After reaching the 5th floor, Chen Xun and his team first came to the room that the irritable man mentioned.

The irritable man lived in Room 3 on the 4th floor.

So the corresponding room on the 5th floor is Room 3.

Arriving at the door of Room 3, Chen Xun glanced at the door of this room.

The quaint wooden door was covered with blood stains.

But what surprised Chen Xun was that the house number in this room disappeared.

It seemed to have been deliberately removed.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Lin Feng knocked on the door and then said:

"Hello, we are neighbors downstairs, and we came to visit you."

Lin Feng and Chen Xun stood at the door of the room waiting for the residents inside to open the door.

However, there was no sound from inside the door.

"Master, the other party seems to be asleep." Lin Feng said.

Then Chen Xun frowned and knocked on the door again:

"Knock knock knock~"

Then Chen Xun and Lin Feng waited in front of the door for a minute, but still no one opened the door.

"Master, do you think the people inside have been killed by the murderer?"

"Or, the resident of this room is the murderer, and now he is committing a crime outside?"

Lin Feng suddenly said.

Since they entered the apartment, the door of this room is the strangest, and there is no door.

Chen Xun said:

"Have you ever thought that if there is really a murderer in the room, then the murderer may be hiding in a corner and staring at us now."

After hearing what Chen Xun said, Lin Feng's face suddenly changed.

"Master, I'm timid, please don't scare me."

Chen Xun smiled:

"Okay, there is no strong smell of blood in this room, maybe people are just sleeping soundly."

"Let's go visit other residents."

As they said, Chen Xun and Lin Feng were about to turn around and leave the door of Room 3, but at this moment, the door of Room 3 suddenly opened.

The door was only opened a small gap, and a pair of eyes hid behind the door and looked out.


When the resident saw Chen Xun and Lin Feng, he immediately screamed and ran into the room.

"Don't come over, don't come over!"

Chen Xun and Lin Feng looked at each other, and then looked towards the room.

At this moment, the door was open, Chen Xun walked up and opened the door.

Everything in the room also appeared in front of Chen Xun.

The decoration of this room looks better than the one they live in, and the pink wall gives people a feeling of girlish heart.

At the same time, the furniture here is also a level higher than the house where Chen Xun and his family live.

At this moment, the ground is full of broken ceramic slag.

The tenant in this room is actually a woman!

Chen Xun frowned immediately, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The woman was wearing a white dress with a lot of blood stains on it.

She was barefoot, and it seemed that she stepped on the ceramic fragments, so the floor was also covered with bloody footprints.

The woman looked good and had a particularly petite figure.

But at this moment, she was looking at Chen Xun and his family with horror:

"You... don't come over."

After saying that, the woman suddenly huddled up, hugged her knees with her hands, and looked at Chen Xun and his family with fear.

Apart from that, there was no other person in the room.

"Hey, aren't all the residents here men?"

"Why is there a woman here?"

"And she looks a little mentally abnormal."

Lin Feng frowned and said.

Chen Xun glanced around, then looked at the woman and said:

"We have no ill will towards you."

"Excuse me, how long have you lived here?"

The woman looked at Chen Xun with horror, and seemed unwilling to talk to Chen Xun.

Her body was still shaking, as if she had seen something terrible.

Finally, the woman stared at Lin Feng, and then stopped at the newspaper and photo in Lin Feng's hand.

"Dad... Dad."

Lin Feng was stunned when he heard it, and then looked at Chen Xun and said awkwardly:

"Why does this woman call me dad as soon as she comes?"

"It's embarrassing."

"But it seems that she seems to be a little mentally abnormal, and there is a little self-harm behavior."

However, just as Lin Feng finished speaking, the woman kept waving her hands in front of her.

"Don't come over, get out, get out!"

"No, get out!"

"Woo woo woo~"

The woman cried while shouting.Chen Xun and Lin Feng looked at each other, and then showed helplessness on their faces:

"This woman is indeed mentally ill."

"It seems that we can't get any information from her."

"Let's go, let's go to other rooms."

Chen Xun looked at the woman on the ground pitifully, and then walked out of the door with Lin Feng.

He helped the woman close the door.


Then, a tearing and painful cry came from the door.

The sound was particularly harsh and terrifying.

"I don't know what kind of stimulation this woman has received to become like this now."

Lin Feng sighed and shook his head.

Finally, Chen Xun walked towards Room 6 on the 5th floor.

According to Li Mai, there should be only one resident on this floor.

However, when Chen Xun came to this room, he found that the door of this room was actually open.

In the room, a fishy smell came to the face.

There was even dried blood on the door.

Chen Xun frowned and walked into the room.

There were large bloodstains on the floor of the room.

However, it seemed that because of the long time, these bloodstains had already formed into lumps and turned black.

Two bodies were lying in the room.

It was a man and a woman.

The man was lying naked on the floor, with wounds all over his body, and even his skin was cut by the knives, as if he had been deliberately abused by the murderer.

Even the unspeakable things below were cut off.

Blood spread from his body to the surroundings.

The man's face was full of fear.

The woman on the bed was much better than this man.

The only wound on her body was on her neck.

It seemed that she should have been killed in one blow.

And the time of death was at least one day.

"What kind of hatred and grudge does this murderer have with this man?"

Lin Feng sighed.

Chen Xun said:

"Is this man on the missing list?"

Chen Xun looked at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng took out the newspaper, looked at it, and then said:

"Zhao Zhu, on the missing list in the newspaper, has also been missing for three days."

Chen Xun nodded:

"It seems that these missing lists are indeed related to the people the murderer wants to kill."

Finally, Chen Xun's eyes swept across the room and stopped on a photo album on the table.

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