Chen Xun looked at the gambling table in the room.

The stakes in front of the pitch-black ghost were obviously quite a lot.

It should have exceeded one million ghost money.

As long as he could win all the chips in front of the pitch-black ghost, he could go to the third floor.

In fact, when he was on the first floor, Chen Xun had already won 200,000 ghost money chips.

He only needed to win another 800,000 ghost money chips to get the conditions to go to the third floor.

Chen Xun looked at the pitch-black ghost and said:

"In that case, then I'll play a little?"

The pitch-black ghost immediately smiled and said:

"Of course, you're welcome."

"Start betting now!"

Chen Xun walked to the gambling table.

The ghost on the side saw the chips in Chen Xun's hand, and his greedy eyes immediately looked over.

However, there were also ghosts in this room who managed the order of the casino, and their strength was stronger than the tuxedo ghost on the first floor.

So they didn't dare to do anything, they could only stare at Chen Xun with big eyes, trying to give Chen Xun some sense of oppression.

"Little ghost, you seem to have a lot of chips, do you want me to help you play?"

"If you win, it's mine, if you lose, it's yours, how about it?"

Although they didn't dare to do it, verbal threats would not violate the rules of the casino.

After hearing the ghost's words, Lai Fu immediately jumped onto Chen Xun's shoulder, and then a strong ghost aura came out of his body.

The red eyes also stared coldly at the ghost who was talking.

At the same time, Pianpian also jumped onto a table with vases in the room, and the ghost aura came out of his body, and his eyes also swept across all the ghosts in the room.

Chen Xun then stared at the ghost and said:

"You also saw that my pet doesn't seem to want me to help you play."

"But I think I'm lucky, and I can help you play with the chips on your body."

Chen Xun stared at the chips in the ghost's hand.

Those who can come to the second floor are obviously not poor ghosts.

The minimum requirement is to reach 50,000 ghost money.

But the chips in this guy's hand are less than 20,000 ghost money.

Obviously he lost a lot.

In fact, it is not just this ghost, even the chips in the hands of other ghosts are only about 20,000 ghost money.

It seems that this ghost who shakes the dice has some skills.

Hearing Chen Xun's words, and looking at the two cats, the ghost's face suddenly changed, and then he smiled politely and said:

"Brother, I was just joking with you."

"Please don't mind it."

After that, the ghost took out a few chips and put them in Chen Xun's chip plate.

Chen Xun didn't want to touch the rules here, so he just gave up.

The dark ghost also began to smooth things over:

"Hahaha, we are all here to have fun, and harmony brings wealth."

"Come on, come on, the next round begins."

After saying that, the dark ghost began to shake the dice cup in his hand, and then slapped it on the gambling table.

"Okay, everyone, clear your bets, buy and leave, buy and leave."

Then he looked at Chen Xun and said, "Brother, how about playing a round?"

Chen Xun nodded, and then used his predictive ability to look at the dice cup.

1.2.5, small.

Then he took out two chips with a face value of 1,000 and put them on the betting table, betting on small.

Chen Xun was very cautious. Although he had the ability to predict, he would never go all in without being sure if there would be any unexpected events.

"Buy and leave, open the cup!"

The dark ghost said, and the next second he waved his hand.

The dice in the dice cup also appeared in front of Chen Xun.

"2, 4, 5, 11 big!"

When the dice cup was opened, Chen Xun was stunned.

The points he saw in the prediction screen before were 1, 2, 5, and 8 small.

But now it was 2, 3, 5, and 11 big.

This was completely different from what he saw with his prediction ability.

"Is this ability invalid?" Chen Xun frowned and muttered softly.

After the black ghost took the chips that were placed on the small betting table, he paid them to the ghost who bet on the big one, and then continued:

"Here we go, the next one starts!"

After saying that, the black ghost covered the dice cup, and then began to pick up the bottom tray and shook it.


The black ghost put the dice cup on the gambling table.

Only then did he continue to look at the ghosts at the scene and said:

"Bet is placed, bet is placed, buy it and leave it."

Chen Xun used his foresight again and looked at the dice cup.

The next second, the picture suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xun, and the picture stopped.

3,3,6,12 points big.

But this time Chen Xun did not bet.

"Little brother, don't you bet this time?"

"Maybe you'll have better luck this time?"

The dark ghost grinned when he saw Chen Xun did not bet.

Chen Xun ignored him and stared at the dice.

"3,3,6,12 points big!"

The ghost said, and then started to pay the chips.

"Is it right this time?" Chen Xun muttered in a low voice, but his face was full of doubts.

In theory, the things seen in the prediction are things that will happen in the future.

However, it can be interfered by humans.

In other words, the picture Chen Xun saw before was already considered to have been interfered?

Chen Xun frowned.

Then he continued to watch for a long time.

There were even several rounds where he used his predictive ability before and after betting.

But the pictures he got were completely different.

"It seems that after the bet was placed, the result in the dice cup was interfered with by humans." Chen Xun smiled, as if he had seen through it.

It should be the ghost in front of him who cheated.

However, how did this ghost do it without being noticed in the public eye?

Chen Xun frowned, and then continued to watch a few more times.

He even looked at the predicted pictures one by one.

Half an hour later, he finally found the clue.

"Is that so?" Chen Xun muttered in a low voice.

"Hey, brother, you have been standing here for so long, and you haven't placed a bet except for the first one."

"You exchanged so many chips, just to let it sit on the plate and watch?"

The dark ghost couldn't help but say when he saw that Chen Xun had not placed a bet.

The next second, Chen Xun's mouth suddenly showed a harmless smile:

"Of course, this time I'll bet big."

Hearing Chen Xun's words, the dark ghost started shaking the dice cup again.

Then the dice cup was slapped on the gambling table, and the ghost immediately looked at Chen Xun:

"Brother, come on, place your bets."

Chen Xun smiled slightly, and then used his foresight.

The next second, he placed nearly 700,000 chips directly on the big betting table.

The moment they saw this scene, all the ghosts were stunned, and then took a breath of cold air.

Betting hundreds of thousands of chips of ghost money at a time, they dared not even think about it.

Even the dark ghost froze when he saw this scene.

Then there was a hint of imperceptible greed in his eyes.

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