Hooked Boss

Chapter 839

The female service refused to accept life and death. She said that Su Qing was also a poor man. She not only gave her uniform to Su Qing, but also told her many things to pay attention to in the club.

With the help of the waitress, in the afternoon, Su Qing successfully mixed into the club.

Su Qing quickly found the bowling hall, and very easily found the VIP bowling hall which was reserved by the close curtain.

"Who are you? Why have I never seen you before? " As soon as Su Qing slipped into the VIP bowling hall, he was stopped by a young man in a black uniform.

Su Qing raised his eyes to see this man, immediately a Leng!

Fortunately, she had been prepared. The waitress told her that there was a manager named Zhao who was in charge of the bowling club. Seeing that the manager of the bowling club was written on his chest tag, she quickly chuckled and said, "manager Zhao? I'm new here, and I've just been assigned to work here today. "

"New comer? I left a waiter today. How can I recruit a new one so soon? " Manager Zhao frowned.

"Oh, I was introduced by the general manager." Su Qing quickly said.

As soon as Zhao's name was introduced by the general manager, his attitude immediately improved a lot, and he also told him, "two distinguished guests will come here in a moment. Do you know?"

"Yes." Su Qing nodded quickly.

"By the way, can you? Or I'll call an old waiter Manager Zhao is still worried.

"No, I've done it elsewhere, and it won't go wrong." Su Qing quickly assured.

"Well, then you should get ready for the guests." Another charge, Zhao manager left.

After the manager left, Su Qing immediately took the time to get familiar with the facilities in the bowling hall and the placement of tea and other items.

Soon, two o'clock arrived. As soon as the door of the bowling hall opened, someone outside called out, "here's the VIP!"

Hearing this, Su Qing's heart thumped.

The next moment, Su Qing will see the curtain deep and a slightly fat middle-aged man walked in.

Su Qing didn't have time to see the expression on the deep face of the curtain, so she quickly stood aside and bowed her head to meet her.

"General manager Guan, your injury has just recovered. If I win today, will you not win?" The chubby middle-aged man laughed.

"Sun Zong, who wins and who loses, but there is no fixed number yet."

"Well, I admire your confidence and unyielding character." Sun patted the deep shoulder of the curtain.

At this time, Su Qing, who was standing behind the curtain, looked at him quietly. He did not use crutches any more today, and he walked slowly but steadily.

It seems that his leg injury is good, Su Qing can not help but feel happy.

Su Qing giggled for a moment. Sun just glanced at Su Qing and said, "the waiter, I don't know how to pour tea for us today."

Hearing this, Su Qing secretly scolded herself for being too careless. Then, she quickly went to make tea.

And the deep eyes of the curtain did not go to see Su Qing, so she has not been found.

Soon, close the curtain deep and Sun Zong began to contest.

At the end of the first round, general manager Sun had the upper hand.

General manager Sun laughed and said, "general manager Guan, it's still early to win two games in three games. Why don't we sit down and have a cup of tea and chat for a second set?"

"Of course." The curtain closed and nodded deeply.

At this time, Su Qing has put the tea on a tea table.

I'm not familiar with the tea. I don't want to drink it!

Seeing Su Qing in the uniform of a black waiter, she frowned and was a little surprised. Then she looked around. After all, it was a top private club. There were few brushes that couldn't get in.

Seeing the deep curtain, she finally noticed herself. Su Qing knew that it was useless to be afraid at this time. Anyway, she had already done it.

At the next moment, Su Qing made a face at the curtain.

At this time, close the curtain deep angry frown.

Then, close the curtain deep will be in the hands of the tea bowl heavy placed on the tea table. "What kind of top private club? I think it's more and more fooling our members' money. The tea is poorly cooked, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Mr. Sun bowed his head and smelled the tea in the tea bowl, and then said with a smile, "the tea is good. Mr. Guan, I think you are in a bad mood. It's not like you. You didn't change color when you were in a landslide in Lintai before."

Close the curtain deep face still very smelly, did not receive Sun Zong's words, for a time, the atmosphere was a little stiff.

"I'm going to make a new pot of tea." Su Qing saw that the atmosphere was not right, so she quickly picked up the teapot on the tea table to make the tea again.

Here, Guan Mushan and Sun Zong had a second game.

This time, close the curtain deep three times, five divide two, then killed Sun Zong.

Su Qing poured their tea again.Guan mushen and Sun Zong sat in front of the tea table again.

This time, Su Qing's eyes have been staring at the closing curtain of tea. She is afraid that he will pick up any problems again. If he is not satisfied and the manager is disturbed, then everything will be revealed.

Fortunately, the curtain was closed this time and there was no problem with the tea. It seemed that he was satisfied with the tea.

Su Qing just breathed a sigh of relief, and did not want to close the curtain, the deep voice came.

"There are oil stains on those balls, and your hands are slippery. Wipe them off immediately!"

Heard this, Su Qing Leng in the spot!

What do you mean? Is this for her to clean the ball?

"Don't you understand me?" See Su Qing pestle there motionless, close the curtain deep, the way of sharp expression.

"Oh." Su Qing quickly found a towel to come over, and then knelt on the ground one by one to wipe the stains on the bowling ball.

Guan Mu Shen is holding a tea bowl in his hand, but his eyes are always staring at Su Qing.

General manager Sun quietly swept the deep and gloomy face of Guan, and then said with a smile: "general manager Guan, you are not in a good mood today. This is a big taboo of military strategists, which will affect the results of you!"

At this time, close the curtain deep but sneer: "sun always don't know, the more I'm in a bad mood, the more extraordinary play."

"The next game will be the decisive one." Sun reminded.

The curtain is deep, but he nods and smiles with confidence.

Seeing Su Qing kneeling on the ground to wipe the bowling ball for some time, Mr. Sun stood up and said, "Mr. Guan, I'll make two phone calls first. You'll be later."

"Mr. Sun, please." Close the curtain and nod a little.

After Mr. Sun left, he raised his legs and glanced at Su Qing, who knelt on the ground to wipe the ball. In his tone, he said sarcastically: "I really didn't expect that you should have come here to work as a waiter. I don't know whether it's coincidence or you did it on purpose? If the alimony and the real estate I give you are not enough for you to live on, you can speak up. I have always been very generous to my predecessors

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