At this moment, all these ghost masters were stunned.

Since they contracted these ghosts, this was the first time they saw these ghosts so scared that they didn't even dare to come out.

They could even feel the fear in these ghosts.

These ghost masters looked up and looked at Ying.

They couldn't detect Ying's level, but through the reaction of their contracted ghosts, they knew that this thing must be a very terrifying existence.

"How about it, are you convinced this time?"

Lin Zaihua smiled when he saw these ghost masters being defeated.

These guys are usually very arrogant, and now seeing them being defeated, Lin Zaihua is also happy.

"Mr. Lin, you didn't tell us before that this guy is so strong."

"That ghost, this contracted ghost is too terrifying, right?"

"Level 9?"

One of the ghost masters said.

The ghost that they couldn't detect the level of was probably only level 9 or higher.

Ying said with a frown:

"I think you can have a bigger vision."

"You know nothing about my power."

The ghost masters looked at Ying and swallowed their saliva.

Finally, Chen Xun let Ying and Xiaojie return to their bodies.

"Okay, brother, we were all reckless just now, I hope you don't mind."

"This time in the Ghost Town, we will listen to you."

"My name is Zhao Yiheng."

Among the ghost masters, a fat man stood up and said.

"My name is Huang Shanhe."

This is a man with a thin figure.

"My name is Li Chun."

This ghost master is a tall man.

"Long Feng."

"Mo Fan."

Several ghost masters introduced themselves.

This time, they are all Chen Xun's teammates in the Ghost Town.

However, whether Chen Xun needs them or not is another matter.

"Chen Xun."

Chen Xun replied.

Finally, Elder Lin looked at the few people and smiled:

"Okay, you two have become acquainted without fighting."

"Get ready, there are still twenty minutes before the dungeon starts."

"This time, it's not just us, we will even be matched with some passers-by."

"Moreover, there will be people from other countries competing with us in this dungeon."

"European and American countries will definitely send their game tycoons to enter this dungeon this time. It seems that this time it will be a tough battle."

After Elder Lin finished speaking, he asked someone to bring a login device.

Several ghost masters who wanted to enter this game dungeon entered their identity information into this login device.

What Chen Xun didn't expect was that Zhao Shan actually became a player who entered the Ghost Town this time.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Xun's eyes went dark, and the feeling of weightlessness came suddenly.

[Welcome to the Ghost Town! ]

[The Ghost Town is a town located in the north of the fierce ghost city. The people here are simple and honest, but because the area is a bit remote, the residents of the Ghost Town are a little shy and have some strange diseases. ]

[Note that the residents of the ghost town don't like outsiders very much. Players will enter the town as tourists. Please try to build a good relationship with the residents in the town. ]

[Main quest: Improve your favorability with the residents of the town. You can pass the level when the favorability reaches 80%. ]

[Sub-quest: Some past events seem to be sealed in the town. Unraveling these past events can greatly gain the favorability of the residents of the town. ]

[Instance rules:

Rule 1: Don't provoke the crazy people on the streets of the town.

Rule 2: Don't conflict with the residents of the town, otherwise you will die miserably.

Rule 3: The hotel is the safest place in the town. If you encounter danger at night, you can enter the hotel, but remember, if you lie in the hotel all night and someone knocks on the door, it is likely to be a monster in the hotel.

Rule 4: Don't give alms to the residents of the town casually. Ghosts also have self-esteem. Giving alms may cause dissatisfaction among the residents of the town.

Rule 5: Please do not try to understand the dusty past in the town easily, otherwise you may encounter unknown dangers. 】

When Chen Xun saw this, his face changed slightly.

In the previous side quest, it was mentioned that if you can solve some of the past in the town, you can greatly gain the favor of the town residents.

However, the rules here also remind you not to try to understand it easily, otherwise you may encounter unknown dangers.

These two points seem to contradict each other.

However, in Chen Xun's view, even if these rules are touched, it is not necessarily fatal.

After all, there is another truth in the horror world.That is, whoever is stronger is the rule!

So with Chen Xun's current strength, even if he touches some rules, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Boom... Boom..."

At this moment, the roar of a car began to sound in Chen Xun's ears.

Chen Xun looked aside.

He found that he was not in the ghost town, but on a bus.

The bus kept bumping, as if telling Chen Xun that the road here was not so easy to walk.

Even, it gave Chen Xun a feeling that it might break down at any time.

The air in the bus was stuffy, and there was even a smell of leather mixed with garbage.

In the bus, in addition to Chen Xun, there were more than a dozen players.

About half of them had small red spots on their bodies.

These were all ghost masters from the State Council Office.

It's just that their current appearance is different from that in the real world.

Chen Xun even saw the appearance of one person, who was actually a little boy.

In the real world, there is no ghost master that young.

In addition, there are some players who are matched to enter the dungeon.

They look around curiously, some are terrified, and some are excited.

It can be seen that there are no newcomers among these players.

"Hello, tourists, I am your tour guide for this trip."

"In half an hour, we will arrive at the ghost town."

"This is a very old town, which has only been developed for tourism in the past two years."

"The residents in the town are also very hospitable."

"However, after entering the town, you must not walk around casually, otherwise if something bad happens, this travel agency will not be responsible."

At the front of the train, a ghost with a purple skin carrying a small horn said.

However, his eyes looking at these players seemed to have a strange coldness.

It was like looking at a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

On the bus, no one spoke to the tour guide.

In a dungeon, it is obviously not a wise choice to rashly chat with a ghost.

Chen Xun was the same.

Although he was not afraid of this ghost, it was better to have less trouble than more.

Soon, the bus drove into a muddy path.

On the side of the road, there was a stone tablet that looked extremely broken.

On it, there were a few big words written in red paint:

"Ghost Town."

The bus bumped into a square in the town.

Through the window of the bus, Chen Xun could see that many ghosts surrounded the bus after discovering it.

The bus stopped, and the tour guide said with a smile:

"Dear tourists, look."

"The residents of the town have come out to greet you."

"They are so hospitable."

"Let's get off the bus."

The door opened.

The shouts of the residents of the town came from outside:

"Get out!"

"You are not welcome here!"

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