Chapter 146:


   Teeth quivered up and down, and fear rose in my heart.

   Old Qiao huddled up in the stinking closet and hugged the gun in his arms tightly.

   Three days have passed since the monsters approached this warehouse.

   Old Joe’s sleep time did not exceed two hours.

   He felt that he was about to reach his limit.

   "It looks like I have been given up."

   Opened the personal panel and looked at the help message sent by him, but there was no reply from the superior. Old Joe's smile was bitter.

   He can understand the above decision.

   Because you have organized a total of five rescue operations during these three days.

   But the final result of these five rescue operations was-the entire army was wiped out.

   The above can no longer be consumed.

   "All I can do is pass on the last information of these monsters-go!"

   Feeling the extremely weak body because of exhaustion and hunger, Old Joe opened the private message of his superior and sent a bunch of information in.

  【Crooky Name: Organ of Terror】

  【Method of killing: by sneaking into the human body, assimilating and plundering the same organs. 】

  【Killing rules: As long as these organs can identify human organs in some way, organs such as skin, facial features, hands and feet will be recognized by the opponent in an instant and attacked, with a recognition range of 50 meters. 】

   [The recognition range of internal organs is only ten meters, but being killed is very fatal. 】

  【Avoidance method: These organs are very averse to foul smells. You only need to hide in an opaque, closed foul space to avoid attacks. 】

  【Notes: Never fall asleep at will. The organs of terror are very sensitive to human breathing during sleep. 】

   [Note: Do not attack the target at will. The other party has a certain projection ability. When you cause damage to the target, your body will be simultaneously damaged. 】

   [Finally, please take care of my mother and tell her that I need to perform the task and cannot go back in a short time. 】

   After sending this message, Old Qiao slowly closed his eyes.

  He is too tired.

   can't hold on anymore.

   "Maybe it won't be so painful if you fall asleep to death."

   This kind of thought flashed in his mind.

   Old Qiao's consciousness gradually fell into darkness.


   "This is it."

   Standing at the door of Warehouse No. 16, Lin Soul's eyes flickered slightly.

  【In this warehouse, you finally see the "goods". You have been attacked by the goods. Your organs cheered and swallowed all the goods. 】


   Looking at the prompt that popped up in Future Vision, Lin Soul was stunned.

   He really didn't know what this so-called cargo was that could make his organs so happy.

   is really weird.

   "Go in and take a look."

   If you don't understand, you don't want to, Lin Soul is very simple and rude to deal with this kind of mindless problem.

   Go straight!


   took a kick, kicked the small door of the warehouse, and Lin Hun stepped in.


   As soon as he entered the warehouse, he smelled a suspicious smell.

   That is a stench mixed with blood.

   There is also a strange smell mixed with the stench, which makes people very uncomfortable.

   "What is it?"

   Soul Lin frowned when he smelled this.

   He suspects that the smell is related to his task.

   These smells are likely to come from the so-called goods.

   "Goods with a **** such a it possible that the goods mentioned here are human organs?"


   As soon as the thought came out of his mind, he heard a scalp numb squirming sound.

   Eyeballs with **** nerve shafts and kidneys connected to blood vessels were "squeezed" out of the gaps in the warehouse goods.


   These organs screamed like mice, conveying excitement.

   It feels like they have found some delicious food.

   "Is this the so-called goods?"

   Looking at the various organs that were still emerging from the various cargo compartments, Lin Soul's expression changed.

   Eyeballs, kidneys, liver, arms, spine, skin, teeth.

······Seeking flowers······

  At this time, this warehouse seems to have become a wholesale market for human body parts, with all kinds of organs.

   Each of these organs is surrounded by strong resentment, and thick blood is flowing.

   seems to have just been removed from the human body, filled with a terrible smell that makes the scalp numb.

   "Is this a warehouse for smuggled body parts?"

   Endless horror comes, although the world has changed.

   But many of these changes are based on the elements of the original scene.

   Where there has been a car accident, there will be a quirk of death in a car accident.

   Where there are problems in playing supernatural games, real supernatural game items will appear.

   Employees who died suddenly due to overtime also appeared in the office building where they were working.


   And there are so many human organs here.

   Then there is a great possibility that this kind of resentment has been transported here.

   Lin Soul's gaze turned, and scenes flashed in his eyes continuously.

   The stunned drunkard was carried on the operating table like a slaughterhouse, had a kidney cut off, and threw it into a bathtub full of ice cubes.

   The kid who was abducted was given a lot of anesthetics, and his eyeballs and other useful organs were taken alive.

   The men and women who went to work abroad were on the thief ship of a human organ dealer. They were killed on the high seas and all their organs were harvested.

   The scholars who went to Nanhei to engage in eloquence were kidnapped by the local barbarians and sold to organ dealers. In the end, they had their useful organs removed, and they were thrown on the grassland to fend for themselves.

   On each of these organs, Lin Soul saw endless sins.

   The grievances entwined with these organs turned these organs into treacherous while the endless horror descended.

   They have only one rule.


   take the same organs as them.

   for them.

   can see that other humans have also lost the same organs as them.

   This is the greatest enjoyment for them.

  The dragon slayer finally becomes the evil dragon.

   becomes a ghost organ, and only wants other people to enjoy the same despair as them. Big.

Chapter 147:

  叽叽! Grumbling!

   There was a thick and disgusting voice, and a kidney squirmed suddenly.

   An invisible wave followed.

   In an instant.

   Lin Soul felt a strange sensation in his kidneys.

   It feels like biting, but it has no strength, like sucking, but not so gentle, like gnawing but without teeth, licking but a bit rough.

   The strange feeling made him have a strange touch, and the strange touch made his kidneys have strange desires.

   That's how the feeling of hunger came.

   Reversed extraction started, and Soul Lin's kidneys swallowed it with big mouths.

   follows the invisible connection and directly acts on the target.

   That squirming kidney looked like dehydrated grapes for a moment, dry and sleek, and it was no longer round.

   [Your kidneys have absorbed the essence of the kidney ghost, and your kidney's awakening level has increased. 】

   [Your kidney said that if you absorb 100 more of these kidney ghosts, you will almost be able to awaken. 】

   "Oh? There are upgrades? It seems that this is my blessed place!"

   His gaze moved, Lin Hun glanced at the barn, and found that among these tricky organs, the kidneys were the most.

   I don’t know if it’s because people can live without a kidney.

   There are at least two to three hundred kidneys here.


   Just as Lin Hun was thinking, other organs treacherously attacked.

   Various strange feelings came.

   Lin Hun felt that his organs seemed to have participated in the Manchu Banquet.

   After these organs were connected to his body in an unknown way, not only were they unable to absorb anything from him.

   Instead, he was eagerly sucked into dried meat by his own organs.

   "Huh! Cool!"

   Seeing that the organs around him were shrinking so strangely, Lin Hun picked up a cardboard box and placed it under his buttocks.

   These organ crooks are the most mindless crooks he has ever seen.

   only has the instinct to attack.

   They don't care if they can kill the target they choose.

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