Hooked Boss

Chapter 871

The next morning, Su Qing and William galloped out of the manor on a horse.

Su Qing's riding skills have now been able to keep abreast of William's. sometimes they are one after the other, and sometimes go forward side by side. Their happy laughter is floating in the breeze, and puma's fun is in it.

The two horses rushed up and down the hillside at one go. Su Qing and William galloped under the blue sky and white clouds

When Su Qing rode his horse through a deep red tulip flowers, ma er suddenly stepped on a stone by mistake, then slipped under his feet and fell to one side.

"Ah..." The sudden accident let Su Qing, a inexperienced rider, let go of his horse's reins, and then suddenly fell off his horse's back!

"Su Qing!" Seeing Su Qing fall into the tulip bushes, William was so anxious that he jumped off the galloping horse regardless of his own safety.

After William's feet fell to the ground, he staggered for a moment, almost didn't fall down, and then he quickly ran to Su Qing with his hand on the ground.

William picked up Su Qing's shoulder and asked eagerly, "how are you doing?"

"My My feet It hurts Su Qing felt his bare feet burning, uncomfortable.

On hearing this, William frowned, and lifted Su Qing from the tulip flowers and quickly walked towards the direction of the manor.

William's steps are very fast and steady. Su Qing only cares about her painful bare feet and doesn't realize the extreme tension and worry in William's blue eyes.

William took Su Qing back to the castle and called a village doctor. Then he was ready to go downtown. For a while, several servants in the castle were busy.

Su Qing was lying on the bed. A village doctor examined her bare feet, and then said that it was no big problem, just sprain and soft tissue damage. At that time, she prescribed some medicine and ordered to do hot compress on time and other matters needing attention.

After the doctor left, William told the servants to heat hot water, move the things in Su Qing's room to the first floor, and prepare all kinds of food for foot injuries.

Seeing that William was busy beating people and dogs for himself, Su Qing said apologetically: "William, I'm sorry, I've given you trouble."

On hearing this, William sent the servants away.

Then, he turned and sat down in front of Su Qing's bed and said angrily, "you are all like this. It's because I didn't take good care of you. It's also me to apologize."

Seeing his anxious appearance, Su Qing said with a gentle smile, "it's my own fall from the horse. What's the relationship with you?"

"I'm your master. My apprentice fell off the horse. Naturally, I'm not good at teaching skills. My task is to help you recover. So from now on, you must listen to me in all matters, but I don't want you to be a lame man!" William then joked.

At this time, the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

Then, Su Qing covered her mouth and said with a smile, "according to your opinion, I really want to become a lame man, don't I have to depend on you for a lifetime?"

Su Qing was a joke, but William was serious: "then I will take care of you all my life!"

Listen to him say so righteously, and his blue eyes at the moment showed incomparable seriousness and firmness.

At this moment, Su Qing suddenly felt that the atmosphere around her was not right.

And his blue eyes at the moment tightly staring at himself, Su Qing quickly lowered his eyelids, feeling very uncomfortable.

"You are really funny. Your life is very long. Besides, you will have your own wife and children in the future. There will be many people you need to take care of." Su Qing said with a smile.

At this time, Su Qing suddenly felt his hand tight!

Looking down, I saw William's big hand had caught his hand, Su Qing frowned.

However, William vowed: "Su Qing, as long as you are willing, I am willing to take care of you all my life."

William's blue eyes were shining seriously, and his face was very serious. It didn't look like a joke at all.

This moment, Su Qingmeng!

What does that mean? Why should I take care of myself all my life?

Flustered, Su Qing quickly took back his hand and said with a smile, "William, don't be kidding. You're a friend of the deep screen."

However, Su Qing's warning didn't work at all. William said, "but you are not Guan's wife now. You two have broken up. It's reasonable and legal for me to pursue you."

At first hearing the two words of pursuit, Su Qing was totally stupid!

Although Su Qing has a little feeling these days, William is very different from himself, especially his blue eyes. When he looks at himself, he seems to have some feelings.

However, Su Qing didn't think much about it. After all, she thought that William was just appreciating himself. He once said that he liked Oriental women, especially Chinese women. Besides, the feelings of foreigners came and went quickly. So Su Qing only wanted to leave here quickly. After a while, he would forget himself with the wind.However, Su Qing didn't expect that William would confess to herself. This is really embarrassing because she didn't want to start a relationship again. At least now, she doesn't want to have a Chinese Western love affair with a foreigner, and she is still a noble. Is she lucky? It's still a peach blossom.

"I'm sorry, William. I still like to be friends with you." Su Qing clearly refused William's request.

Hearing Su Qing's refusal, William's expression was very hurt. His blue eyes slipped through a touch of pain and asked, "Su Qing, don't you have a heart for me?"

The pain in William's eyes made Su Qing's heart very guilty. It's not true that she was not moved by the elegant and unrestrained noble man in front of her. However, Su Qing knew that it was not love. Her heart had been filled with a deep curtain, and she would not love other people at all.

"William, I..." Su Qing's words have not been finished.

William immediately made a pause. "Don't say it. If you say you don't love me at all, I can't stand it."

"William, I'm sorry." Su Qing looks at William apologetically.

"It's me who should say I'm sorry. I shouldn't tell you all of a sudden, but please believe that my heart to you is true and sincere." William vowed to Su Qing.

Su Qing drooped his eyelids and didn't know how to answer him, nor how to face his blue eyes full of love.

At this moment, she can only choose silence.

Fortunately, William did not embarrass her. After helping Su Qing wipe the medicinal wine on her feet, he left the house.

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