Hooked Boss

Chapter 68

That night, Chen Ma with Su Qing's daily necessities, as expected, punctually appeared in the villa in the mountain.

That night, Chen's mother cooked egg noodles for Su Qing, but she was so angry that she couldn't have appetite.

After a night of twists and turns, dawn comes.

Su Qing stood in front of the French window, overlooking the whole courtyard on the second floor.

The weather in the mountain is much colder than that in the city. She wears a nightgown on her shoulder. The dawn in the mountain is very beautiful and quiet, but she is not in the mood to appreciate it.

The villa is decorated with European style furniture, which can be said to be very luxurious. Even the crystal cup for drinking water is imported from abroad. The ground is covered with wool mats. Although it is summer in Jiangzhou, it is damp and cold on the top of the mountain. In the evening, Su Qing has to cover it with thick quilts so as not to feel cold.

He found a delicate cage and locked her here. Besides loneliness, Su Qing also felt a touch of fear. It was really dangerous to annoy Guan Dushen.

Her cell phone has been broken by him, family and friends can't contact, he will certainly die of anxiety, but the villa's phone was shut down, people locked up, can only contact him and Lin Feng these two phone numbers, other numbers can not be called out.

After thinking about it all night, Su Qing has no good countermeasures. She can only call Guan Dushen and bombard him.

"Close the dusk, you quickly let me out, do you hear me?"

"Guan Dushen, I don't want to stay here. Please send someone to pick me up and go back to Jiangzhou!"

"Guan Dushen, you bastard, you can't limit my freedom!"

However, every time she spoke on the phone, there was no sound at that end. Su Qing felt that he didn't listen to himself.

When she was tired on the phone and didn't want to talk about it, the other end would say in a calm voice: "the air in the mountain is good, which is suitable for you to cultivate yourself. Just now, it was when you exercised lung activity volume!"

"It's too late to die!" At this time, Su Qing would curse him with his voice, but he could hang up the phone one step in advance every time, so he couldn't hear her curse at all.

In the end, Su Qing angrily smashed the villa this only phone.

After two days of silence, Su Qing finally came up with a way to confront Guan Dushen, that is, a hunger strike.

He can care about his own life and death, but he can't ignore the life and death of the child in her belly.

So, she did what she said. All day, she had no teeth. Although her stomach began to protest strongly, she still had to bear it. She could not be locked in this cage like a bird, and her mother and sister could not find themselves. Maybe they would call the police.

In the evening, Mrs. Chen took the food to Su Qing's bedside and said in a pleading voice, "little grandma, how much do you want to eat? You can't stand a child like you. "

Su Qing turned a deaf ear. This is the first time that she did not know how many times she came to beg her for dinner.

In fact, she has been almost unable to hold on, only feel that the baby in the stomach began to toss, she has felt fetal movement these days.

Therefore, she did not dare to see the food that Chen Ma brought up for fear that she would give up halfway.

Seeing that Su Qing was not moved at all, Chen Ma said with a cry: "little grandma, the young master will surely blame me if I know that. If you want to have something wrong, how can I explain it to him?"

Hearing this, Su Qing almost didn't take it back.

Feelings she has not yet informed Guan Dushen that she has not eaten for a day. When Guan Dushen knows about this, she has to starve to death?

Look up at the dark sky outside. My God, how can I spend this long night hungry?

If she had known that the revolution was so difficult, she should have hidden some food in this room in advance, and it would not have been so hard for her to steal a little at night.

Su Qing touches her stomach and comforts her baby in her heart. "Child, you must hold on! It's because mom is so stupid that she doesn't know how to use strategy. "

Su Qing resisted the attack, and Chen's mother finally came out of the room with a meal. Su Qing could only look at the boundless night outside and sigh.

At eight or nine o'clock, when Su Qing's stomach was groaning with hunger, a heavy footstep came from outside, and then the door was kicked open!

Su Qing was startled. She looked up and saw that Guan Dushen, with a black face, strode in.

"You're mad at my children, aren't you?" He went to the bed and threw out his first words.

Su Qing didn't expect that he would come so soon. She thought that Chen Ma told him that she was on hunger strike tonight, and that he would come tomorrow.

"I want to go back to Jiangzhou!" Su Qing looks up at the deep road in the evening.

"Absolutely impossible." Guan Dushen is full of firmness.

See him so firm, Su Qing don't face, simply way: "then you see your child starve to death."

Su Qing is naturally reluctant to give up the child in her stomach for any mistakes, but now the child in her stomach has become her only weight.Child, don't blame mother to threaten father with you, mother really has no way.

Who knows Guan Dushen doesn't accept the threat at all. Instead, he points to Su Qing and directly threatens him: "Su Qing, I solemnly tell you that if my child has any mistakes, your family will bury him with him!"

His eyes like ten thousand years of ice, let people look at the spine of the cold sweat, Su Qing was scared by his words, half a day did not return to God.

"You Don't mess around Su Qing's voice trembled a little.

It's really frightening to see Guan Dushen go crazy, and he has this power in Jiangzhou. Su Qing can't make fun of the safety of his mother and sister.

"If you don't let me mess around, you can eat on time." The night is deep and loud.

At this moment, Su Qing knew that she couldn't fight with him. He didn't eat it at all, and she didn't have any capital to confront him.

The hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss, and she didn't need to take the egg to touch the stone. So, the next moment, Su Qing slowed down her tone. "Guan Dushen, I have been here for several days. My mother, sister and friends will be worried if they can't find me. Do you know? In case If they call the police in a hurry, you will be in trouble

"Don't worry, I went to your mother's house yesterday, and I told them that your fetus is not stable. I sent you to a nursing home in other places. You need rest and should not be disturbed. Let them contact you again after a few days. I have left enough living expenses for them. By the way, your sister will go to college soon. I have also left her tuition fees for her, and your good friend Joe Li, I asked Eli to tell the same reason. Do you have any friends and relatives you need to inform? I can ask the Secretary to do it for you one by one. You just need to take care of the fetus here until my child is born safely! " Guan Dushen's eyes were fixed on Su Qing and said a lot.

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