was shrouded in **** moonlight.

   "There really is a problem."

   Standing on the top of a gantry crane, Lin Soul looked at the huge blood moon rising from the sea level, his face was full of seriousness.

   After searching for him on the dock for a long time, he did not find the source of his distress.

   But with the end of the safety time, the night has officially fallen, and he can finally be sure.

   The problem with this port is really big.

   The blood moon rising in sea level is the best proof.

   The projection of the Moon of Blood Terror that once appeared in Moon Bay.

   exudes full of distortion and negative power.

   That is a blessing behind the door.

   can evoke the darkest emotions in people's hearts.

   What is even more terrifying is that the projection of the Moon of Blood Terror in this port is more staring than the projection of the Moon Bay, and the distorted fluctuations released are thicker.

   Under the shining of these moonlights.

  15 Lin Hun found that the sea area ahead was also changing.

   The endless sea surface gradually deepens, turning into pitch black that seems to be able to inhale human souls.

【Ding! 】

   [You enter the special scene: the harbor of the sea of ​​resentment]

   [This scene is an advanced special scene: Ghost puzzles and cursed items will not be restricted, and you will not get a special status. 】

  【Special mission: Are these really goods? 】

   [Mission description: Every day at the southern suburbs wharf, countless goods from all over the world are handled, but some very special goods are hidden in these goods. These special goods will become very special existences at special times. 】

   [Task requirements: find these goods. 】

   [Task reward: 3 years of life]

  【Failure penalty: Maybe these goods are also looking for you. 】

   [Warning: In high-level special scenes, fall asleep with some particularly dangerous existences, do not wake them up. 】

   Along with the change of the sea, the system prompt pops out at the same time.

   Lin Hun felt the suddenly damp and heavy air, and his face gradually became serious.

   "The projection of the Moon of Blood Terror, and this black ocean... Last time Moon Bay, it was also because of the existence of a door that this environmental change occurred... Is there a door here too?"

   Looking at the changes in the surroundings, and thinking of the prompt given by Die Xian, Lin Soul felt that his guesses were inseparable.

   "But before looking for the door, we must first find the so-called ‘goods’."

   Soul Lin doesn't know what the goods the system is talking about, but he knows that according to the urine nature of the system, these goods are definitely not simple things.

   even said that these goods are very likely to be some kind of weirdness.

   and it's still that kind of terrible weirdness.

   If this were not the case, the punishment for failed missions would not be the goods that came to him.

   "If the goods are in a warehouse, or in a container, or in these ships, all I have to do is to find them as soon as possible."

   Feeling the heavier and heavier humid air, and the low sound of ocean waves gradually resounding in the air.

   Lin Hun's eyes were slightly red.

   He can feel that his skin is quickly adapting to this humid and cold air.

   His nose is constantly filtering the bad things in the air.

   But even so, he was corroded by something invisible in the air.

   He can feel that something bad is rising in his emotions.

   Because of the changes in emotions, his body has gradually undergone different changes.

   That is a kind of alienation, alienation that transforms people into inhumans.

   [Your liver feels that something very dirty has entered your body and feels very uncomfortable. Your liver has awakened its ability: Yin-yang transformation. 】

   The upper abdomen was slightly warm, and Lin Hun felt that there was a lot of invisible ignorance in his body that had been sucked into the liver.

   After inhaling these things, Lin Soul felt a slight cold in his liver.

   Next second.

   A string of airflow that made him feel very comfortable released from the liver and merged into his blood.

  【Your blood absorbs the pure soul power released by the liver, your blood feels very comfortable, and the source of life ability is temporarily improved. 】

   "My liver is awakened?"

   Feeling the continuous extraction of some invisible, but very filthy things from his body, and then transforming them into a very useful feeling.

   Lin Soul couldn't help sighing.


  The ability of the liver may not be as obvious and violent as the ability of the heart.

   But it is undeniable that the liver is very powerful.

   Yin-yang transformation.

   This ability can strongly erode the "poison" in his body into nutrients that can be absorbed.

  On this point alone.

   is enough to prove the power of the liver.


   gently exhaled a murky breath with a gloomy breath.

   Soul Lin walked towards the container group below.

