Huangquan Inn, Room 344.

"Sir, your price is too low, isn't it?"

"My inn is in Jingdu, and it's a century-old shop. The price you offer is really too low."

"Besides, our shop's business is really good."

In the center of Room 344, there is a huge tea table. A ghost wearing a Tang suit and gold-rimmed glasses is pouring tea from a teapot.

In front of this ghost with gold-rimmed glasses is a ghost with golden hair.

It's a ghost from the Western Continent.

"Hahaha, my dearest friend, you also know that the Ghost Emperor of your East Continent is about to die, and a turmoil will sweep across the entire Jingdu."

"Do you think that with your strength you can keep this inn?"

"By then, maybe you won't even get a dime."

"Now as long as you sell this inn to me, I guarantee with my reputation that when the turmoil is over, if you want to buy this inn back, I will definitely not hesitate at all."

"Besides, we have the Ghost Emperor in the West. Even if there is a turmoil, those ghost generals will not dare to touch the assets of our Western ghosts, but you may not."

After the ghost of the Western Continent finished speaking, the shopkeeper laughed and said:

"Hehe, those ghosts in your West I never believe in credibility. "

"In this way, I will sell this inn for 50 million ghost money."

"I know that you Western ghosts also want to take advantage of the chaos to gain some benefits from us. In this area of ​​Jingdu, this price is already very cost-effective."

"It can be said to be a blood loss price."

The Western ghost picked up the tea full of dried insects on the table, then put it to his mouth and tasted it, and finally stretched out a finger and said indifferently:

"Ten million, this is already the highest price we can offer."

"If you still disagree, then maybe I will go to look at other shops."

If it were in the past, this inn would not be able to be taken down for 50 million, let alone 500 million.

"You are going too far!" After hearing the offer of the Western ghost, the shopkeeper slapped the table and stood up.

It can be seen that his feet were actually two pieces of wood on the floor.

The eyes glared at the Western ghost.

"Boss, I advise you to think about it. After all, there are not many ghosts who dare to take over your shops now."

"Besides us, who else will buy your assets?"

The Western ghost was still sipping tea and said indifferently.

After they knew that the Ghost Emperor of the Eastern Continent was about to die, they quickly came to the Jingdu, wanting to buy a large amount of land and assets at a very low price before the Ghost Emperor died.

Once the Eastern Ghost Emperor died and the turmoil ended, these assets would rise in value.

As for when the turmoil would end, there were actually rumors in the Western Continent that the Western Ghost Emperor would take action and directly unify the entire horror world.

And the structure of these assets in the East would also be directly reshuffled.

Even these ghosts in the East would become slaves.

Hearing these Western ghosts' words, the shopkeeper was also stunned, and then sat back quietly.

He was not unaware of the current situation. Now the best thing to do was to sell the inn.

With money, he could go wherever he wanted.

Or you can directly use these ghost money to improve your own strength.

But now there are too few people who dare to take over the Jingdu store.

They are basically some Western ghosts.

But the price they offer is too low.

"I'll think about it." The shopkeeper said.

Then, the Western ghost took out a pocket watch from his pocket and put it on the table.

"Boss, you have three minutes to consider. After three minutes, I will not offer this price."

Seeing the pocket watch, the shopkeeper frowned tightly.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

It was at this time that the sound of knocking on the door suddenly sounded.

"Who?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Boss, I am a businessman from outside the city. I saw the sign of transferring the inn at your door and wanted to discuss the resale of the inn with you."

Chen Xun's voice came from outside the door.

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Come in."

Chen Xun pushed open the door and walked in.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng and the fierce ghost king were guarding outside the door.

After seeing that it was a human, the shopkeeper's eyes dimmed a lot.

If it was a ghost from the West, maybe he could use this opportunity to bargain with the ghost in front of him.

But a human from the East would never take over this inn..

And maybe he can't even come up with a few dollars.

"Come and sit down." The shopkeeper said.

It didn't seem that there were too many surprises or malicious intentions because of Chen Xun's appearance.

Chen Xun sat down in front of the tea table, and the shopkeeper brewed a cup of tea.

"Come, little brother, try this tea." The shopkeeper said.

In business, it is important to treat guests as guests.

Although he felt that Chen Xun couldn't take out much ghost money, he still politely entertained Chen Xun.

However, after Chen Xun looked at the "tea leaves" in the tea, his face was stunned, and then he quickly refused:

"Boss, I appreciate your kindness."

"This time, I came to talk to you about the transfer of your inn. I want to buy it."

Chen Xun went straight to the point.

After all, his purpose was just to spend a little more money here, not to drink tea with these ghosts here.

He was thinking that if he could buy all the shops in Kyoto, then he could become the ghost king.

After all, after coming to Jingdu, he always felt that his strength was lacking.

There were level nine ghosts everywhere, and ghost kings were everywhere.

His level nine ghost master's strength was really not enough.

And today he received that letter, which meant that some unknown enemies had been paying attention to him silently behind the scenes.

Whether it was to find his parents or to get information in Jingdu, it required strength.

Moreover, after he came to Jingdu, he actually had a certain understanding of his life experience.

Maybe it was related to the Chen family in Jingdu.

But the Chen family was in the palace of Jingdu, and he couldn't get in with his current strength.

He could only get some information from the periphery.

After hearing that Chen Xun wanted to buy the inn, the Western ghost showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"Human, do you know that Jingdu is about to face a major change? With your current strength, are you sure you can keep this asset?"

"What's more, how much ghost money can you afford to buy this inn?"

"This inn is not a small commodity that can be bought just by saying so."

The Western ghosts had already inquired when they came to Jingdu. Now there are no Eastern ghosts willing to take over these shops in Jingdu.

After all, as long as the Eastern Ghost Emperor dies, the Western Ghost Emperor will definitely send troops to attack the East.

With the nature of the Western Ghost Emperor, the assets of these Eastern ghosts will definitely not be kept.

That's why he would buy this inn at such a low price.

Is the human in front of him rusty or has no place to spend money?

Buy this inn at this time?

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