Hearing the driver's words, the drunkard seemed unconvinced.

He tried to open his eyes wide, but still couldn't open them.

He could only say some drunken words.

Chen Xun smiled:

"Forget it, he really doesn't know."

"How else could he not tell?"

"What taboos are you still suspicious about?"

"Let's ask other people."

Chen Xun's tone was full of disdain.

The drunkard was even more unconvinced after hearing this.

"In this town, if I don't know something, others can't know it either!"

Chen Xun glanced at the drunkard, and then said disdainfully:

"You are just bragging, right?"

"Did you give yourself the title of Bai Xiaosheng?"

The ghosts in the tavern were all staggering and couldn't even stand steadily.

But the drunkard still stood up suddenly.


"I tell you, that woman was raped by the mayor's son!"

Hearing the drunkard's words, Chen Xun was delighted.

Good guy, I didn't expect that the truth would be revealed by this provocation.

Then, the drunkard said.

"And I know more than that."

"I heard that the mayor had long been attracted to that woman, and he kept paying attention to her, hoping that his son would find a stepmother."

"But in the end, she was raped by his son."

"Haha, what a filial son."

"I saw with my own eyes that the mayor's son dragged the woman home!"

After the drunkard finished speaking, his whole body began to shake again.

Chen Xun got a lot of information from this guy's words.

If it is true according to what the ghost said, then the mayor's son is the murderer.

However, in order to prove that the news said by the drunkard is reliable enough.

Chen Xun came to another relatively sober ghost and said:

"Do you know that the mayor's son raped the woman who killed someone at night?"

As soon as Chen Xun finished speaking, the drunkard turned pale and showed a look of fear on his face.

But his expression was still confused.

"This... this is a taboo in the town."

"Are you going to die?"

"What you say here can be heard by the mayor!"

Chen Xun found a few more drunkards and said the same thing.

As a result, all these drunkards had the same reaction.

It seems that there should be no problem.

This is true.

However, according to these drunkards, the mayor can hear what is said here.

Is this place under surveillance by the mayor?

Or is the entire town under the mayor's surveillance?

So, in order to protect his son, the mayor listed this matter as a taboo in the town?

No one can talk about it casually.

Otherwise, if the mayor hears it, he will die?

What kind of existence is this mayor in the ghost town?

Although he got the answer he wanted, a lot of doubts also appeared in Chen Xun's mind.

Chen Xun glanced at the sky. It was still early.

Combining the information just now and the prompts of the task, he still had some questions.

Taking advantage of this time, he just went to solve this doubt.

Chen Xun looked at the driver and said:

"Do you know where the mayor's house is?"

The driver nodded:

"Of course."

"But the mayor should not be at home now."

"By the way, shouldn't we go to find the mayor's son?"

Chen Xun said:

"There are still some unsolved problems."

"The answer lies in the mayor."

In the town, the mayor must be a very scary ghost.

But for Chen Xun, it doesn't matter much.

The current shadow is constantly absorbing the heart of the ghost king.

The strength at this moment is much stronger than when he killed the red-eyed ghost.

Even, he is almost reaching the ninth level of ghost.

According to Ying, he has the ability to fight even against the ghost king.

After leaving the tavern, the driver took a bottle of wine and stuffed it into his clothes.


To the east of the town, there is a small sewing factory.

In the sewing factory, ghosts are constantly sewing cloth into clothes.

It is called cloth, but it is actually some leather that looks like something unknown.

"Slow, you are too slow!"

"Today, if you don't make all this cloth into clothes, you can forget about your wages."

"I spent 20 ghost coins a day to hire a bunch of garbage like you?!"

In the sewing factory, a ghost in a suit kept shouting.

In hisOnly half of his face was exposed, but he still looked angrily at the ghost sitting in front of the sewing machine.

But these ghosts kept their heads down and didn't dare to refute a word.

Even when they were sewing cloth, the needle pierced the flesh of their fingers and sewed the flesh into the clothes, but they didn't care at all.

Just stepped on the sewing machine quickly.

The sound of "chop chop chop~" kept ringing.

Even the shadow of the needle was hard to see.

But the ghost in the suit still looked dissatisfied.

"Slow... It's too slow!"

The eyes of the ghost in the suit soon fell on a ghost with blood flowing on his hand.

"You are really a drag."

After saying that, the ghost in the suit directly pinched the neck of the blood ghost.

The ghost immediately showed a look of fear.

"Mr. Mayor, spare my life."

"I will speed up later, I will speed up!"

The ghost kept begging for mercy.

"No need." The mayor said, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

"You spend the money I give you, but you work so slowly."

"You really deserve to die!"

After saying that, he looked at the other ghosts in the sewing factory.

Those ghosts stepped on the sewing machine faster.

The flesh on the fingers was constantly sewn into the clothes.

"Sir, that guy is the mayor."

Chen Xun came to the gate of the sewing factory a few minutes ago, and the scene just now was also seen by Chen Xun.

But what surprised Chen Xun was that the level of this mayor was only level seven.

Even the owner of the tavern was not as powerful as him.

After eating the ghost, the mayor also looked at Chen Xun with a strange smile on his face.

"Damn outsider."

"If I were you, I wouldn't have come here so rashly."

"Didn't you just find out who raped that woman?"

"My son is now in the game hall west of the village."

"You should go find him, not me!"

The mayor stared at Chen Xun coldly, with a hint of anger in his tone.

Chen Xun was a little surprised to hear the mayor's words.

Did the mayor know everything that happened in the tavern just now?

While Chen Xun was surprised, the mayor also gave an answer.

"Don't be confused."

"Now almost the entire town is under my surveillance."

"Your every move in the town can't be hidden from me."

"Even last night, you appeared in the town square and saw that woman. I know it clearly."

"But I am very confused. That woman didn't kill you."

According to the mayor's words, even if an outsider saw the woman in the town, he would still be killed.

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