"What's going on? Why did the ghost energy on me disappear?"

"Damn it, how come there is not even a bit of ghost energy here?"

"Also, why are we all sitting down?"

The sudden scene made these ghosts stunned.

They looked at each other one by one, as if they had encountered something unbelievable.

They wanted to stand up, but found that there seemed to be some terrible rules in this hotel, pressing them tightly to the ground.

"Little ghost, what did you do?"

These ghosts are not low-level, naturally not stupid, and they reacted quickly.

This scene was caused by Chen Xun!

You know, the ghost energy in the ghost body, unless the ghost releases it by itself, otherwise even if other ghosts have great power, it is impossible to extract all the ghost energy in their bodies.

And it instantly extracted the ghost energy from all the people present.

They were very surprised. What kind of ability does a human being who is a ninth-level ghost master have to be able to do this?

With such an ability, it is basically invincible.

So they were sure that there might be some kind of scary ghost on Chen Xun that could draw out the ghost energy in their bodies.

However, there must be some kind of restrictions, otherwise it would be too outrageous.

The uncle's face looked ugly.

Compared with these low-level ghosts, he obviously knew more about what happened just now.

It was the rules of this hotel that made it weird.

Without the ghost energy, they are now the same as ordinary humans.

At most, their bodies are a little stronger.

"Are you the owner of this hotel?"

The uncle stared at Chen Xun, and he found the clues of the matter.

Only the owner of the Haunted Hotel is qualified to control this ghost.

So, the human in front of him is the owner of the Haunted Hotel?

Hearing the uncle's words, the ghosts around him widened their eyes, revealing an expression of disbelief in their eyes.

"How is it possible? How could he be the owner of this hotel?"

"A level nine human, on what basis?"

"When did Lord Yama fall to such a low level that he would actually give a hotel to such a low level human?!"

They remembered that when they were locked up in this hotel, the owner of this hotel was still a Yama-level ghost.

That was the strongest level of combat power under the Ghost Emperor.

But now, has the owner of this hotel become so weak?

Chen Xun ignored the dissatisfaction of these ghosts, glanced at all the ghosts here, and then said:

"Now, can you talk to me properly?"

Chen Xun looked at these skinny ghosts sitting on the ground.

It is hard to imagine what kind of life they live on the second floor below this haunted hotel.

He continued:

"Start now, sign a contract with me for ten years."

"During these ten years, you need to obey my orders unconditionally and protect my safety."

"After ten years, I will set you free."

Chen Xun simply and clearly said the matter.

However, one ghost was not happy.

"Dream on!"

"You are a level nine ghost master, and you want to contract so many ghost kings here. Isn't it too wishful?"

"Do you know what kind of beings are imprisoned here?"

Hearing the words of this ghost, Chen Xun also became curious.

He was also puzzled why all the ghosts here were very high-level ghosts.

There was even a level three ghost king.

Then, this ghost continued:

"We used to be the strongest army of a certain general Yama under the Ghost Emperor of the East Continent."

"Each of them is a powerful existence that has conquered all directions."

"If it weren't for being imprisoned here by another Lord Yama, I'm afraid we would still be walking sideways in Jingdu now!"

"What kind of ability do you have that can make us follow you?"

"Let's go, we won't agree to your request."

They are ghost generals, and they will only follow those they think are strong.

Chen Xun looked at these skinny ghosts, and he really couldn't tell how powerful they used to be.

"It seems that our business negotiation has fallen through."

"So you choose to continue to be locked up in this hotel?"

Chen Xun said, turning around and wanting to leave.

Seeing Chen Xun's back, many ghosts were suddenly stunned.

An anxious look appeared on their faces.


A ghost immediately shouted anxiously.

They have been locked up in this hotel for countless years.

Now is the first time they have the opportunity to go out. If they miss this opportunity, they don't know what will happen next.How long will they be locked up?

At that moment, some ghosts were tempted.

They had long been unable to bear the boring life here.

They wanted to see the outside world.

Chen Xun stopped:

"How about it, have you figured it out?"

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the ghosts immediately turned their heads and looked at the middle-aged man.

"Boss, we want to go out. We have been locked up here for long enough."

"It's only ten years. At most, we can work for this guy for ten years. After ten years, we will be heroes again!"

These ghosts looked at the middle-aged man in front of them one by one.

It seems that here, this middle-aged man has the most say.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man hesitated.

According to the ancient military hierarchy, this middle-aged man is a general, and these other ghosts are soldiers.

Now all the ghosts listen to the orders of this middle-aged man.

Finally, the middle-aged man looked at Chen Xun and said:

"I can promise you, but when we return to the real world outside, we will definitely need various expenses."

"Can you provide us with ghost money?"

"We have hundreds of ghost generals here."

"If we don't have them, we might have to hesitate."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, Chen Xun was also happy:

"Don't worry, I won't let you work for nothing."

"I'll take care of the ghost money."

Chen Xun thought it was just right, he just had no place to spend his ghost money, and the middle-aged man said that he must pay these people high salaries.

However, the middle-aged man frowned and said:

"Words are not enough, you have to prove your strength at least."

"These ghost generals here used to work for Lord Yama, and they had at least 5,000 ghost coins a month."

"And the ghost king level, at least 30,000 ghost coins a month."

"These are not small amounts."

Hearing this, Chen Xun was stunned.

Is the salary of this ghost king so low?

In fact, Chen Xun didn't know that this salary was the price a hundred years ago.

These ghosts have been locked up here for too long and have long lost contact with the outside world.

Even if some new guys came in, they didn't ask about the salary conditions of the current ghost king.

Seeing Chen Xun hesitated, the middle-aged man immediately said:

"If you can't even do this, how can we work for you?"

Chen Xun grinned and said:

"Don't get me wrong, I just think the salary is too low."

"I think I should give you a raise?"

The middle-aged man said disapprovingly:

"Everyone can talk big."

"You have to at least take out some ghost money to prove that you have the ability."

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