As the little boy spoke, blood continued to flow from his eyes.

He was wearing a white T-shirt, which was now stained red by the blood.

"Little boy, where is your mother?"

"Uncle will go and get it back for you."

Jack knew that helping the little boy get his ball back was the task of this plot.

In the horror world, nothing can be inferred by common sense.

The game voice said that if the task is not completed or the assets are deducted.

You will stay here forever.

Who knows what kind of horrible things will happen?

Jack was unwilling to deduct his assets.

Hearing Jack's words, the little boy pointed his finger at the dilapidated house and said:

"Mom is cooking in the house."

"But she is angry now and has a bad temper. Uncle, you have to be careful."

Hearing the little boy's reminder, Jack's heart suddenly tightened.

But he still walked towards the dilapidated house.

"Chop, chop, chop~"

Jack was getting closer and closer to the house, and the sound of a kitchen knife chopping on a chopping board kept coming.

The person in the house seemed to be chopping something

He came to the door, and the door was open.

"Dong, dong, dong~"

Jack still knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

A woman's voice came from the house.

Jack said:

"Hello, I'm a passerby."

"Is the little boy outside your child?"

Hearing Jack's answer, the woman's voice came again.

"You mean that brat."

"Is he still standing outside crying?"

"Like his father, he is also a useless waste."

"Okay, since you are here, come in and sit for a while."

Jack walked into the house carefully.

The first thing he saw was the woman in the house.

She was standing in the kitchen at the moment, holding a kitchen knife in her hand and waving it constantly.

It seemed that she was chopping meat, and blood foam was splattering.

Seeing Jack come in, she immediately turned around.

"Come in and have a drink?"

At this moment, the woman's face, clothes, and apron were all covered with red blood stains.

Jack was stunned for a moment, then said:

"Hello, madam, I don't think it's necessary."

"I'm here to get your son's ball back."

The woman's face suddenly became ugly when she heard this:


"Once that stinky boy got the ball, he only knew how to kick it."

"Even his studies were delayed."

Hearing the woman's words, Jack was stunned, then said:

"But madam, children of this age are at the age of playing."

"You can't let him bury his head in books, right?"

After Jack finished speaking, the woman's face became even uglier.

Black meridians and corpse spots emerged from her forehead.

She looked at Jack coldly and said:

"You are not welcome here, please get out of my room!"

"Madam..." Jack wanted to say something, and a kitchen knife flew over.

Jack barely dodged it.

Then he immediately rushed out of the house.

"What an unreasonable woman!"

After running out of the house, Jack gritted his teeth and cursed when he saw that the woman did not chase him out.

It seems that this task is not as simple as he thought.

Just as he was hesitating, a figure suddenly appeared on this plot of land.

"It's the player from the East."

Jack's eyes fell on Chen Xun.

Chen Xun was originally in plot 17.

Then he threw two more 1 points.

At this moment, he was in the same plot with Jack.

The same game voice as Jack came.

"Complete the child's task?"

"Otherwise, you need to pay a toll of 10% of all assets?"

Chen Xun looked at the crying little boy in front of the house.

At the same time, he also noticed Jack next to the little boy.

However, he did not want to pay attention to Jack's meaning.

"Little brother, what's wrong with you?" Chen Xun walked over and asked.

If it's a few million tolls, forget it.

But the toll is 200 million game coins.

If it was ghost money, Chen Xun might not care.

But this is game coins.

Now in this copy, he only has so many game coins.

It's still painful to deduct them.

The child's voice came:

"Uncle, my ball was taken away by my mother, can you help me get it back?"

"My mother is angry now, I dare not provoke her."

The same line continued to sound from the little boy's mouth.

Chen Xun was stunned for a moment, then asked:

"Where is your mother? "

The little boy pointed his finger at the dilapidated house and said:

"Mom is cooking in the house."

"But she is angry now and has a bad temper. Uncle, you have to be careful."

Chen Xun didn't say much and walked directly into the house.

Jack on the side didn't have the slightest intention of reminding Chen Xun.

"Hehe, this Eastern player will definitely be defeated later."

"I even saw him being chopped into minced meat."

Jack sneered in his heart.

Then he thought in his mind, how can he get the ball that the child needs from the woman's hand?

But he had no clue at all.

On the other side, Chen Xun approached the house.

The sound of chopping meat was still heard.

Chen Xun knocked on the door and walked in.

"Madam, the child outside, is it your child?"

"I saw him crying, so I walked in to ask. "

After Chen Xun finished speaking, the woman's voice came:

"You are talking about that brat."

"Is he standing outside crying?"

"Just like his father, he is also a useless waste."

"Okay, since you are here, come in and sit for a while."

It was still the same line.

The woman turned around and looked at Chen Xun.

Chen Xun said:

"By the way, madam, your son said that you took away his ball?"

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the woman's expression suddenly became ugly.

"Yes, that brat only knows how to play football all day long, and even forgets to do his homework!"

"The teacher has visited the family several times, but he still doesn't change."

"I can only take his ball away. "

Hearing the woman's words, Chen Xun's first thought was to reason with the woman.

But then he remembered that this was a horror world.

Talking to a ghost, wouldn't that be courting death?

Besides, this was a female ghost.

Chen Xun thought about it and decided to please the woman and finally find a chance to get the ball.

So Chen Xun smiled and said:

"Yes, Madam, you are right."

"Children nowadays should read more!"

"If you play football all day, your grades will be zero sooner or later!"

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the woman's expression suddenly improved a lot.

But there was a trace of doubt on her face.

"You're right."

"But my son plays volleyball..."

Chen Xun's mouth twitched slightly, and then he said:

"It's the same principle, isn't it?"

"Madam, I can understand your decision very well. "

The woman smiled when she heard this:

"There are not many people who understand my decision like you."

"Sir, you are a person who knows how to teach children."

"Your child must be excellent, right?"

Chen Xun nodded without refuting.

He could see that this woman seemed to attach great importance to the education of her children, so she pretended to be the father of a successful child.

First, get the favor of this woman.

Chen Xun said:

"Every year, I get the three good students."

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the woman immediately became interested.

She put down the kitchen knife in her hand, walked closer to Chen Xun, and said:


"Then can you teach me how to educate this bad boy?"

"I am so worried about this guy now."

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