"Damn, these annoying resurrection coins again."

Looking at the empty seats, the little girl's eyes condensed, and she was obviously a little unhappy.

Then she looked at the player from the Beautiful Country on the next seat, and the ghost spirit on her body came out.

"Hehe, the exciting roller coaster game starts now!" The little girl licked her lips, and then reached out to the chest of another player from the Beautiful Country.


The next second, red blood splashed out, and a heart appeared in the little girl's hand.

It was still beating.

This player didn't even have time to protect himself, and the little girl took out his heart with a black tiger.

But soon, this heart and the player's body quickly dissipated.

"Another annoying resurrection coin!"

The little girl showed a look of disgust on her face.

Then, he looked at another player from the Beautiful Country, with a weird smile on his lips.

"It's your turn, sit down and don't move."

The player suddenly became nervous.

"Don't kill me."

The player's face changed, and then a red dress suddenly appeared on his body.

There was a red ghost on the clothes.

This turned out to be a ghost weapon.

The little girl looked at the red clothes and immediately stepped back two seats.

"Disgusting things!"

Then, the little girl actually looked at other players.

It seemed that she didn't want to pay attention to this player.

Other players were delighted when they saw this scene.

"Quick, those who have ghost weapons take out the ghost weapons on your body, maybe you can still survive."

At this moment, the little girl jumped to the seat of another player from the Beautiful Country, grinning at the player.

The player's face changed drastically and said:

"Spare me, I only have the last resurrection coin left, I can give you game coins."

A string of fluent foreign voices came with the sound of the wind, the little girl frowned, and then scratched with sharp nails.

The player's head shifted and fell from the sky.

Blood splattered.

"What spell are you chanting?" the little girl said.

She seemed to hate hearing these foreign languages.

"Puff, puff, puff~"


The roller coaster stopped at the highest point, and blood kept splashing on the roller coaster.

Many players died on the roller coaster.

This place seemed to have become a slaughterhouse.

The players and ghosts in the seats.

All turned into pigs waiting to be slaughtered.

Even, they couldn't even move.

The ghosts sitting behind the seats were not as powerful as the little girl. They seemed to have accepted their fate.

They didn't resist, but looked at Chen Xun viciously.

If it weren't for Chen Xun bringing the little girl in, they wouldn't be like this.

"Damn human!"

A ghost cursed.

At this moment, the train began to tilt to a ninety-degree angle.

The roller coaster was about to start going downhill.

Chen Xun closed his eyes.

According to the rules of the roller coaster, you cannot blink when the roller coaster is going downhill, so Chen Xun closed his eyes directly.


Behind Chen Xun, screams continued to come.

Chen Xun sat in the front row, and there was a seat back blocking him, so he didn't see what happened behind him.

Just through the movement, he probably heard and guessed something.


The roller coaster started to get faster and faster, and Chen Xun's ears were full of the sound of air being squeezed.

Not long after, the roller coaster gradually stabilized, and the little girl's voice came to Chen Xun's ears:

"Brother, this is back to you."

Chen Xun opened his eyes, and the next second, the little girl's face appeared in front of Chen Xun.

There was still a lot of blood on the little girl's face.

At this moment, in addition to the player from the Beautiful Country wearing red ghost clothes, there were also Zhao Shan and two other ghosts who were still alive on the roller coaster.

Zhao Shan also had a defensive ghost weapon on him, so he escaped.

But his face was still very pale.

In the last row, the two ghosts who were still alive looked at Chen Xun fiercely and said:

"Hehehe, this human is finished."

"He will pay the price for his stupid behavior!"

The players and ghosts in the back row could see Chen Xun's seat.

At this moment, the little girl showed her sharp teeth, as if she was going to bite Chen Xun's head off in the next second.

Chen Xun looked around and found that although the roller coaster was still in the air, it had gradually stabilized.

It seemed to be waiting for the second climb and then the downhill.


At this moment, the sound of metal breaking suddenly came.

The safety bar pressing on Chen Xun broke instantly.

Chen Xun was already a seventh-level ghost master, there was no reason why the little girl could break it but he couldn't.

Then, a strong ghost energy began to emerge from Chen Xun's body.


"Damn mouse, what are you doing? !"

The roller coaster ghost screamed and wanted to do something.

But after seeing the ghost energy on Chen Xun, he immediately closed his eyes.

As if nothing had happened.

"Hey, brother, you are so powerful."

Seeing the ghost energy coming out of Chen Xun, the little girl was not afraid, and there seemed to be a trace of excitement in her eyes.

Chen Xun said:

"Sit back in your seat obediently."

The little girl shook her head and said:

"Brother, what if I don't agree? "

Chen Xun's eyes fixed, and then he stood up.

The ghost energy wrapped his feet and the seat to keep his balance.

At the same time, a baseball bat appeared in Chen Xun's hand.

"Be obedient, I don't want to beat you now!"

Chen Xun said.

The task requires the little girl to complete a roller coaster ride.

It has not been completed yet, and Chen Xun does not want to do anything to the little girl.

"Brother, your blood must be delicious, right?"

At this time, the little girl suddenly rushed towards Chen Xun.

The little girl opened her mouth wide, and blood seemed to flow on her sharp teeth.


However, the next second, the baseball bat wrapped in the thick ghost energy was swung at the little girl.

The little girl flew out like a kite with a broken string.

"I am so helpless. "

Chen Xun sighed.

On the other side, the ghosts watching from behind, as well as Zhao Shan and the players from the Beautiful Country, suddenly widened their eyes.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"Oh my god, this guy actually beat up that ghost? "

The ghosts sitting in the last row all gasped at this moment.

There has always been a terrifying legend circulating in this roller coaster ride.

That is, as long as the little girl is there, the entire roller coaster will become a slaughterhouse.

The little girl will slaughter everyone she can kill on the roller coaster.

So, later the little girl was blacklisted by the roller coaster ride.

Unless someone brings her into the project, the little girl cannot enter the roller coaster project alone.

But I have never heard of anyone beating this little girl.


It was at this time that the sound of metal collision came.

Everyone felt that the roller coaster suddenly began to shake.

Chen Xun frowned and looked forward.

Just when everyone thought the little girl was gone, the little girl was actually climbing up along the roller coaster track.

There was a strange and excited smile in her eyes.

"Hehe, brother, I'm back again."

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