This is also the reason why this pool has not been full.

   and in the paradise of death.

   The tricky heart here is full of desire, and the power of original sin is overflowing.

   is simply the natural home of the original sin pool.

   Soul Forest just put it at the core to liberate it, and this guy naturally took over the operation of the Paradise of Rebirth.

   And through the connection of the shadow.

   Lin Hun also felt that his shadow had already imprinted his own mark on this cursed item.

   Now this original sin pool has become his shape.

【Ding! 】

   [Your Paradise of Departures got the core item: the original sin pool. 】

  【Your rebirth paradise has been completed! 】

   [Detected that the Dark Side World Reincarnated Paradise and the Sun Side World Remnant Paradise have the same soul fluctuations, and the two scenes resonate. 】

  【The door begins to spawn...】

  【Generation complete! 】

   [Congratulations on your special scene: Twin City. 】Big.

Chapter 337:

   Space is trembling, and inexplicable matter is being generated.

   A blood-colored door was slowly formed in front of Soul Lin.

   "Is this the door?"

   This is the first time that Soul Lin has seen a naturally generated blood gate.

   is also the first time to intuitively feel what kind of existence the door is.

   That is a channel that resonates with the real world.

   As long as the frequency is right, then the door will derive.

   And this door is a little different from other doors.

   This door connecting the two paradise of rebirth not only breaks the boundaries of space, but also creates an alternative connection between the two cities.

   Now, there is even some kind of linkage between these two rebirth paradise.

   The negative emotions of the city of the original night city will be absorbed by the world of the sun, and four zeros will form the crystallization of resentment.

  The power of original sin in the paradise of rebirth in the world of the sun will also be absorbed by the original sin pool in this city, forming the original sin liquid.

   The two complement each other and produce the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

   also made Lin Soul's perception and control of these two cities more refined and acute.


   The connection of the two rebirth paradise makes Lin Hun happy.

   But he hasn't been immersed in this kind of thing for too long.

  He, there is still a lot to do.

   "Then, the next step is to build my soul city."

   Even though the city of the night is a city in the dark side world, it is not considered a city of souls that can be advanced to the nightmare according to the system.

   And because of scientists, this city bears part of her brand.

   It takes a long time to erase these marks.

   And even if these imprints were erased, this city couldn't be more suitable for him than the paradise of rebirth he built.

   Therefore, it is imperative to build a city of your own soul.

   "The personnel are already in place, then it's time to start."

   Architect Qu Qiaoqiao, mechanic Han Xiao, blacksmith Shen Tie, tailor Lu Xiu.

   Two black disasters, two special tricks that were once affected by the divine organs.

   The four engineering missions composed of them are enough to complete the big project of City of Souls.

  Of course, as long as they are responsible for the core framework of the City of Souls, to fully build this city, a lot of tricky work is needed.

   In this regard, the residents of Moon Bay and Night City are competent enough.

   "Then... let's start."


   The plan to build the Soul City has begun.

   Under the command of Qu Qiaoqiao, the chief engineer, a lot of trickery was mobilized and put into this work.

   The engineering ghost machine built by Han Xiao is activated, and the basic framework is being constructed.

   Blacksmith Shen Tie and tailor Lu Xiu were assigned the work of making meticulous parts.

   One time.

   The entire Moon Bay has entered a state of engineering in full swing.

   And this time.

   Lin Hun came to the ghost village.

   "Shuang'er, do scientists have any signs of awakening?"

   Lin Mansion ancestral hall, Lin Hun looked at the scientist lying in the ghost coffin, turned around and asked noisily.

   At this time, the shackles on the scientist's body have been removed, the twine on the eyelids and mouth have all been cut off, and the material in the ears has also been taken out.

   The whole person has changed from a miserable curled up doll to a beautiful sleeping princess.

   "Not for the time being. Although her injuries have recovered, there is no sign of her will returning."

   Yin Shuang'er shook his head and said.

   "Is the will still in a lost state?"

   rubbed his chin, Lin Hun's expression was thoughtful.

no doubt.

   Scientist is a very powerful character.

   Whether it is building a night city or developing a soul chip.

   are all expounding each other's excellence and potential.

   For such talents, Lin Hun is very interested.

   "If you eat something, you can only get the strength left over from the opponent's body at most. It's too wasteful. The best way is to let her will return and let her work for me."

   But doing so is also risky.

   Lin Soul is not sure whether he will become his enemy after the opponent's will returns.

   So, before saving the other party...

   Lin Hun definitely gave her a layer of insurance.

   raised the scientist's wrist, and Lin Hun slashed her wrist with a finger like a knife.

   The power of the Indestructible Grip was activated, which counteracted her instinctive spiritual resistance, leaving an extra wound on her wrist.

   Dark blood flowed out, exuding weird fluctuations.

   Soul Lin also raised his wrist at this time, cut a hole in his wrist with the blood butcher, and stuck it on the scientist's wound.

  He is going to exchange blood.

   Using blood to imprint a scientist’s body, this method is a very good control method.

   Especially the blood that has awakened the divine attribute can not only improve the treacherous physique, but also make the opponent dependent on him unknowingly.

   Lin Soul's blood is simply poisonous.

   is not tricky to resist at all.

   In this way, nearly two hundred milliliters of blood was injected into the scientist's body.

   With the injection of his blood, Lin Hun felt an inexplicable connection between himself and the scientist.

   Feeling such a forest soul, knowing that his purpose has been achieved.

   "Then the next step is to find a way to get her consciousness back."

   Lin Hun looked at the scientist whose complexion had become like a living person, and his expression became serious.

   The opponent is lost on the way to advancement because of the advanced magic nightmare.

   wants to pull her consciousness back.

   is not a simple thing.

   Lin Hun took a deep breath and took off the blindfold from his right eye.

   showed his right eye, which had gradually become dark.

   "The connection of artistic conception, at present, I only have this ability to do it. I hope that through this, I can regain your consciousness..."

   The black and red pupils suddenly spread, turning into a dark red like a pool of blood.

   The invisible gaze carries a terrifying mood and connects to the scientist.

this moment.

   Lin Hun left a trace of blood and tears at the corner of his right eye.

   His consciousness penetrated the gap between reality and dream, and connected to the scientist's lost consciousness.


Chapter 338:

   Fear is passing.

   Zhaoyue's power made Lin Soul touch the corner of the nightmare's power in advance.

   He felt a power completely different from that of treacherousness.

   The power of dreams.

   "Why is there such power?"

   The right eye of Zhaoyue continued to activate, Lin Hun's gaze penetrated the barrier between reality and dream, and "seeing" the figure of the scientist.

   The scientist at this time, for unknown reasons, transformed into another form.

   An existence like a bug.

   Holding a spike, she walks with a complicated underground kingdom.

  Wandering and killing continuously.

   is like a most qualified hunter.

   is carrying out one task after another.

It is clear.

   She is already immersed in it.

 15  completely forgot who she used to be.

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