Just as I was talking, I saw a flash of light on the distant road.

I hastily gave Tang Rou a look.

"There's a car."

Tang Rou excitedly leaned on my shoulder. I finally let out a sigh of relief. Last night's effort wasn't in vain. I was about to see the culprit.

"Do you think we two are born to do this? "Recently, despite all this."

Tang Rou said half-jokingly and then began packing up her things to check her items.

The person who came here was definitely someone who understood magic. He might even know a bit of Dao arts, so using normal people's methods would be difficult.

I smiled bitterly. Two months ago, I was still working as a part-time social worker. Now, I was trying to get rid of the harm that had been done to the people.

Moreover, it was the type that couldn't be exposed to the light.

As expected, the car was coming here. After all, there was only one path leading to the villa complex. Normal people wouldn't be able to reach this place.

It was an ordinary-looking car without a license plate, which was rare in the city. It was enough to prove that people who came here had a guilty conscience. They probably found a random car and covered up the license plate.

The car didn't stop in our building, but slowly parked behind a tree not far away.

That place was fairly low-lying and was also where Tang Rou and I hid our cars. Fortunately, we had hidden our cars well, so the other side didn't notice us.

I saw a man get out of the car in a hurry. He first looked around before heading to the back of the house.

He had parked the car somewhere else in advance, and he had come in from the back, so he was quite cautious. Judging from his appearance and the way he was dressed, he seemed very ordinary, but there was a peaked cap on his head, covering most of his face. It was hard to tell his age, but it was obvious that he was a man.

"Do you think that this guy will use some evil method to deal with us like those black-clothed people?"

Tang Rou had yellow talismans in her hands and quickly scattered a round of dust around our feet.

Judging from the man's appearance, he did not seem to have the intention to do so. He quickly went to the backyard and climbed over the wall.

Looking at the other party's action of flipping over the wall, I inexplicably felt my previous nervousness dissipate by quite a bit. Looking at the other party's action of flipping over the wall, I inexplicably felt my previous nervousness dissipate by quite a bit, because this guy seemed to be much weaker than I had imagined.

"Why does he look like an ordinary person?"

Tang Rou also felt that it was a bit strange. Seeing that the other side had already reached the downstairs area, the two of us quickly left the room and found a place to hide.

The other party did not seem to have any doubts, and he soon heard the sound of someone going upstairs.

The other party was already in the corridor of the third floor. There wasn't much of a pause in the entire process.

This made me suspicious once again. Unless this guy was in a hurry, how could he not have any doubts? After all, even though the house was in a state of disrepair, there were still some places that were left with traces of cleaning. With just a little bit of attention, you could tell that.

The man walked all the way to the bedroom and headed straight for the wooden bed.

Before, Tang Rou and I had moved the bed back. Now, we could only watch as the man walked up to the bed and looked around.

"It should be here, right? This place is quite eerie and scary."

The guy said to himself. It sounded like he was local. After pausing for a while, he started to move the wooden bed.

Even though I still had a lot of doubts in my mind, I knew that it was time to make my move. Thus, I immediately dashed forward and raised my leg to kick that person's back.

I was still on guard against whether the other side was playing the pig to eat the tiger. After all, Tang Rou and I had suffered quite a bit, but this time it seemed like I had been too careless. That guy wasn't on guard at all.

That guy cried out and then turned around, battered and exhausted. When he saw me and the nervous Tang Rou approaching, he shouted loudly.

"What are you guys doing?"

At this moment, I even started to suspect if I was hallucinating. Otherwise, how could this person be so easily knocked down by me? Moreover, judging from the panicked expression on his face, he seemed to be much more worried than me and Tang Rou. Ke'er, this definitely isn't a bad person, so he shouldn't be in such a state.

Tang Rou and I were both confused, but we still had to do what we had to do.

I walked up to him and grabbed him from the ground. He was a middle-aged man in his forties, with fair skin and eyes that rarely walked in the open air. The fear in his eyes didn't seem to be fake.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? "

Tang Rou followed and directly pressed the dagger against her throat. What both of us didn't expect was that this man was actually beautiful enough to pee her pants, causing the air to be filled with a strong stench of urine. The man's two legs didn't stop moving.

"So disgusting."

"What exactly do you want? If you want money, you can take it away, but I'm not some rich person. I'm just a butler."

What butler?

"If you don't want to die, tell me why you're here."

After getting to the bottom of the matter, the rest could be slowly peeled off from the truth.

"I was entrusted by someone else to come here and check the situation. I don't know anything else, I really don't know anything!"

Tang Rou and I looked at each other. If what this person said was correct, then it was very possible that this matter was a lot more complicated than we had imagined.

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