At this moment, the most confused people were the ghost masters in China.

They had only received news from Lin Zaihua that Chen Xun was the most important player in this dungeon.

And he was specially invited by their national office.

So in the real world, when they saw that Chen Xun was only a level 7 ghost master, they felt a little disappointed.

What's so important about such a low-level ghost master?

So they provoked Chen Xun.

In the end, Ying appeared and scared their contracted ghosts into submission.

They thought at the time that Chen Xun was just lucky to have contracted such a powerful ghost.

But there was also a little doubt.

After all, in terms of strength, Elder Lin was also very powerful.

But in the conversation, they could hear that Elder Lin was politely discussing with Chen Xun in many places.

There was even a sense of Chen Xun taking the lead.

They were still very confused.

Elder Lin was so powerful and so arrogant, how could he be so polite to a level 7 ghost master?

Now they finally know the reason.

It turns out that Chen Xun is the gaming tycoon of their country!

"Damn it, where did I get the courage to look down on this guy?"

A ghost master beat his chest.

Now he is completely crushed in terms of strength and financial resources.

"Okay, let's go to the room and rest for a while, and then we will go to Comrade Chen's room to discuss the clearance plan of this copy."

Then, the tour guide talked to Chen Xun and the others about the play plan again, and then they returned to the hotel one after another.

And this time, the play plan of these tour guides is to move around on their own.

In other words, the driver and tour guide will not follow them next.

Hearing this news, and thinking of the small town residents outside.

These players understood something.

It seems that they can only lie in the hotel in the next few days.

Without the driver following, they might be beaten to death by the residents of the small town when they go out of the hotel.

What a black-hearted tour group.

However, seeing Chen Xun take out the black gold card just now, these randomly matched players also saw a glimmer of hope to pass the level.

They didn't plan to go out.

Just wait in the hotel and win.

As long as one player can pass this dungeon, they can also complete the dungeon.

It's just that the reward is not that generous.

"Ding~ All players have been detected to have successfully checked into the hotel. Now the first game task is released."

"There are some terrible things in the town at night. The residents of the town are always worried every night."

"Maybe there is a murderer?"

"Please find out the identity of the murderer, understand the reason, and solve these terrible things."

"Task prompt 1: The residents of the town may know something, go ask them."

"Task prompt 2: To be opened."

"Task reward: Players who complete the task will get 10% favorability from the residents of the town, as well as a clue to a side task. Only one player can complete this task."

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in the minds of all players.

At the same time, the information about this task also appeared in their game panels.

"Damn, it's this unfinished task again."

When hearing the game prompt sound, a ghost master from the State Office gritted his teeth.

This was not the first time he entered this dungeon.

Chen asked curiously:

"Is this task difficult?"

In Chen Xun's cognition, as long as it is a task issued by the system, there must be a way to solve it.

The ghost master said:

"It's more than difficult, there is no way to complete it at all."

"I have entered this dungeon ten times, and I couldn't even open the second task prompt."

"The players who teamed up with me are basically the same."

"All the players were stuck on this task in the end."

"But fortunately, if this task cannot be completed after a few days, you can choose to give up."

Hearing the words of the ghost master, Chen Xun's expression became solemn.

These guys look quite strong.

But they entered the dungeon ten times and failed to complete this task.

It seems that it is indeed quite difficult.

Soon after, everyone returned to the room.

When the ghost masters from the State Council Office saw the presidential suite, they were stunned.

The presidential suite here is luxuriously decorated.

Although the decoration style is dark, it is much better than what they had experienced in other dungeons before.In the room, the dirty and smelly rooms they lived in were like heaven.

And the space was also very large.

One bedroom and one living room.

In addition, there was a large floor-to-ceiling window in the room.

Through the floor-to-ceiling window, you can see the whole picture of the town.

The most important thing is that they still live alone!

They even felt like they were really on vacation.

If it weren't for Chen Xun, they couldn't believe that there was such a good place to live in this horror world!

After a simple rest, the ghost masters from the State Council Office also came to Chen Xun's room.

Many of these ghost masters have entered this dungeon several times.

Otherwise, they would not have been called by the State Council Office to become Chen Xun's teammates.

After meeting, these ghost masters were also very tactful and did not ask Chen Xun how much assets he had.

They knew very well that these questions were taboos for a player.

Every player who enters the horror world has his own secrets.

Unless others are willing to say it, don't ask about these secrets.

Finally, after discussing in Chen Xun's room.

All the ghost masters in the State Council Office decided to let Chen Xun complete this task.

Others assisted Chen Xun to complete it and collected information for Chen Xun.

In short, as long as Chen Xun needed it, they would cooperate unconditionally.

"But there is a problem now."

"The residents of the town are full of malice towards us. What should we do now?"

said a ghost master.

When they got off the bus just now, these residents wanted to beat them to death with a shovel.

Now, let alone asking them for information about the murderer in the dark, I am afraid that they will be chased and beaten by these residents with hoes and sickles when they go out.

"The residents of the town are fine."

"They look fierce, but their strength is not very strong."

"With our strength, they can't hurt us."

Another ghost master said.

"But now there is a point. Although our strength is stronger than these residents."

"But we can't attack these residents."

"Otherwise, it will reduce the favorability."

Chen Xun thought for a while and said:

"I have a way."

"The residents of that town seem to be very afraid of the driver."

"Let's let him lead the way and take a walk in the town."

Hearing Chen Xun's words, these ghost masters also paused:

"But this driver doesn't look like he will help us?"

"We thought of this plan after entering the dungeon the first two times."

"But as soon as we found the driver, he was impatiently driven out by him."

"Even at that time, one of our players was beaten to death by the driver."

"That guy is not easy to mess with."

Chen Xun smiled slightly and said:

"Don't worry, he should agree."

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