The man's face was covered with terrible corpse spots, and there was a pungent smell of alcohol on his face.

The man's right hand seemed to have rotted, and was held tightly by Chen Xun.

There was a sticky feeling.

Seeing Chen Xun turn around and hold his right hand tightly.

The man was surprised for a moment.

Although these NPCs cannot attack with ghost weapons, Chen Xun's body seems to be the same as these NPCs in the game.

Therefore, Chen Xun can hold the man's hand and make it difficult for him to move.

The man looked at Chen Xun in surprise, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"You are the bitch lover!"

"Hehe, I finally caught you today."

"Don't think I don't know, even the stinky boy outside was born by you two bitches!"

The man said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Chen Xun was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to be involved in an inexplicable incident.

Moreover, it seems that he is the one who takes the blame.

The woman looked at the man and said coldly:

"You useless thing!"

"If it weren't for your thing, which is as useless as you, would I need to find a lover?"

The woman sneered.

There was no disguise at all.

She didn't even intend to explain Chen Xun's identity.

It seemed that she had admitted that Chen Xun was her lover.

Chen Xun's eyes widened.

Hey, hey, hey?

You guys can make a fuss, but don't involve me.

The man glared at the woman, and the veins on his forehead burst.

He pulled his hand away, and the rotten meat slid off his bones, and he also broke free from Chen Xun's hand.

Then the man took the fruit knife in his hand and stabbed the woman.

"Today I will kill you, the stinky bitch, first, and then kill that beast."

As the man said, the fruit knife in his hand stabbed into the woman's abdomen.

Blood flowed out of the woman's abdomen.

But the woman didn't seem to care at all, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Haha, trash is trash."

"Even if you kill me, you are still trash!"

Chen Xun was stunned when he saw this scene.

This... is too bloody.

However, he subconsciously noticed that behind him, on the sofa in the living room, there was a volleyball lying quietly.

There seemed to be a little blood stain on the volleyball.

"I can't care so much, take the ball out first and complete this task first."


However, just when Chen Xun was about to take action, a head flew over.

It hit the volleyball and finally fell to the ground.

The red blood immediately dyed the entire volleyball red.

It was a man's head.

The head fell to the ground, and his eyes were still staring at Chen Xun.

It seemed that he had a feeling of dying with his eyes open.

Chen Xun looked at the head without any feeling.

After all, in the horror world, basically everyone is an NPC.

And this man just wanted to kill himself.

Chen Xun couldn't sympathize with him.

At this time, the woman also came over, picked up the bloody volleyball and handed it to Chen Xun, saying:

"Sir, a little family conflict, I'm sorry for making you laugh just now."

"By the way, after your child finishes painting on this ball, can you let me appreciate it?"

"If my stinky boy can paint peacefully like your child, I would be willing to live ten years less."

Chen Xun took the bloody ball and smiled:

"Of course, ma'am."

The woman smiled when she heard it:

"That's great."

"How about you stay for dinner?"

The woman talked to Chen Xun as if she was chatting with her.

It seemed that she didn't notice that there was a corpse lying in the room, and there was a knife stuck in her abdomen.

Blood was flowing from the wound.

Chen Xun smiled awkwardly and said:

"No, I need to go back and cook for my child."

The woman heard this and a hint of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"That's a pity."

"You are such a good father."

Chen Xun smiled, then took the ball and prepared to turn around and leave.

However, the woman behind him suddenly said:

"Sir, you forgot to pay."

Chen Xun then remembered something and handed the woman 100 game coins.

It seems that this woman still cares more about the money.

Then, Chen Xun left the house.

However, the moment he stepped out of the door of the house, the sound of chopping meat came from the house again.

It seemed that nothing happened inside.

Chen Xun felt that if he went in again, he would probably see anotherA woman who looked like she had never seen him before.

And the man who wanted to kill him.

This plot of land seemed to be re-filed whenever a player left.

Chen Xun came out of the house holding the bloody volleyball, and the little boy who was crying "woooo woooo" stopped crying immediately.

Then, with a smile on his face, he ran towards Chen Xun.

"Oh my God, brother, you really did it!"

"How did you convince my bad-tempered mother?"

Jack also wanted to know.

He racked his brains on this plot of land just now, but he couldn't think of how to win the favor of the woman.

Just now, after he entered the house, he was driven out by the unreasonable woman with a kitchen knife before he could say a few words.

He even suspected that if he was slower, he would probably become the meat on the chopping board of the woman!

But, this oriental player actually brought the volleyball out smoothly?

Chen Xun handed the ball to the little boy and said:

"Here's the ball. Be good. Study hard in the future and don't hurt your mother's heart."

The little boy took the volleyball, nodded, and said:

"Yeah, I will, big brother."

"Big brother, do you want to play volleyball with me?"

Chen Xun looked at the little boy's empty eyes, shook his head and said:

"No, I have something else to do."

After that, the little boy's bloody face suddenly showed a hint of disappointment.

Then, the little boy handed a dagger to Chen Xun.

"Brother, as a reward, I'll give you this dagger."

"I was going to use it to threaten my mother to get the volleyball back, but now it seems unnecessary."

Chen Xun took the dagger and looked at the little boy, and was stunned.

Who designed this task?

These NPCs are too perverted!

However, Chen Xun still put the dagger away.

He found that in the world of Monopoly, his ghost weapon had no effect on these NPCs.

So, this dagger might be his weapon.

Who knows what terrible things he will encounter in the future.

It's good to have a weapon for self-defense.

After that, the little boy held the ball, and his eyes became dull again.

His ball turned into a ball of starlight and dispersed in the next second.

At the same time, Chen Xun's mind also sounded the prompt of the task completion.

The little boy seemed to have filed it away. He turned to look at Jack and said:

"Uncle, my ball was taken away by my mother. Can you help me get it back?"

"My mother is angry now, I dare not provoke her."

Jack was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Chen Xun, and said bitterly:

"My friend, can you tell me how to complete this task?"

"I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't think of how to do it."

"I don't know." Chen Xun glanced at Jack, not intending to tell him.

Then he rolled the dice and left the land.

Jack looked at the place where Chen Xun disappeared, and his mouth twitched slightly...

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