"Zhao Yiheng and Li Guodong died?"

After hearing the secretary's words, Mr. Lin was also stunned, with an indescribable sadness in his eyes.

The members of the State Office at the scene were also silent.

This is the first time that there has been a sacrifice in the long-established Lincheng State Office.

However, sacrifice is inevitable after all.

Even Chen Xun was surprised.

He still remembered that Zhao Yiheng had entered the dungeon with him not long ago and did some tasks together.

If Chen Xun had not had any concept of the threat of the fog in the past, he would deeply feel the emotional ups and downs brought to him by the fog at this moment.

Because just now, someone he knew died.

This is just the first one.

Although it may not be killed by the ghosts in the fog, if the fog continues to invade, how many familiar people will die?

There was silence for a long time, and then Elder Lin said:

"Everyone has heard that people have started to die in Lincheng."

"It's a ghost king who came."

"Can anyone guarantee that they can survive in front of a ghost king?"

Before, everyone was still discussing how to survive in the fog.

Some people even said that they could use hot weapons to attack these ghosts.

But these hot weapons are only effective against some very low-level ghosts.

Even a third-level ghost can use the ghost energy on its body to block ordinary bullets.

Unless it is some ghost, it is difficult to cause damage to these ghosts.

Now, everyone is silent.

Because no one is sure that they can survive in front of a ghost king.

Moreover, there may be more than one ghost king in the fog.

"What do you think now? Have you made a decision?"

"Are you going to leave with us, or are you going to be a turtle in Lincheng and wait for death?"

Elder Lin's eyes swept over all the ghost masters present.

The strength of these ghost masters is basically between level six and eight.

Even if they act alone, there is a great chance that they will die when they really face those beings in the fog.

Therefore, now they can only have a chance to survive if they stay together to keep warm.

After hearing what Elder Lin said, everyone was silent for a while, and then a ghost master named Li Shun stood up first:

"Elder Lin, I agree with your plan of the State Council Office. If we encounter those ghosts, I, Li Shun, will be the first to rush to the front!"

"Elder Lin, we agree too!"

"Now only if everyone goes together can there be a glimmer of hope of survival!"

"Yes, Elder Lin, we will all listen to the arrangements of the State Council Office!"


All ghost masters expressed their opinions.

At this moment, Chen Xun was also among them, and Elder Lin looked at Chen Xun.

"Comrade Xiao Chen, what do you think of our proposal?"

Elder Lin knew that Chen Xun was a great god in the game, and he was also a ghost master with a very powerful contracted ghost.

So Chen Xun might play a very important role in this breakout.

After hearing this, Chen Xun nodded slightly:

"Of course, but I still want to know what the State Council Office thinks."

Chen Xun's idea about whether to break out is the same as that of the State Council Office.

The other ghost masters were also surprised when they saw this scene.

They swept their eyes over Chen Xun.

Chen Xun looked only about 17 or 18 years old, and in their eyes, he was just a child.

But Mr. Lin is now asking a child's opinion.

But they are not fools, and naturally know that Mr. Lin has his reasons for doing this.

So all the ghost masters listened quietly.

Then, Mr. Lin brought a laptop computer, which played a satellite cloud map.

And it was real-time.

The picture on the computer was projected onto the wall of the office through a projector.

At this moment, Lincheng was like a small black dot in a white fog.

Then Elder Lin pointed his finger at the white fog somewhere on the wall and said:

"Our State Council Office worked all night yesterday to come up with a plan to break out from here."

"The fog here is thin, and the ghosts in the fog are probably relatively weak."

"Moreover, this place is relatively far away from the surrounding cities, and there is only a fog area of ​​100 kilometers."

"We may be able to tear a hole from here and leave the coverage of the fog."

Then Elder Lin told the plan developed by the State Council Office.

"It's too late now, and the longer it's delayed, the harder it will be to break out of the siege."

As soon as Elder Lin finished speaking, many ghost masters frowned:"But how are we going to leave? There are so many people in the whole Lincheng."

Old Lin continued:

"It's very simple, drive."

"Although these places are shrouded in fog, the traffic has not been completely destroyed."

"There is a road here, we can leave from the road."

"Although this plan seems a bit hasty, it is the best plan we can think of at present."

"However, there is a point in this plan. Perhaps some people need to stay behind the convoy to ensure that all our cars are on the highway at the end of the fog. Only then can the vehicles drive quickly and we have a greater chance of leaving safely."

"But the last part of the people left may face a very dangerous situation, and they may even die."

"Because at that time, the target of all the ghosts in the fog may be this last part of people."

After Old Lin finished speaking, his expression became particularly serious.

This is basically a life of suicide, and it is not good for anyone to go.

But at this moment, the big man who had spoken before said:

"I can stay behind. I have no elders above me and no children below me. It's not a pity to die."

"I'll stay behind too."

"And I, too!"


Old Lin originally thought that no one wanted to do this job, but at this moment, a bunch of ghost masters wanted to stay behind to cover the retreat.

"I, too," Chen Xun said:

"Besides, I have another way to greatly increase the success rate of this breakout."


Time passed quickly, and the meeting of the State Council Office ended in a hurry.

Finally, the sound of broadcasts rang out in various parts of Lincheng.

One after another, cars and buses began to appear on the streets.

In order to ensure that there was no traffic jam, all the cars were full of people.

At the same time, a lot of food was placed in the trunk.

Today, all the residents of Lincheng acted according to the arrangements of the State Council Office.

Chen Xun also returned to his community.

Now there is still some time before the breakout, he returned home and put some important things and photos of his parents into his backpack.

"Here, I will come back."

Chen Xun looked at everything familiar, his eyes suddenly condensed.

If there is no such change, who would want to leave the hometown where they have lived for a long time?

"Beep beep~ Hey, brother Chen Xun, the vehicle is ready, we will fill it at the gate of your community."

There is a walkie-talkie on Chen Xun's chest, and a man's voice came out of the walkie-talkie.

Chen Xun turned his head and frowned suddenly:

"Okay, wait for me for a while, I have something to deal with here."

"It will be done soon."

After speaking, Chen Xun's eyes immediately looked at the golden-haired man in front of him.

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