At this moment, the little boy's timid eyes swept across Chen Xun and the others' faces.

If there hadn't been a trace of blood on the bed sheet.

They would never have thought that the little boy was so scary.

This was an NPC in the haunted house, not a real ghost.

Even though they were ghost masters now.

But the ghost masters' methods had no effect on the little boy.

"You... do you need any help from us?"

In the end, it was Zhao Shan who looked at the little boy and said.

The little boy looked at Chen Xun and the players from the Beautiful Country, with a playful smile on his lips.

He pointed at Zhao Shan first, then at a player from the Beautiful Country, and said:

"You two, go downstairs and bring me two loaves of bread and a glass of water."

"I'm hungry."

"Remember, wash the water cup clean."

Hearing the little boy's words, Zhao Shan was stunned at first, and then looked at the players from the Beautiful Country.

The little boy seemed to know that they were hostile, so he specially arranged for them to carry out a task together.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Seeing that Zhao Shan and the player from Beautiful Country did not answer, the little boy's eyes suddenly became gloomy.

The player from Beautiful Country immediately smiled and said:

"Of course, we are willing to serve you, my young master."

After that, the player from Beautiful Country looked at Zhao Shan and said in Chinese:

"Dongfang player, it seems that we have to have a short cooperation."

"I hope you don't drag your feet."

Although it seems to be a very simple task to get water and bread on the first floor.

But in horror games, the simpler things are, the more dangerous they are.

According to the rules, there are other terrifying beings in the haunted house, even the terrifying housekeeper.

If you meet them during the task, you don't know what will happen.

"In that case, why don't you go quickly?!"

The little boy raised his hand and pointed behind Chen Xun and them.

There is the door of the room.

Zhao Shan and the player from Beautiful Country looked at each other, then opened the door carefully and walked out.

At this time, the little boy looked at Chen Xun and the remaining player from the Beautiful Country.

"Now, it's your turn."

"Go to the housekeeper's room, and each of you bring me a can of red candy."

"Remember, don't let the housekeeper find out."

"The housekeeper is a hateful guy. Since my parents left, this guy has embezzled my candy. I haven't eaten candy for a long time."

Hearing the little boy's words, the players from the Beautiful Country were stunned.

This housekeeper is the person mentioned in the rules.

Greedy and bad tempered.

If they go to the housekeeper's room and meet the housekeeper, wouldn't it be the end of them?

Chen Xun frowned and asked:

"Where is the housekeeper's room?"

This is a haunted house, who knows where the housekeeper lives?

The little boy said:

"It's on the first floor, the third room on the left after going down the stairs!"

"Don't worry, the housekeeper is not in his room for the time being."

Hearing the little boy's words, the players from the Beautiful Country breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Chen Xun and said:

"Let's go, my friend from the East."

"From now on, we are teammates."

The player from the Beautiful Country is a blonde girl.

Her figure reveals a seductive curve.

But the same thing.

This guy might be a big man who picks his feet in reality.

After walking out of the little boy's room, Chen Xun walked in front.

The player from the Beautiful Country seemed to follow Chen Xun very vigilantly.

It seemed that he thought Chen Xun would do something to him.

Chen Xun didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyway, if you die in the amusement park, you will be truly immortal only if you have enough resurrection coins.


On the other side, Zhao Shan and Chen Xun came to the first floor of the haunted house. On the table in the hall on the first floor, various packaged foods were placed.

There were ginger-scented human feet, husband and wife lung slices, and heart blood bread.

Zhao Shan's eyes swept over these foods, and finally his eyes stopped on the heart blood bread.

According to the boy's task, he needs to bring two loaves of bread to the boy.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect this task to be so simple."

"Along the way, there was no crisis at all."

The player from the Beautiful Country looked around.

The boy's room was on the second floor, but when they came down from the second floor.

In this room, except for the dim lights, there was nothing else.

However, thisThe haunted house seemed to have not been cleaned for a long time.

The table and the water dispenser were covered with a thin layer of dust.

Zhao Shan picked up two loaves of bread from the table and stuffed them into his arms.

He even suspected that these foods were expired.

On the other side, the player from the United States picked up a cup from the side of the water dispenser and filled the water dispenser with water.

The water flowed down from the outlet and entered the cup.

"Thank God, there is still water in this water dispenser." The player from the United States said.

His task was to bring a glass of water to the little boy in the room.

If there was no water, it would be difficult for him to complete this task.


The water in the cup was full, and the player from the United States turned off the water dispenser.

"This task is much simpler than I thought."

"It seems that there should be no difficulty."

The player from the Beautiful Country picked up the water cup, then looked at Zhao Shan and said:

"Let's go, friend from the East."

"I'm afraid that after we complete this task, we will know where the exit is."

The player from the Beautiful Country picked up the water cup and walked towards the stairs.

Zhao Shan's eyes also scanned the living room carefully, and then followed behind.

He always felt that something was staring at him in the dark.

When they were at the stairs, they met Chen Xun and his friends.

"Hey, we are ready to complete the young master's task." The player smiled proudly at Chen Xun and his friends.

Chen Xun and another player from the Beautiful Country frowned.

This guy kept beeping among the ghosts. Isn't he afraid of attracting other beings in the house?

Or is it the butler in the legend?

Another player from the Beautiful Country also looked at this guy like a fool, and then walked towards the first floor without saying a word.

"Tsk." The player from the Beautiful Country holding a glass of water showed a trace of disdain, and then continued to go upstairs.

Came to the second floor, the young master's room.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

The player from the Beautiful Country knocked on the door gently:

"Young master, I've got the water for you, can I come in?"

"Come in!"

"Keep your voice down!"

The young master's impatient voice sounded from inside the door.

Finally, the player from the Beautiful Country opened the door directly and walked in.

"Young master, this is the water you wanted."

"After drinking the water, tell me the location of the tunnel, okay?"

The player from the Beautiful Country handed over the water cup.

The little boy took the water cup, sniffed it with his nose, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"This, is the water you brought me?"

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