   Liver awakening freed him from the threat of strange air.

   also gave him the confidence to continue exploring on this pier.


   Feeling the body fully recovered, Soul Lin ran quickly under the gantry crane.

   The awakening of the liver freed him from the pollution in the air.

   But he can't directly complete the task.

   wants to leave here and find the base of the "door", he still needs to search this pier seriously. .

Chapter 144:


   Walking on the southern suburbs pier, Lin Hun’s only feeling is tranquility.

  Although the evil breath contained in the air constantly invaded his body, it was transformed into the power of the soul by his liver, and merged into the blood.

  The integration of the power of the soul makes the power of life in the blood more surging, and the ghost blood becomes more active under the nourishment of this power.

   Lin Soul could feel the organs all over his body cheering.

  As the energy supplier of all organs in the body, the importance of blood is beyond doubt.

   Now the liver has awakened the ability to transform soul breath from the evil energy, and the blood, the most basic unit of the body's organs, has been greatly nourished.

  【Your liver and blood are linked, all the abilities of your blood are enhanced, and your blood acquires extraordinary characteristics: soul source, your blood can not only nourish your organs, but also strengthen your soul. 】

   [Your liver and your gall bladder are linked, and your bile secretion is increased, which can digest the tricks more effectively. Your daily digestion tricks +5, the current digestible quantity: 9.]

   [Your blood is linked to the cardiovascular system, and your cardiovascular system is better nourished and strengthened. 】

   prompts beating, power penetrates.

   At this moment Lin Soul felt the difference.

  Different from the strengthening of the body, the liver's ability to transform yin and yang possesses a very rare soul strengthening ability.

   With the strengthening of this power, Lin Soul felt his will become more focused and clear.

   "So the will is the embodiment of the soul?"

   blinked, feeling a more detailed sense of control over the body's power.

   Lin Hun's eyes turned.

  In his line of sight, a different scene appeared.

   He saw that some translucent "creatures" resembling jellyfish were faintly floating in the air.

   These creatures wiggled their long tentacles, and constantly sprinkled some tiny, almost invisible dust, covering the entire pier.

  "Is this the source of pollution々々?"

  The strengthening of the soul allows Soul Lin to better use the insight ability of his eyes.

   He looked at these jellyfish between existence and nonexistence, his eyes narrowed slightly.


   The deadly resentment scissors flew out from the side of the backpack and interspersed back and forth in the sky.

   But when this scissors that can cut the weird cuts through these jellyfishes, it seems to pass through the air, and can't have the slightest influence on the other party.

   "Can't attack? Or does normal level attack have no effect on these jellyfish?"

   beckoned, and the grieving scissors returned to the side pocket of the backpack.

   Lin Hun frowned.

   Although the liver awakened, his strength improved again.

   But the strange phenomenon on the dock still made him afraid to relax.

   This pier is different from any special scene he has entered.

   seems to hide a deeper horror here.

   "It's better to complete the task as soon as possible and leave here."

   Upon discovering this, Lin Soul sounded the alarm in his heart.

   It is important to get the base of the door, but it is even more important to live.

   He didn't want to put himself in a terribly dangerous place because of his impulse.

   His gaze moved, Lin Hun activated his future vision and quickly scanned the dock.

   [You entered the container area, you conducted a simple search, you found that there are many strange places hidden in this place, but because of lack of time, you did not investigate deeply. 】

[You entered the warehouse area, you conducted a simple investigation, and you found that there were strange smells in Warehouse No. 2, Warehouse No. 4, Warehouse No. 16, Warehouse No. 16 and Warehouse No. 32, but because of lack of time, you did not enter these The warehouse conducts an investigation. 】

   [You go to the docked freighter to investigate, you trigger a deep and terrifying dream, you...]


   Before the qualification prompt was displayed, Lin Soul spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with viscous seawater.

   At the same time, a huge fish scale began to appear on his skin, and on these fish scales were densely packed with strange lines like eyes.

   "I was attacked?"

   Looking at the fish scales that appeared on his body, the lines on these fish scales seemed to come alive and turned a large number of eyeballs to stare at Lin Soul at the same time.

   In an instant.

  A huge underwater palace emerged from Lin Soul's consciousness.

   is as clear as a crystal, brilliant like a rainbow.

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