Beautiful Country, the headquarters of the Beautiful Country Horror Game National Office.

In the conference room, several ghosts with strong ghostly auras sat on both sides of the long conference table.

One of them, holding a cane in his hand, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and pretending to be a particularly sophisticated ghost master, said:

"Everyone, a long time has passed. According to the agreement between us and those Chinese ghost masters, they should have given us news two hours ago."

"But now we can't contact them. It seems that they still failed."

After the ghost master finished speaking, he suddenly fell silent.

Not long after, someone suddenly spoke up:

"China's ghost masters are still unreliable. Three level nines and several level eights can't kill a level nine kid."

"This time, we have to do it ourselves."

"China will never allow the existence of gaming tycoons."

"Don't forget our deal with those beings in the fog."

Speaking of this, everyone's expressions soon became solemn, and their eyes drifted to the well-dressed ghost master from time to time.

Many of them have come into contact with the ghosts in the fog.

They know how terrible the ghosts in the fog are.

If it weren't for some of their beautiful country's high-level people who reached some deals with those beings in the fog, they would have to send some people into the fog every day.

I'm afraid their entire beautiful country would have been shrouded in fog long ago.

In addition to these, these high-level individuals also have various deals with the beings in the fog.

There are even beings in the fog in this conference room.

They occupied some of the ghost masters' bodies, and even their consciousness was controlled by these ghosts.

For example, the well-dressed ghost master.

"So, who should do this?"

"That guy has contracted a ghost king-level ghost." Someone asked.

As they spoke, they glanced at Esther in the corner.

This news was also told to them by Esther.

However, Esther was pale at the moment and in a particularly bad state.

It seemed that he had suffered some kind of backlash.

"Esther, it's not time to lose it yet."

"As long as you kill that guy, I guarantee that I will definitely catch that guy's contracted ghost here and let you contract it."

"Forget it, this time, let me do it."

In front of the conference table, a man stood up.

His eyes were dark, and even revealed a faint ghost aura.

"Aili, can you do it?"

"You are just a ninth-level ghost master."

At that moment, a ghost master was worried.

The man named Ali said:

"Don't worry, even if I can't do it, I can still ask the adult in my body to help."

"As long as that adult appears, there is nothing that can't be settled."

After saying that, Ali turned around and left the meeting room.

They had received news from Liu Qing and others before, and knew that the game tycoon in the ghost town was Chen Xun.

There was even detailed information about Chen Xun.

It is not difficult for these players in the beautiful country to find Chen Xun.

Seeing Ali leave, the meeting room was immersed again.

Soon after, the well-dressed ghost master said:

"Anyway, you must deal with this guy. The adults in the fog are particularly concerned about this matter."

"The instructions of those adults are to kill this guy at all costs!"

After saying that, he turned into a ball of black fog and sank into the ground.


[Ding~ Welcome to the horror game world. ]

[This copy is: Arthurs Mental Hospital. ]

On the other side, Chen Xun finally matched a copy and entered the horror game.

Beside him, there seemed to be a church-like place.

In the center of the church was a huge cross, and the cross was covered with red blood.

At this moment, Chen Xun was sitting on a chair in front of the cross.

"Didn't you say it was a mental hospital?"

"Why doesn't this look like a mental hospital?"

It was at this time that a panel popped up in front of Chen Xun.

The above is the introduction and rules of the dungeon:

[Arthurs Mental Hospital is a warm mental hospital. Although the tempers and mentalities of the patients in the mental hospital are a bit strange, it is undoubtedly a very joyful and warm place. ]

[The inpatient department of Arthurs Mental Hospital has a total of five floors, and the mental conditions of the patients on each floor are different. ][Players will take care of patients in the mental hospital as a nurse. After receiving excellent evaluations from patients, they will be recognized by the head nurse and qualified to serve patients on the next floor. ]

[After successfully obtaining five excellent evaluations, the main task prompt can be opened. ]

[After completing the main task, players can clear the dungeon. ]

[Note: Due to some reasons, the number of nurses is always insufficient, and new players will continue to enter the dungeon. ]

[Game rules:

Rule 1: It is the responsibility of every nurse to take good care of the patients. Players are requested to treat every patient gently, although sometimes they are indeed helpless.

Rule 2: At night, please check whether the door of the patient's room is locked. If the patient is allowed to leave the room at will at night, it will cause very serious consequences.

Rule 3: The head nurse is a very neat person. When in front of the head nurse, please ensure that your clothes are clean.

Rule 4: This instance is a closed instance. Players cannot leave the mental hospital at will unless there are special circumstances. However, there are enough places in the mental hospital to meet your various needs.

Rule 5: Please follow the game prompts to complete the various tasks that appear randomly.

Rule 6: Please do not try to bribe the NPCs in the mental hospital in any improper way. The NPCs in the hospital are particularly upright. If you bribe them, it is likely to have the opposite effect. 】


Seeing these rules, Chen Xun frowned.

It seems that he has to be a nurse this time.

Moreover, there seems to be no point in this instance where you can spend money.

As for Rule 6, Chen Xun felt that there was no ghost in the world who was not greedy for money.

If you really can't bribe them, it is very likely that the money is not in place.

Or the method is improper.

This point needs to be considered.

The next second, his eyes swept through the church again.

One by one, the players appeared in Chen Xun's field of vision.

What surprised Chen Xun was that there was no player from the beautiful country with golden hair this time.

It seemed that there was a little less fun.

"Hehe, another unlucky guy came in."

"Are you a new player in the game?"

"I don't think I've seen you before."

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