From the ghost energy on Li Qing's body, it can be seen that this guy is a level 5 ghost master.

And the ghost in front of him is also level 5.

At this moment, Li Qing glanced at Chen Xun and said:

"Brother, you'll have to watch later."

"This will be a famous scene of how a great ghost master teaches a ghost a lesson!"

Li Qing seemed very confident, and he also wanted to pretend.

So, Chen Xun simply stepped back two steps, looked at Li Qing and said:

"Really don't need help?"

Li Qing didn't look back at Chen Xun, but stared at the drooling ghost in front of him and said:

"Will you shout 666?"

"Wait until I knock this guy down, and you just shout 666 for me."

While speaking, Li Qing also took out a ghost object with ghost energy from the game space.

This is a slipper that looks a bit tattered.

There is even a lot of blood on it.

Li Qing stared at the spit ghost and said:

"With this little strength, you dare to pry open my door?"

After saying that, Li Qing slapped the spit ghost in the face with a slipper.

The spit ghost did not seem to be panicked at all, holding a broom in his right hand.

There was also ghost energy coming out of it.

It was actually a ghost.


The two ghosts collided with each other, and the ghost energy on the ghosts began to roll.

In the end, Li Qing and the water ghost took two steps back.

"I didn't expect that you have such a little strength."

"Not bad."

After saying that, Li Qing even had time to look at Chen Xun:

"Brother, hide well."

"I'm going to use some big moves later, don't hurt you by mistake."

"With your strength, you'd better lie down obediently, call me big brother when the time comes, and I'll protect you in this dungeon in the future."

Li Qing was very confident, as if he didn't take the ghost in front of him seriously at all.

Moreover, he felt that Chen Xun was a very weak newcomer.

Protecting such newcomers and letting them worship him has always been his principle for entering the dungeon.

After saying that, he took out a small black dagger from his arms.

There were strange patterns on this dagger.

At this moment, these patterns were emitting red light.

It looked like a good ghost.

At least much more powerful than the slippers.

It should be a level 6 or 7 ghost.

I don't know where Li Qing got it from.

"Drool ghost, see my dagger!" Li Qing said, and rushed forward with the dagger.

But Chen Xun was still unmoved.

Since there was a thug who didn't want money, why should he waste his energy to deal with the ghost in front of him?

Seeing this, the drooling ghost's ghost energy came out more, and it seemed that it also felt the threat from the dagger.

The next second, the drooling ghost immediately spit a large mouthful of saliva at Li Qing.

Li Qing immediately blocked it with his clothes.

However, his clothes were soon corroded by the saliva.

It seems that the saliva of the drooling ghost is also a means of attack.

Ghost energy came out of Li Qing's body, covering his skin to prevent the saliva from corroding his skin.

Then, the dagger stabbed towards the chest of the drooling ghost.

The drooling ghost did not dodge, and the black dagger pierced into his chest tightly.


"You're unlucky to meet me."

Li Qing said, and began to slash with the dagger in his hand.

A deep wound was immediately cut on the chest of the slobber ghost.

Blood splattered out.


The next second, the slobber ghost's body fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Li Qing put away the dagger in his hand, and then turned to look at Chen Xun.

"How about it, isn't this move of mine cool?"

Chen Xun nodded:

"Of course."

When Li Qing heard Chen Xun's praise, a satisfied smile immediately appeared on his lips:

"So, call me brother and let me hear it?"

"In the future, if you encounter this kind of thing at night, you won't have to take action."

"Maybe I can let you get more rewards in this dungeon."

"After all, this is my second time entering this dungeon, and I know it very well."

Hearing Li Qing's words, Chen Xun glanced behind him:

"Before you brag, can you make sure that the guy behind you is really dead?"

Li Qing frowned:

"What do you mean?"

However, just when Li Qing dared to say this, he felt a chill on his back.

He looked back and happened to see the saliva ghost living behind him.Suddenly, it stood up miraculously.

A sticky liquid appeared at the wound caused by the dagger just now, gluing the wound together.

"No way?"

Li Qing looked back at the spit ghost.

He found that the ghost energy on the spit ghost was still rising.

"Food, you pissed me off!"

The spit ghost looked at Li Qing viciously, and then rushed towards Li Qing.

Li Qing took the dagger and stabbed again, but soon Li Qing found that although his dagger stabbed the spit ghost, it was like stabbing into a steel plate.

He wanted to slide the dagger, but he couldn't do it anyway.

The strength of this ghost seems to have become stronger!

"Damn it!"

Li Qing cursed, but the spit ghost's slap was already slapping him.

Li Qing had to stretch out his palm and hold the spit ghost's arm tightly.

Unfortunately, the spit ghost's powerful strength seemed to make him unable to resist.

"Why did this guy suddenly become stronger?"

Li Qing's face changed. When he faced this saliva ghost just now, he was still very calm.

But now, he actually felt that he couldn't beat it.

This saliva ghost is really not comparable to those ordinary ghosts.

And now, Li Qing's two hands have grasped the two hands of the saliva ghost.

It seems that Li Qing and this saliva ghost are in a stalemate.

But Li Qing knows that with his own strength, it won't take long before he will fall into a disadvantage and be pressed to the ground by this saliva ghost.

Thinking of this, Li Qing immediately looked at Chen Xun and said:

"Brother, help me and give this guy a finishing blow."

The only one who can move now is Chen Xun.

And now Chen Xun also has a good chance to kill this saliva ghost.

But Chen Xun stood there, looked at Li Qing with a sly smile and said:

"Call me brother first and let me hear what you have to say."

Li Qing's expression suddenly changed:

"Brother, it's already this time, why are you still talking about this?"

Chen Xun ignored him.

At this time, Li Qing's two arms holding the saliva ghost began to lean back.

It seemed that Li Qing had begun to gradually fall into a disadvantage.

At this time, Li Qing looked at Chen Xun reluctantly and said:

"Brother, brother."

"If you don't take action, I will be dead."

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