The reminder that the future is yes gave Lin Hun a heart, and he ignored the skin that had become itchy because of the rotting giant's sight.

   directly controlled the shadow double to retract the claw blade, transforming the ten fingers into a sharp pen shape, and swinging his arms continuously.


   The pitch-black shadow pen is like bullets shot out one after another, accurately hitting the extra eyeballs of the rotting giant.

   Along with the deafening scream, Lin Hun felt the itchiness on his body subsided a lot.

   His feet alternated back and forth, and Lin Soul moved flexibly around the rotting giant.

   At the same time, his hands kept waving.

   The shadow pens pierced all the extra eyeballs on the rotting giant into explosive balls.


   The pain of bursting eyes made the rotting giant scream constantly.

   It moved its bulky body, trying to attack Lin Soul.

   But its speed can't even catch up with Lin Soul's shadow.

   "Except for the power of the eyes, other aspects are not worth mentioning. Maybe I can use this guy to delay for a long time before talking."

   shot a fountain pen through an eye on the knee of the rotting giant, and Lin Soul had such thoughts in his mind.

   But I haven't waited for him to practice.

   Future Vision jumped out of the prompt again.

  【The gluttony ghost fell from the sky and swallowed the rotting giant corpse, biting off half of your body by the way, you were seriously injured, and you were eaten by the gluttony ghost. 】


   Seeing this prompt, Lin Soul didn't even think about it, so he directly changed the direction and retreated back.

   As he left the place, a big mouth with three layers of fangs fell from the sky.

   swallowed the decaying giant and the half of the ring at the feet of this giant in one bite.

   Squeak! Squeak!

   With a sound of chewing, the huge mouth gradually retracted and returned to the body of a naked figure with only a big mouth on his head.

   Looking at this figure, Lin Hun's face changed slightly.

   Through the perspective of the shadow substitute, he saw that the monster with only the mouth rose up with a dark red aura, and there was a trace of black mist in the dark red aura.

   This guy turned out to be the highest level of Blood Li, and he has already begun to touch the tricks of the Black Disaster!

······Seeking flowers······

   At the same time he saw this guy, Lin Soul's eyes of death retrospective suddenly started.

   One by one pictures flashed in his eyes.

   Dry wasteland.

   Farmland with no harvest.

   People who have been short of food for a long time are skinny and collapsed on the side of the road waiting to die.

   A child with a big head and a big mouth full of blood stains, running hard with half a dirty bun in his arms.

   He snatched this piece of head from the dog's mouth of the landlord's house.

   In order to **** this bun, he was almost killed by the landlord’s dog.

   Fortunately, he escaped.

   Then his sister who has been hungry for three days will have something to eat.

   Looking at the tattered shack gradually appearing within the time limit, a happy smile appeared on the child's face.

   That is his and his sister’s home.

   "Meat taste..."

   As he approached, the child gradually smelled the scent of stewed meat.


   This scent entered his nose, causing his stomach pouch, which had also been hungry for three days, to scream.

   "It smells so sweet."

   The child didn't think much about the smell, but continued to run towards the shack where his sister was.

   But when he got to the shack, he found that there were a few more strange adults here, but his sister had disappeared.

   "Who are you? Where is my sister?"

   "What is your sister? We don't think there is anyone here to rest here! There is no your sister here, get out!"

   An adult with a big beard said evilly, but in the eyes of the child, he smelled a familiar smell from him.

   The smell of my sister.

   "My sister is here!"

   The child who smelled the smell ran towards the shack madly.

   "Smelly boy! Looking for death!"

   Seeing the child's movements, several adults exchanged glances, stood up together, and knocked him to the ground.

   "Sister! Sister!"

   The child who was thin and hungry for a few days had no resistance at all, and was punched and kicked in the middle by several adults.

The wound on   's body was cracked by the dog bite and blood came out again, but the child looked towards the shack indifferently.

   He saw a burning campfire, a thin body with an open belly driving on the campfire, and the familiar head beside the campfire.

   "Sister! Sister!"

   For an instant, a string seemed to be broken in the child's mind.

   The next moment, only blood was left in his eyes.

  Anger, despair, grief, killing intent.

   The overflowing negative emotions formed a key and opened the door hidden deep in the untouchable realm.

  He changed from him to him. Big.

Chapter 157:

"very hungry!"

   The evil spirit named Gluttony recovered from the child's heart, and after swallowing several cannibals, he wandered constantly.




   The gluttonous ghost ate all the human beings wherever they could see.

   Regardless of whether the opponent is a wealthy man who has control over ten thousand hectares of farmland, a victim who eats tree bark like him, or a baby who is still in the swaddle.

   The devil had recovered from the bottom of his heart, and all that was left was appetite.

   In his eyes, there is only eating.

   Until one day.

   A man dressed as a scholar appeared in front of him.

   "The heart demon has been born, and there is no cure; today, you can only save peace in the world if you are overwhelmed."

   In the memory of the gluttony ghost, the scholar simply waved his fan twice.

   His body disappeared into the world as if it had been erased by an eraser.


   "The dead treacherous, unexpectedly resurrected in the dark side world?"

   Through death backtracking, Lin Hun already knew the roots and feet of this gluttonous ghost in front of him.

   From his memory, he also saw a figure that made him very concerned.


   Lin Hun didn't know if this scholar was the ghost and **** scholar who left his soul.

   But the opponent's strength is really strong enough.

   Judging from the retrospective of death, the gluttony ghost at that time had reached the black disaster level and became a mobile natural disaster.

   He only needs to open his mouth to the target, and he can swallow the whole target without leaving a trace.

   And his swallowing is still a wide-area attack.

   He once swallowed a small town in one bite.

   But such a powerful gluttony can't resist the scholar's fan.

   It can be seen how powerful this scholar is.

   spread out his palms, and the sickle of resentment flowed out of the palm.

   Faced with this gluttony ghost who was once a black calamity class, Soul Lin did not dare to be careless.

   [The Gluttony uses the Devourer to swallow you and the space near you, and you are dead! 】

  【You try to use the power of ghosts to teleport, your ghosts fight against the bitter world of gluttony ghosts, your ghosts are suppressed, and you die. 】

   [You use the flashing ability of your legs, and you flashed behind the gluttony. 】

   For an instant, three hints appeared in Lin Soul's eyes, and Lin Soul who saw these hints did not hesitate at all, and directly launched a flash.


   Almost at the same time he disappeared, there was a sound of teeth colliding in the air.

   The position where he stood just now has been sunken by a large chunk.

  At the same time, the gluttony seemed to have a lot of food stuffed into his mouth, and he chewed.

   "You must kill this guy before you run out of flashes."

  The Lin Soul flashed behind the gluttony ghost's palm, and the hatred sickle fell into his hand.


   The ground under his feet exploded, and his figure had deceived him to the gluttony.


  The cutting is as treacherous as the abomination sickle for cutting tofu, but it is blunt when it is cut on the body of a glutton, like a real rusty sickle.

   only left an invisible wound on his body, and he was helplessly slid away.

   The body of a glutton is incredible.

   Even the hatred sickle can't directly take it.


   The wound on his neck probably angered the gluttony. He let out a roar, opened his mouth suddenly, and bit down continuously.




   One by one, virtual images like huge mouths loomed in the air.

   There were dents in the air in the arena.

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