Hooked Boss

Chapter 793

Hearing this, Su Qing quickly looked up at the curtain and explained, "no, it's not what mother Chen told me. It's me When I went downstairs that day, I overheard your conversation with Mrs. Chen. "

Smell speech, close curtain deep eyebrow a frown. "Did you wake up that day? You are pretending to sleep

At this time, Su Qing lowered his eyelids. "I don't know how to face you. I'm afraid that you will say goodbye to me."

Seeing Su Qing's nervous appearance, she closed the curtain and felt a soft heart, reaching out and holding her hand on the table.

Feeling the temperature on his hand, Su Qing is more sad.

These days, he has been leaving early and returning late, which seems to be their most intimate physical contact.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Close the curtain deep tightly looking at Su Qing, look guilty.

"It has nothing to do with you. It's all fate." Su Qing's eyes are full of sadness.

Close the curtain deep eye socket a red, don't open a face to look elsewhere, then then forced to smile: "don't say these annoying things, eat, you see you made such a good table of dishes, it will be cold."

Said, close the curtain deep then clip several vegetables into the bowl in front of Su Qing.

Hearing that he didn't want to mention this topic, Su Qing also bowed her head and grudgingly ate, but it was tasteless.

But the curtain is not as deep as she is. When they bow down to eat, they just look at each other once in a while. Except for a few common words, both of them are avoiding communication with each other.

This night, the curtain closed deeply and went to bed early.

By the time Su Qing coaxed the children upstairs, he seemed to be asleep.

Su Qing didn't want to wake him up, so he went to bed quietly.

Two people and one person occupied one side of the big bed. The distance between the two bodies was about one meter away. Fortunately, the quilt was big enough

In the middle of the night, Su Qing turned over, but did not touch that side of the person.

In fact, her subconscious is to touch him, but it seems that she has turned a big body, but still did not touch him.

Su Qing opened her sleepy eyes and found that there was no other person on the big bed except her by the dim starlight outside!

Su Qing can't help being surprised!

After sitting up, I looked around the room, there was no one at all, and there was a black light in the bathroom.

Where did he go? With doubt, Su Qing put on a nightgown and went out of the bedroom to find.

There was no study, no living room upstairs, and no guest bedroom. Su Qing wanted to go downstairs and look for it. She didn't want to take a glance, but she saw a figure on the terrace.

At this time, the weather in Vancouver was very cold. It must be below zero outside. I saw him standing in front of the railing in his black cashmere coat. His eyes were looking forward to something.

Under the dim starlight, there is a faint red light between the fingers of his left hand. He should be smoking.

Su Qing couldn't help wringing her eyebrows. At this time, in such a cold weather, he was hiding here smoking alone. He must be very upset.

Since he came to Vancouver, he seldom smokes when he is around the children. However, Su Qing can clearly smell the smell of tobacco on him in recent days.

He turned his back to her, so he couldn't see her. Su Qing's eyes were moist and looked at the familiar figure outside the glass door. He was very miserable.

Su Qing knew that he could not violate his mother's last words, but he didn't want to disappoint himself, let alone break up their family of four, so he left all his sufferings to himself, and even refused to tell himself his feelings.

Su Qing can feel his deep love. At the next moment, Su Qing suddenly wants to cry. Why do they just want to be together so hard?

Looking at the back of the glass door, Su Qing has already tearful eyes, his back gradually blurred, Su Qing covered his mouth, afraid that the voice of crying would be heard by him.

Su Qing still did not want to leave, still attached to his back.

However, Su Qing knew that her mood was out of control. She had to leave quickly. She didn't want him to see her crying.

Then, Su Qing turned around and quickly wanted to leave.

However, it is not careful to touch the side of the flower rack!

The flowerpot on the flower shelf inevitably fell on the floor.

Just a bang! The porcelain plate was broken into eight petals, and the soil was scattered all over the ground.

This sudden situation made Su Qing unprepared, directly Leng in the spot.

When the curtain is closed outside the glass door, you will naturally hear the sound of this amazing position. When you look back, you can see a figure inside the glass door.

The next moment, the curtain closed, he turned to open the glass door, and pressed the switch in the corridor. The light immediately lit up the whole corridor.

Close the curtain deep at the moment to see clearly Su Qing, also saw a mess on the ground, immediately understood everything.

Seeing him, Su Qing quickly turned his back and didn't want him to see his tearful face."You Why are you here? " Close the curtain deep doubt to ask.

"I I woke up and didn't see you, so I came out to have a look Su Qing's voice is still a bit choked.

At this time, the glass door linking the terrace and the corridor was still open, and the cold air outside was blowing into the corridor.

Su Qing only wore a nightdress and a thin bathrobe. When she was blown by the cold air, she immediately got excited and sneezed several times.

"Ah! Ah, cut! Ah, cut... " Su Qing hugged her shoulder.

See this, close the curtain deep, quickly stretched out a hand to pull up the glass door!

The next moment, he took off his cashmere coat and put it on Su Qing's body.

"The temperature at night is very low, and you don't know to put on a coat when you run out. Do you know if you will catch a cold?" The deep voice in Su Qing's ears nagging.

The next moment, Su Qing really can't control his feelings, then rushed into the front of that broad and warm embrace!

The deep curtain naturally saw the tears on her face and understood her mood at the moment.

But he didn't say anything. One of his big hands was still holding the cigarette butts, and the other was holding her shoulder tightly.

Two people hold each other so tightly, for a long time, no one spoke

After a long time, he frowned deeply and called low.

Su Qingcai stood up straight from his arms, twisted his eyebrows and asked, "what's the matter?"

"The smoke is gone." The curtain closed and looked down at the cigarette butts which had burned his hand just now, but he was still on the ground.

Seeing the cigarette butts lying on the ground and the piece of cigarette that she had made a mess just now, Su Qing frowned and said, "it's a mess here. I'll clean it up."

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