Alice was stunned when she heard what Kareem said.

How could he have thought that this pirate would be allergic to alcohol?

But it was dark now, and even if the captain was their teammate, he probably couldn't be saved now.

On the contrary, if she went to find the captain, she would not only be in danger of being eaten by something outside, but she might even expose the captain's identity.

This would be more trouble than gain.

After all, that identity was bought by the players of their copy with money raised.

She also had a share in it.

Thinking of this, Alice suddenly took a dagger from her shoes and stabbed it towards her chest.

This cruel woman used the dagger to end her life again.

Alice had used up three resurrection coins.

Coincidentally, she met Chen Xun when she used these three resurrection coins.

Although, Chen Xun didn't play much of a role in the last resurrection coin.

But although the resurrection coins were used up, Alice still had one last life.

That was the extra one in the login device.

Alice died, and her body fell heavily to the ground.

There were several other players from the Beautiful Country in the room who just looked on coldly, without much sympathy.

"I am the captain, and now everything outside has been taken away."

"Open the door, I will give you a task now."

At this moment, the captain's voice came from outside the door.

The room suddenly became quiet.

No one dared to open the door again.

Everyone now almost knew what was happening outside.


Then, there was a scream.

This scream came from the next room.

It seemed that someone among them opened the door.

The screams kept ringing.

People heard it and trembled in their hearts.

"Damn, those idiots in the next room, why did they open the door?"

"Don't they know that they can't open the door of the room before six o'clock?"

After hearing the scream, Karem started to curse.

Everyone knew what happened.

Those things at night entered the next room.

"It seems that we have to hold a memorial service for them tomorrow." Kareem shook his head and fell asleep.

This kind of thing seems to have happened a lot.


The kerosene lamp went out and the room fell into darkness again.

The thing outside that was calling the door seemed to know that Chen Xun and the others could not open the door, so it was sensible and did not say anything more.

Chen Xun was very puzzled, how did these things know Kareem's name?

Is it really an illusion?

If it is an illusion, why are all people immersed in the same illusion?

Chen Xun couldn't figure it out, and didn't think about it any more.

There are too many things in the horror world that are difficult to understand.

Then, he also lay down.

I don't know how long it took, the screaming sound in the next room stopped.

Chen Xun actually fell asleep in a daze.


"Hey, get up!"

Time passed slowly.

Chen Xun was pushed awake in his sleep.

He opened his eyes, and a glowing kerosene lamp appeared in front of him.

Then, Chen Xun saw Karem.

Karem was holding a pipe, and smoke kept coming out of his chest.

Then, Karem took out a pocket watch and compared it in front of Chen Xun.

"It's six o'clock, and we are almost in the town."

"Hurry up and work."

After saying that, Karem took the kerosene lamp and came to the other crew members, waking them up one by one.

There was no noisy sound outside.

He climbed up from the boat, then Karem opened the door of the room and walked out.

At the moment the door was opened, a faint light shone in, and a smell of blood rushed into the room.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's too miserable."

"I guess I'll be busy later."

Karem glanced outside the door, then turned around and looked at Chen Xun.

"Jace, throw As's body into the sea to feed the fish later."

"He has no family, the sea is his home."

Hearing Kareem's words, Chen Xun subconsciously looked at the body in the room.

The sea is the home of pirates.

This is the second time Chen Xun has heard these words.

Finally, Chen Xun carried As's body out of the room.

At this moment, the corridor of the cabin was full of red blood, and there were some half-eaten limbs and internal organs.

Even though Chen Xun had seen too many such things, he still felt a littleUgh.

"Jess, after throwing this guy into the sea, come over and work quickly, and clean this place with everyone."

"Maybe we can find some human limbs, and leave a little memory for their families."

Kareem said.

Chen Xun nodded, and then carried As's body to the plywood.

Although it was only six o'clock in the morning, half of the sun had risen in the sky.

The sea water was shining golden.

However, there were still traces of blood that had not dried on the deck.

It seemed that those dark things last night dragged the bodies of the crew members.


Chen Xun threw As's body into the sea, and then began to clean the plywood and the cabin amid Kareem's shouts.

"Seven or eight brothers died last night."

"Among them, three have families without income."

"From now on, their families will be taken care of by us."

A few hours later, Kareem took a puff of cigarette and sighed.

Death is normal on a pirate ship.

But whenever he thought of the death of these once lively crew members, Kareem felt very upset.

So, he could only smoke and sigh.

Hearing this, Chen Xun looked at Kareem and said:

"By the way, is the captain okay?"

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to care."

It would be great if something happened to the captain.

Kareem stared at Chen Xun and said:

"Do you think the captain will be as careless as those dead guys?"

"I even think that even if the captain encounters those guys, he has a trump card to survive."

After saying that, Kareem knocked the pipe on the wooden guardrail of the ship to knock off the ash on it, and then looked into the distance.

"Okay, we're almost there."

"Hurry up and pack up the things we've robbed this time. Once we get to the shore, we'll move them down."

"The captain said that you should do whatever you need to do after you get back to the town."

"We'll set out early tomorrow morning to do the next job!"

As Karem said this, Chen Xun's eyes also looked into the distance.

Not far away, a coastline loomed.

That was the cozy town.

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