Lin Soul appeared behind the Hand of Punishment.


   He opened his hands, and his two soul hands broke through a ring of air waves and got close to the hand of punishment.

   "Break your finger first!"

   His hands were interlaced up and down, Lin Hun clenched his fists with both hands and pulled heavily.

   The soul hand that was close to the hand of punishment also made the same movement simultaneously.


The sound of    dislocation of bone joints sounded, and the little finger of the hand of punishment was directly twisted into a frightening dorsal shape.

   All of this Lin Soul stepped on his feet last night and appeared above the Hand of Retribution again.

  He opened his hand and fished it.

   pulled out the rainy night butcher knife inserted in the hand of punishment, and then stretched out his arms, a scarlet light swept across the base of the broken little finger of the hand of punishment.



  The black liquid gushes from the broken point of the hand of punishment.

  The severed fingers tumbling in the air gradually twisted into a ghost hand that has been stuck in a state of dead silence.

   Seeing the forest soul of this ghost hand, the palm of his hand suddenly popped out.

   The soul hand on the right was like a predatory falcon under his control, swallowing the ghost hand.


   The pitch black font appeared on the ring finger of this soul hand.


   Coughed out a bit of blood, Lin Hun barked his teeth while looking at the shrunk hand of punishment.

   The moment he was shocked, he broke a few ribs, and his internal organs also bleed.

   But with the blood of the fountain of life and the surging power of the heart, he did not lose the ability to move.

   "Victory is here!"

   After taking a few breaths, Lin Soul charged the Yuye Butcher knife again.

   The number of ghost hands now possessed by the hand of punishment is the same as the number of ghost hands he swallowed.

   But because the hand of punishment has the ability to transform the power of the ghost hand into another power.

   Soul Hand is not its opponent.

   Therefore, I want to solve this weird big hand.

   Lin Hun had to personally play.

   But the power of the hand of punishment that lost a finger has faded a lot.

   The grip of the void that can grasp space is no longer able to be used.

   Therefore, it is impossible to cause damage to the soul of the forest that flashes with ghosts.

   In addition, there are soul hands that have absorbed the power of five ghost hands to assist.

   The hand of punishment was quickly chopped off finger after finger.





   As the fingers were cut one after another, they were swallowed.

On the ten fingers of the    soul hand, only the little thumb of the left hand did not appear in the font.

   At this time, the hand of punishment has also shrunk to a point that is smaller than the normal ghost hand.

"the last one."

   Lin Soul, with a pale face, looked at this somewhat miniature hand of punishment, and raised his finger.

   Next second.

  The two huge soul hands carried a gust of fishy wind, and slapped the punishment hand in the palm of the palm.

   There was a slight tremor.

  【Pick up】

   On the little finger of the left hand of the soul hand, a font slowly emerged, and a series of prompts jumped out at the same time. Big.

Chapter 102:

   [Congratulations on completing the task: Hand of Punishment. 】

   [The degree of completion of your task: 100%. 】

   [You have activated the core ability of the Apostle of Retribution: Hand of Retribution]

  【Hand of Punishment】

   [Properties: Hand-type ghost puzzle suppression power +10, hand-type ghost puzzle power +20, opponent-type ghost puzzle fusion power +20, additional special ability: Void Grip. 】

   [Hint: This ability will increase as the fusion of ghost puzzles increases. 】

When the    prompt fell, Lin Hun felt that his control over the soul hand had suddenly increased by a large amount, and at the same time, the sense of power feedback from the soul hand also gave him the illusion of being able to squeeze a nuclear bomb with his bare hands.

   "The Grip of the Void..."

Two Three Three    Looking at the soul hand floating beside him, Lin Hun raised his palm and shook it toward the front.


   A group of collapsed space depressions appeared from a position twenty meters ahead.

   directly caused a pit up to the depth of Misch to appear on the ground.

   The pits are smooth, like a mirror.

   as if it was always this way.

   "The power is really good, whether it's used to deal with tricks or people, it's very strong."

   Feeling that he didn't consume too much energy, Lin Soul thought to himself.

   "It seems that the Blood Li level is the threshold for players to enter the transcendence. As long as they enter this level, ordinary weapons in reality can no longer pose a threat to such players."

   "But a powerful weapon is still very dangerous."

   "It's better to keep a low profile."

   Silently put away his soul hand, Lin Hun took out a piece of resentment crystal fragment and threw it into his mouth, chewing.

   This angry resentment crystallized into a warm current and merged into Lin Soul's body.

   Under the influence of this warm current.

   Soul Lin felt his painful chest feel much more comfortable.


   sat on the ground, Lin Hun rested on the spot.

   Solved the fallen hand of punishment.

   This temple is already a safe area, and the door to the left room has also been manifested.

   There is no need for him to waste time going back to the lounge to rest.

   The heart is beating and the blood is flowing.

   The strong life force is healing Lin Soul's injury.

   The dull time passed by one minute after another.

   Until a prompt popped out of Lin Soul's eyes.

   [Five minutes later, because you did not take part in the second battle in time, your mission failed, and you fell into the cycle of endless battles. 】

   "Is the time coming?"

   Seeing this prompt, Lin Soul opened his eyes.

   He felt a slight pain, but his chest that didn't affect his actions, stood up silently.

   "Then let's go!"

   Putting on the original sin golden fleece that was picked off while resting, and feeling the weakened faint whisper, Lin Hun raised his eyebrows.

   He found that he was quickly adapting to the side effects of this shoulder pad.

   I am afraid that it will not take long before he will be able to awaken the original sin resistance attribute and be completely immune to the side effects of this cursed item.

   Put on your gear.

   Soul Lin left the room of trial and came to the weird corridor.

   He didn't stop, directly used the flash, and returned to the position of the stairs.

   "I don't know when the flash can be used as freely as it is now."

  Walking on the stairs, Lin Hun felt the legs with a lot of power left, and sighed.

   In the state of overloading and linkage, the power of the organs is really strong and convenient.

   There were fifty flashes that made him almost invincible.

   Unfortunately, this state can only last for 24 hours.

   "Wait...24 hours?"

   Thinking of this, Lin Hun's expression changed.

   His inaugural task is to fight for a whole day in the arena...

   is carried out every four hours.

   a total of six times.

   But before he entered the door, he had already started the effect of overload linkage.

   After adding the entrance door, enter the town of Despair, find the mission clues, and open the death arena.

   Several hours have been wasted.

  In other words, his overload linkage will disappear before the mission is completed.

   He will also enter a state of -50% weakness.

   When the time comes, he will have the last duel.

   is very likely to die.

   Because the opponent in the last duel was the strongest among the six opponents.

   But his state is the worst.

   In this state, duel.

   The true intention is to seek death.

   "Hi! Why did I forget about this?"

   Lin Hun, who came to the arena unknowingly, looked a little ugly, but his opponent did not give up attacking because of his ugly face.


   This head has a cow's head, a human body, and it has four arms.

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