Hearing the words of this crew member, the crew members who were originally looking hopeless suddenly looked at those ships as if they had seen a life-saving straw.


"Can the people on the ship hear it?"

At this moment, the crew members shouted one after another.

Trying to attract the attention of those ships.

However, the other party was too far away from them.

Now in their eyes, it was just like a small black dot.

It was probably impossible to hear it.

However, they were pleasantly surprised to find that those ships were actually heading towards the island.

All the crew members were overjoyed.

At the beginning, they only saw one ship, then two, three...nine.

There were nine ships heading towards them.

The crew members were stunned when they saw this.

This sea area was originally sparsely populated. Except for some smuggling ships, there would be no other ships coming here.

But nine smuggling ships came all of a sudden?

"They are not smuggling ships, but warships!"

Karem, who has been on the sea for half his life, saw those ships and could tell their origins at a glance.


Hearing this, the faces of the crew members changed.

"Damn it, if they knew our identity as pirates, wouldn't we be finished?"

They heard that these official guys would hang them if they treated pirates like them.

After they died, they would be hung on the city wall for public display.

Tell others, this is the fate of being a pirate!

Thinking of this, the faces of the crew members became even uglier.

If they encountered a warship on the sea, they would basically be finished.

But now they encountered nine!

It would be better to let them face those guys on the seabed at night.

However, Kareem smiled and said:

"Why are you panicking?"

"We are not on the pirate ship now."

"When we meet the navy later, we will say that we are fishermen who were robbed by pirates and then thrown here."

"As long as you don't let it slip, no one will know that we are pirates."

The other crew members were stunned.

They used to live on pirate ships, and subconsciously developed a fear of seeing warships.

Now their pirate ships have sunk.

As long as they don't say it, how can those stupid navy know whether they are pirates?

Thinking of this, their faces suddenly became happy.

They can survive.

Maybe they can tell the navy where Leir is and save the warm town.

Soon after, the warship slowly approached the island.

The shouts of these pirates became louder and louder, trying to attract the attention of these warships.

But Chen Xun did not make any extra moves.

Because he knew that these warships were originally coming for him.

Those NPCs looked at Chen Xun and ignored him.

After what happened on the boat just now, these people had already marginalized Chen Xun.

They thought Chen Xun was a coward who was afraid of death.

Maybe he would stab them in the back if he encountered danger one day.

Even Kareem ignored Chen Xun's intention.

Soon after, the warship docked.

One by one, the navy in blue clothes stepped onto the island.

In their hands, they also held a single-shot musket.

"Captain, according to the commander's coordinates, we have arrived at the island."

"There are several people tied up with ropes in front."

Among these navy, several captains of warships stepped on the sand of the island and walked towards Chen Xun and his men.

The moment they saw Chen Xun, they were all stunned.

"Hey, Admiral, come and save us."

"Our ship was looted by pirates, come and save us poor fishermen."

"Those damn pirates, they even robbed salted fish!"

The moment they saw these navy, the crew began to act.

The captain of the warship came in front of these pirates and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Then his eyes stayed on Chen Xun, his expression excited.

"Who are these?"

One of the captains of the warship pointed at these crew members, with a puzzled look on his face.

The crew members suddenly became nervous.

Immediately, a crew member said:

"Admiral, we are all kind fishermen."

"Just now our ship was sunk by a pirate ship called the Flying Black Woodman, and all the valuables on the ship were robbed by them."

However, no matter what they said, the captain ignored these crew members and looked at Chen Xun.

"They are all pirates." Chen Xun replied.

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the crew members were stunned.Then he glared at Chen Xun.

"Jess, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Don't take us with you if you want to die!"

They were already very upset with Chen Xun's behavior.

At this moment, they were acting well, and these stupid navy officers were about to believe that they were kind fishermen.

But this guy, Jesse, actually betrayed them.

They were very confused, and they didn't know if Jesse was wrong.

Because the identity of the pirate was exposed, Jesse would also die!

However, the next second, they saw these navy officers and the captain bowing to Chen Xun.

"Dear commander, do you want to deal with these pirates?"




At this moment, all the crew members looked at this scene in disbelief.

They knew Jesse very well.

Abandoned by his parents since childhood, he was finally adopted by a wealthy little noble, but he was baptized by pirates.

Finally, he became a pirate at a young age.

Greedy, lustful, and loves to go to the style street.

But, these navy in front of them actually called Jace the commander? !

At this moment, they even doubted whether they were dreaming.

How is this possible?

These guys must have made a mistake!

How could Jace be the commander of these navy?

If they hadn't bitten their tongues with their teeth and felt the pain on their tongues, they would never believe it was true.

However, at this moment, Chen Xun looked at a captain and said:

"No, they are all my partners."

"Now, cut these damn ropes on us!"

Seeing this, these captains immediately took out a saber from their bodies and cut the ropes tied to Chen Xun and others.

The crew members moved their hands and feet, and then looked at Chen Xun in disbelief.

"Jace, are you really the commander of these navies?"

"Hiss~ These warships are too magnificent, and they are made of iron sheets."

At this moment, they suddenly understood why Chen Xun said that on the White Pearl just now.

It was just to delay time and wait for the arrival of these warships.

Otherwise, they would have been killed on the White Pearl.

Now, they are miraculously alive.

But they still can't figure out why Chen Xun is the commander of these warships?

This has already involved an area they can't imagine.

Chen Xun didn't explain too much. He looked at the crew and said:

"Let's get on the warship?"

"Night is coming soon."

"Tomorrow, we will go back to the town."

From this moment on, Chen Xun's pirate ship game really began.

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