The ghost child said, and stood up.

Then they looked at Brother Gou and said:

"Brother Gou, pull those two guys out, we are going to play the second game."

After that, he looked at Chen Xun with a gloomy look.

"You can't use ghost money to exempt the punishment of this game."

"Hehehe, let's see if you can still sit still."

Just after the little boy finished speaking, Brother Gou immediately controlled the ghost domain and caught Sun San and another player from the castle.

At this moment, Sun San was still looking at Chen Xun in a daze.

He had just been in the castle and watched Chen Xun for several hours.

But in front of these ghosts, Chen Xun was unharmed.

And the other player also stood there with a blank look.

He was the fat man that Chen Xun met last night.

Just now, thanks to a precious ghost item he had obtained before, he was able to hide in the castle and was not discovered by the two ghost children.

At this moment, he looked around and found that when they first came in, there were more than ten players.

Now there are only three left.

When these two players appeared outside the castle, the girl named Xiaoyuan showed a weird smile and said:

"Okay, now let's talk about the rules of the hunter and prey game."

"The rules are very simple. We will use paper strips to draw the identities of hunters and prey later."

"The one who draws the hunter identity will become the hunter, and the one who draws the prey paper strip will become the prey."

"The one who draws the prey identity has one minute to escape. As soon as the time is up, the hunter will start to hunt the prey."

"The hunted prey will fight with the hunter until the hunter tears off a part of the prey."

"Of course, this part may be your ears and eyeballs, or it may be your heart or head."

After hearing this, Sun San and Fatty's faces suddenly turned pale.

Their strength is not as high as that of these child ghosts.

If they draw the identity of the prey, then they are completely finished.

It was at this time that Xiao Yuan continued:

"Of course, if you, as the prey, have the strength to obtain the hunter's identity card, then you can also become a hunter."

"Hunters can attack all game players, including hunters."

"So, even if you draw the prey, you can become a hunter by obtaining the hunter's identity card."

At this point, Xiao Yuan showed a strange smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at Chen Xun and the other three, and then sneered:

"In addition, there is another way to become a hunter."

"That is, the prey kills another prey and becomes a hunter."

"So, maybe those who draw the prey later can also become hunters by killing your companions."

In other words, if all the players draw the prey, then there may be a scene of cannibalism.

These little ghosts seem to want to see such a scene, so they specially formulated these rules.

Moreover, no matter whether these child ghosts draw the identity of hunter or prey, they can attack the person who draws the identity of prey.

These fat men and Sun San suddenly became nervous.

This is basically an unsolvable game.

"Okay, let's start drawing lots now."

"Dog brother doesn't want to play, so the six of us will play this game."

"So there will be three hunters and three prey in these slips of paper."

"After drawing lots, you can get identity cards."

"Now, let's see how your luck is."

Xiaoyuan said, opening her palm.

There were exactly six white slips of paper inside.

For this draw, the fat man and Sun San actually had no expectations at all.

Because no matter what identity you draw, these child ghosts can attack you.

In the end, all players took a slip of paper from Xiaoli's hand.

After the two players opened the slips in their hands, their faces suddenly became ugly.

They all drew the identity of prey.

Chen Xun also opened the note in his hand and took a look.

The note was written with two crooked words in blood red.

‘Prey. ’

The three child ghosts also opened the notes in their hands.

All three notes were hunters.

At the same time, an identity card was condensed on the chest of Chen Xun and his friends by the ghost energy.

There were only two words on the identity card: ‘Prey’.

“Hahaha, caregiver, it seems that your luck is not very good."Well, now you can start to run away." "Don't worry, this game is absolutely fair. As long as you can escape from our pursuit, you can survive successfully." "Of course, if you can become a hunter, we may also be able to let you survive." "The premise is that you can kill a prey. "

Xiao Yuan said, his eyes wandering back and forth between Chen Xun and the others.

The implication is very clear.

To successfully end this game, they must kill a companion.

After Xiao Yuan finished speaking, Fatty and Sun San immediately distanced themselves.

Especially Sun San, his strength is lower than Fatty.

So in this game, he is the one who is most likely to be killed.

Although there is no ghost energy coming out of Chen Xun, Chen Xun gives him the feeling that he is more dangerous than Fatty.

After all, how could a player who could make these child ghosts helpless in the previous game be a simple commodity?

He decided to run to the castle later and find a covert place to hide.

He must not be discovered by these child ghosts, nor by Chen Xun and Fatty.

Then, he quickly ran towards the castle.

Here, only this huge castle looks safer.

At least, there is a place to hide.

And After hearing what Xiao Yuan said, the fat man also ran towards the castle.

He had seen Chen Xun last night, so he naturally didn't think that Chen Xun was a player who could be manipulated by anyone.

So he had only one goal.

That was Sun San.

As long as he killed Sun San, he could become a hunter and complete this game.

By then, the task of serving the guests on the third floor should be completed.

This sounds a bit cruel.

But it's the case in the horror world.

In this case, if you don't kill other players, other players will kill you.

The real law of the dark jungle is reflected vividly in this game.

Seeing the two players run away, these little ghosts suddenly showed a weird smile on their faces.

But this smile only appeared for a moment, and then it froze.

Because they found that Chen Xun didn't run away.

Xiao Yuan looked at Chen Xun, frowned and said:

"Nurse, why don't you run away?"

"This time, you can't use ghost money to exempt. "

Chen Xun looked at these child ghosts, and a strong ghost aura emerged from his body. Then he showed a big villain smile on his face:

"Hey, little brats, I am actually more looking forward to playing this game than you are."

"I believe everyone will have a great time."

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