careful!"

At this time, I don't know where to hear a strange sound, it seems to be the cry of birds or animals. In short, the sound is very strange, even a little like the sound of watching Liaozhai TV series when I was a child.

"What sound?" Su Qing's hands caught Guan Dushen's arms. At the moment, she was really afraid. When she was a child, she could see clearly the scene when she was a child. What she was most afraid of was the music of the opening song of Liaozhai.

"I don't know." The sound is so strange that Guan Dushen doesn't know what it is.


The next moment, the voice suddenly hit again.

Su Qing was so scared that she hugged Guan Dushen's neck. She was very frightened in her voice. "Is there a ghost?"

"Ghost?" Guan Dushen raised his eyebrows.

He is a big man. He never believes in that kind of thing, let alone be afraid.

"I I'm afraid Su Qing's head suddenly flashed those scenes of watching Liaozhai TV series after hours, and her neck was tighter with her arms around Guan Dushen.

Guan Dushen's eyes looked around in the dark to make sure it might be the sound of insects or birds. So, I just wanted to comfort the people in my arms.

However, at the moment, he felt the trembling of the people in his arms and her arms holding her tightly. His eyes suddenly turned.

Thought: allow him to be selfish once, because there is really not much chance to be close to her, let alone that she will throw herself into arms. Although it is a bit of taking advantage of others' danger, Guan Dushen doesn't feel mean at all.

At the next moment, Guan Dushen's arms tightly hugged Su Qing, and stroked her back, softly comforting: "don't be afraid, I'll accompany you."

"Why haven't you called yet?" Su Qing looked anxiously.

"It should be a bit of a fault, such as this kind of power outage in the whole city will not last for a long time. Don't worry." Guan evening deep comfort way.


At this time, the sound came again.

Su Qing was so scared that she hugged Guan Dushen's neck and called out: "what is calling in the end?"

Close evening deep brow a frown, and then decisively bow head then sealed her mouth!

"Woo..." Su Qing's subsequent words were swallowed back into the stomach.

His kiss is very soft, Su Qing's brain is short circuited, she forgot to resist, forget everything, let him kiss her

The kiss gradually changed from the gurgling stream to the turbulent waves. Under his nibbling, the fire in Su Qing's heart was gradually ignited.

Or the smell she is familiar with, or the smell that can completely cover her. At the moment, she was completely covered by his aura, and she was completely insensitive to the surrounding reaction.

Su Qing clearly felt that his heart beat very fast, as if to jump out of the throat.

This feeling of palpitation is only related to Dushen. Guan Qizheng has never given it to her. Even with her first love Huo Tianming, her heart never beats so violently.

From this palpitation, Su Qing clearly understood his heart. She still loves him, and she will not fall in love with others. What a painful understanding?

What about love? She can not be relieved, can not untie her heart knot, she and he are doomed to return to the past.

But why is she so reluctant to push him away? Su Qing's hands on his shoulder, feel so soft and weak.

Intellectually, she knew that she should push him away, but instinctively, her hand could not.

Just, just, anyway, everywhere is a dark, push him away, she will also be afraid, it is better to let oneself indulge this time!

The kiss lasted for five or six minutes, until she was about to be choked by him, and suddenly there was light everywhere.

There's a call!

There was a cheer in their ears, but they seemed to have turned a deaf ear and continued the kiss.

Until Su Qing opened her eyes and was stabbed by the bright light, she regained her sense and pushed him away.

Guan Dushen may have been a bit caught off guard, so he took a step back and his body was pushed to a stagger.

Su Qing reached out with the back of his hand to wipe a bit red and swollen lips, at the moment, she is really very embarrassed!

What was she doing just now? Is the brain in the water? Not only didn't stop him, but he seemed to enjoy it.Looking at Su Qing's embarrassment, Guan Dushen's mouth is upturned, with a touch of hope in his eyes and a touch of satisfaction in his expression.

His expression is to let Su Qing not hit a place to come, she ferociously to him shouting: "what are you laughing at? Is it interesting? "

"I..." Guan Dushen frowned and just wanted to explain.

Su Qing didn't want to listen to him at all. He turned around and ran away on high heels.

Looking at Su Qing carrying a skirt to escape from the back, Guan Dushen's mouth pulled up a smile.

Su Qing ran out of the terrace with her skirt in her hand. She said that men are sometimes attracted by color, and women are no exception. What happened to her just now? Why are you so thirsty? Is it because there are no men for too long? Su Qing thought of self mockery.

Entering the banquet hall again, Su Qing couldn't help but stare at her eyes.

The banquet hall was in a mess, with food and drink, tables, chairs and flowers all over the place. The waiters were trying to clean up the mess. Even the men and women who were trampled and bruised had been helped to leave the banquet hall.

Facts have verified what Guan Dushen said, probably because of the temporary power failure, which caused panic. There are many people in the banquet hall. Once someone panics, there is a great chance of stampede.

Just at this moment, a man suddenly slapped her on the shoulder!

Su Qing turned around and suddenly saw Qiao Li in a red dress standing in front of her.

"How are you? Did you get hurt? " Seeing Qiao Li, Su Qing looked at her from head to toe with her eyes.

Qiao Li complacent smile way: "I am what matter not, but some people are not so lucky!"

See Qiao Li looking at a direction gloating eyes, Su Qing turned to follow her eyes.

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