Hooked Boss

Chapter 406

Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun's eyes crossed in the air for two seconds. Then Jiang Xiaoyun suddenly hugged Zheng Haoran and turned his head to Su Ziyi without turning back: "we are already one. You can fight. Even if we are sorry, you can fight as long as you can get rid of your anger!"

Then, Jiang Xiaoyun closed his eyes in Zheng Haoran's arms, looking like a dead man.

Looking down at Jiang Xiaoyun in his arms, Zheng Haoran also closed his eyes, then tightened his arms and held Jiang Xiaoyun tightly in his arms.

Su Qing saw the two people embracing each other at the moment, and suddenly felt a little envious of them.

They choose to face difficulties together. Even if they die, they will embrace each other. Although they are not so glorious together at this time, the marriage between Zheng Haoran and Su Zi is justifiable. Suddenly, Su Qing understands that Zheng Haoran has found the love of his life, and Jiang Xiaoyun does not seem to be so annoying. She even appreciates her a little.

At the moment, in Su Zi's eyes, these two people are declaring war on her. How can she bear such an insult.

Then, Su Zi raised her purse and exclaimed, "OK, you two are going to be beaten together, aren't you? I'll kill you dogs and men today

After that, Su Zi took a hard leather bag and went up to smash Zheng Haoran and Su Zi's head and face severely, while the people around were still cheering.

Su adamancy also fiercely yelled at one side: "kill them! Kill the dog man and woman

At this time, the month in Su's strong arms saw that her father was beaten and cried. "Don't hit my daddy, don't hit my daddy..."

Su Qing saw this and was very sad in her heart. Knowing that she couldn't stop all this, she went forward to take the moon from Su's strong arms.

Su Qing holds the moon through the crowd and sits on the row chair in the corridor.

Yueyue seemed to be scared and trembled all over her body. Su Qing stroked her back and put her in her arms. She said softly, "Yueyue is not afraid. Yueyue is good. You are numb. You just teach your father a lesson and won't break him..."

Under Su Qing's comfort, the moon gradually no longer trembles.

Su Qing is very tired of Su Zi's way of doing things at the moment: every time she makes a conflict, she is always holding the moon to come over. She is not afraid to frighten her child. In fact, Jiang Xiaoyun was right just now. She is not worthy of being a mother!

Su Zi shamelessly smashed Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun, but also had no strength.

At this time, Su Qiang stepped forward and beat Zheng Haoran two fists, and then slapped Jiang Xiaoyun several times.

In an instant, Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun all hang the color!

At this time, do not know who called the police, a few police came, Su strong and Su Zi is just stopped.

"What's the matter? If you beat people like this, you will go back to the public security bureau with us to make a record. " A police Lane in police uniform.

Su Qiangqiang hurried forward and yelled: "police comrade, this is my daughter, that is my son-in-law, and that girl is a junior. They make a mess and force my daughter to be unable to live. My daughter and I have no choice but to teach them. You must make it clear that they are sons and daughters!"

"Whatever the reason, it's wrong for you to make people like this!" Police comrades pointed to Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun, whose faces were blue and purple and had bloodstains.

Chufen said something nice to the police. "Comrade police, my daughter is also in a hurry. She promises that she will not commit crimes again. Please spare her this time."

"Don't talk nonsense. We're on business. Let's go with us." Police comrades then took away Su Qiang and Su Zi.

Su Qing and Chu Fen naturally took the moon with them. Along the way, Su Qiang was still swearing, but Su Zi was just like a fool. Without the spree just now, a pair of eyes were fixed on Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun.

When we got to the police station, it was already dark.

Soon, Zheng Haoran's parents arrived. They didn't know what they said to Zheng Haoran. After they came out, they took Yueyue away. They said that it was better for them to take care of Yueyue.

After all, Chu Fen and Su Qing can't say anything. We still have to see what Su Zi means. After all, she is Yueyue's mother.

Su Zi even agreed with Zheng Haoran's parents to take Yueyue away this time, because she found that even if she threatened Zheng Haoran with the moon this time, it didn't matter.

Soon, Su Qiang and Su Zi as well as Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun finished the record.

The police then came out and said, "Su Qiang, Su Zi, you have already done slight damage to Zheng Haoran and Jiang Xiaoyun. You can see if you can reach a settlement. If you can't reach a settlement, you will face detention for half a month!"

Hearing this, Su Zi didn't have any reaction. Instead, Su was strong and discontented and exclaimed, "is there any reason for this? Instead, they want to detain us, father and daughter? No, we don't accept it. We're going to ask you to lead the theory! "

"We are on business. We are not afraid of you looking for leaders." The policeman left with that."Drag what? Do you think I was scared by you? " When the police went far away, Su strong pointed to the back of the police arrogant way.

Su Qing is disgusted with Su's strength. With him, he is really helping more and more.

Chuffin is talking now. "Zheng Haoran, it's you who are sorry for us, Su Zi. You are also cultural people. You have no face to make things big. Why don't you just let it go?"

Chu Fen naturally does not want to let Su Zi go to prison. Now Su Zi doesn't speak. Su Qing is inconvenient to speak. Su Qiang talks in disorder, and she is the only one to stand up and speak.

Zheng Haoran did not speak, but Jiang Xiaoyun did. "Auntie, we have been insulted and beaten in public. What face do we have?"

Chufen took a breath and said: "how to say you are a third party, girl, it's not good for you to make a big noise."

"Auntie, I'm not afraid to make a big noise now. Anyway, I will not marry anyone else except Zheng Haoran in my life. The reputation is not important to me any more." Jiang Xiaoyun held Zheng Haoran's arm and looked up at him.

Zheng Haoran took a look at Jiang Xiaoyun, and then said to chufen, "Mom, now we want to see what Su Zi means."

Hearing this, chufen didn't understand. She turned her head and looked at Su Zi, who was silent on the row chair.

At this time, Su Zi coldly stares at Zheng Haoran to speak. "Zheng Haoran, are you trying to force me to divorce? I tell you, don't think about it

With that, Su Zi stood up and was about to leave.

"Suzi, stop for me!" Chufen called out to her.

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