Horoscopia : Hymn of Hope

100 Reverse Isekai

Lucifer just spotted into Canada and Satanya spotted in Russia, Satanya stopped the first yellow magical chariot she saw and said: "Can you take me to the jewelry shop?" The driver said: "Izvinite miss? (Excuse me miss?)" Satanya was think hard and she said: "Oh! Yeah… Magazin (store)…Prodam (sell)…Zoloto? (Gold?)" The driver smiled and says: "Ladno (Okay)" When they arrived Satanya says: "Podozhdi menya zdes? (Wait me here)" the driver who was nice said: "Vse v poryadke (All right)" The shop owner was surprised by who much she had of gold and wanted to call the police but he was stopped by the taxi driver who said something that Satanya didn't understand, the owner all sweaty gives her the money and the driver helped her taking it into that chariot that move without the uses of any type of horse, When they arrived to the airport Satanya controlled a little bit her language, she toke the paper that Hetzl gave here and says to the driver will giving him a bag of money: "Spasibo za vashu pomoshch', no vy mozhete pomoch' mne popast' v etu bol'shuyu beluyu ptitsu (Thank you for your help, but can you help me to get into that big white bird)" The driver smiled took some money from the bag and gave it here back then he took her by her hand and talked to the reception and when she was getting in he said to her: "Kak tebya zovut malysh? (What's your name kid?)" Satanya was thinking harder and then she says: "Sophia Nikitovna?" and then she get into the big white bird, when she arrived to Tokyo she found Lucifer waiting her, and he said: "Lucas McLeod at your service, Miss?" "Sophia Nikitovna" Lucifer and Satanya start laughing like crazy in the airport, Satanya says: "we did it Luci…Lucas we did it, "Yeah Daisy we did it!" the two of them just did as Hetzl said the goes to a what's called a real estate agent, in the first the agent was thinking they are just joking, but when Lucifer noticed that he took some dozens from his bag and says while slamming them on the desk, we said we want to buy a manor not to play around, Satanya says: "It was a well-known thing in Horoscopia that Lucifer's mentality was much older than his peers and even those who are older than him. Its looks like nothing changed" the agent after he saw the money says: "Excuse me boy I didn't mean it like that, do you want to have a tour on all the manor in sale or do you have a preference" Lucifer says: "At least 20 bedroom in each one a toilet, with a big garden, and some maids and butlers and of course one personal driver" the agent want to talk but Lucifer interrupt him and says: "Of course there will be more money! *add some dozens*" The agent wants to say something but Lucifer adds another two dozen and says: "Add another complains and we are going to search another one" the agent was on tears and says: "No, no just signs here mister… Lucas" Satanya was just looking she didn't talk at all she 100 percent relying on Lucifer, the manor were the agent guide him was amazing, but Lucifer didn't like it and says: "Can you find a manor where there is no others manors next to him?" The agent bow and says: "Sorry mister, but I don't think, you can find such a manor no matter in which agency you go" Satanya says: "Luci…Lucas I think I like this place" Lucifer smiled and thanked the agent, then he introduce himself and 'Sofia' to the maids and butlers and says: "This girl here is my fiancée we will marry when we will get older, and she has a cleaning obsessive compulsive disorder hope you succeed in clean such a vast manor and thank you" Satanya says: "Ah! And I have to add that, he's just mine I hope no one of you make a move on him" the maids and butlers laughed. The days were calm until the head of neighborhood visited them and says to Satanya: "Hello little girl, can I have a talk with your parents" Satanya says: "Sorry they are in the de…" Lucifer stopped her and says: "Hello ma'am how I can help you?" The woman says: "I said I need to talk to your parents, but your sister said…" Lucifer interrupts her and says: "Excuse me ma'am for the interruption but, we aren't siblings my parents and her parents are friends and we had an arranged marriage, we have to wait until we became adults to marry" The women says: "I don't know how your families are working but you need at least to go to school, in your age" Satanya whisper into Lucifer's ear: "The school is the one that broke your brother heart do you want to revenge?" Lucifer says: "Why should we go to school?" The women says: "even if you are rich you should go to school, because it helps you to became more intellectual" Lucifer says: "How? Is it by classifying the students and giving the advantages to the first and marginalize the other" "Well…" "Is it by showing why the sky is blue and reddish at the sunset?" "Well…" the women didn't found what to say and just goes and says while getting out: "I will not give up!" Lucifer says: "What a pain in the ass that what I didn't want to live here" Satanya says: "From where did you learn that?" Lucifer says: "Oh I just wanted to show it to you, it's called internet and it's fabulous" Satanya was curious and says: "Show me more."

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