
"Because a player has gained more than 30% favorability in the dungeon, the town investment task starts in advance."

"There are all kinds of industries in the town of resentment, waiting for players to invest."

"Improving the lives of the town residents will undoubtedly greatly increase the favorability of the town residents towards the players."

"Now, please find your favorite investment project to invest in."

"The task time is seven days."

"After seven days, the game will provide mysterious rewards based on the player's performance."

"This reward, players must not miss it."

The game announcement sounded in the minds of every player.

In the past, they entered this dungeon and it took at least ten days to trigger the town's investment task.

But how long have they been here now? Has this task already started?

To be honest, it's only the fourth day now.

The progress of completing the dungeon has been directly accelerated by half.

Zhao Yiheng was next to Chen Xun, looking at Chen Xun.

"Master, are you the one who has completed more than 30% of the favorability?"

Chen Xun nodded, indicating his acquiescence.

At this time, Zhao Yiheng suddenly became serious.

"Master, this task of investing in the town is the most important task in this copy."

"If we can complete it well, we may be able to gain the favor of the town residents to a large extent."

Chen Xun had also read the information of this copy before.

In fact, he had already planned this task of investing in the town.

He has so many ghost money waiting for today.

Zhao Yiheng said:

"Master, let's go and discuss the task of investing in the town with Mr. Lin."

"This time, all our ghost masters in the state office will assist you in completing this task."

"Including some support for ghost money."

"Now, let's go back to the hotel and discuss this task."

Chen Xun nodded.

He knew that these state offices knew more information about this copy than he did.

Having these guys to help can indeed save a lot of trouble.


At this moment, in the Haunted Hotel, Esther and other players from the Beautiful Country gathered in Esther's room.

At this moment, everyone looked extremely ugly.

"I didn't expect that this time, an Eastern player would surpass us by a long way."

"Everyone, it seems that we must be very alert next time."

Said Esther.

His current residents' favorability is only 20%.

Compared with Eastern players, it is at least 10% slower!

This number may not seem much, but it is a world of difference.

Even to complete a task perfectly, to catch up.

"But we have an advantage in the task of investing in the town."

"I believe we will soon catch up with those Eastern players and surpass them."

At this moment, another player from the Beautiful Country looked at Esther and said.

Esther is a game tycoon in the Beautiful Country.

There is absolutely no problem in investing money in the town.

However, the next second, Esther looked at the player coldly:

"It's already this time, and you still have such a stupid idea?"

"I've already told you that the Eastern player before is definitely not a simple character."

"The assets of this Eastern player are probably not much less than mine."

"If you continue the next game with this mentality, then we are likely to fail."

Hearing Esther's words, all the players of the Beautiful Country fell silent.

"It seems that we are still careless."

"I didn't expect that there is such a player hidden in the East."

"What should we do next?"

Ester thought for a while and said:

"The task of investing in the town is not that simple."

"Many industries in this town are controlled by the city."

"We can only invest in these industries through the deputy mayor and contact the city."

"And this part of the industry occupies a large part of the town."

"We can even find a way to eliminate the player from the East."

"Only in this way can our winning rate in this dungeon be raised to the highest."

"This time, it should be the final showdown between us and the Eastern player in this dungeon."

Hearing Esther's words, all the players of the Beautiful Country began to think deeply.

They knew that if they were not able to surpass the Eastern players in the task of investing in the town, it would be difficult to successfully win this dungeon..

Unless, they can uncover the town's past.

However, they have no clues about the town's past.

When Esther talked about getting rid of Chen Xun, there was even a hint of coldness in her eyes.

"I believe that it won't be long before that ghost will be mine."


On the other side, in Lin Lao's room, all the ghost masters of the State Council Office gathered here.

Lin Lao held a thick document in his hand.

All of them were their plans for investing in the town this time.

These plans were jointly formulated by the State Council Office of China and some of China's top intelligent computers after more than half a year of discussion.

Including what industries to invest in the town and what advantages they have.

How to spend less money and gain more favorability from the residents of the town.

Including the follow-up planning after the town investment, etc., which are also extremely detailed.

In order to obtain accurate information, these intelligent computers and ghost masters continue to enter this copy to investigate the environment of the town.

The plan in Lin Lao's hand can be said to be very valuable.

When Chen Xun and Zhao Yiheng came to Lin Lao's room, Lin Lao immediately handed the information to Chen Xun.

"Comrade Chen, these are the plans for investing in the town that our State Council Office and the country have jointly formulated."

"Through the plan above, you can spend less ghost money and gain more favorability."

As he said, Lin Lao turned to the first page of the plan.

"Here is the plan for investing in the town's primary school."

"We can invest 100,000 ghost money in the primary school cafeteria to give these students extra meals."

"There are a lot of students, we can use the least money to gain the most favorability."

"Also, the town's square and cinema are very shabby, we can also invest..."

Lin Lao told Chen Xun a lot.

Chen Xun listened absent-mindedly, his mind was still on the clues on the third floor of the Ghost Restaurant.

"Comrade Chen, what do you think of these plans?"

"As long as we spend about 500,000 ghost money, we can maximize the favorability of the town residents."

"There is even a great possibility that we can directly complete this copy."

At this time, Elder Lin began to ask Chen Xun for his opinion.

After all, this copy was paid for by Chen Xun.

After hearing this, Chen Xun shook his head:

"I don't agree with this plan."

Hearing Chen Xun's words, Elder Lin was also surprised.

"Comrade Chen, what are you dissatisfied with?"

Chen Xun said:

"All of them are not satisfied."

"Ah?" Elder Lin's eyes widened immediately.

This is a plan made by the smartest group of people in their country of China.

It can be said that no one in the whole country of China can come up with a better plan.

However, this plan was directly rejected by Chen Xun.

Is it because he thinks that too much ghost money was spent?

Elder Lin looked at Chen Xun and asked:

"Comrade Chen, what do you think we should do?"

Elder Lin was a little panicked. They had spent so much time and energy on this copy.

If Chen Xun was unwilling to pay so much money, everything would be ruined.

Chen Xun said:

"I mean, buy it."

"Buy the whole town."

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