These players from the Beautiful Country sneered at Chen Xun, waiting for the arrival of entertainment time.

Chen Xun's eyes were full of confusion, and then he said:

"Who wants to kill me?"

Although he knew that these players from the Beautiful Country were coming to kill him, he didn't know who wanted to kill him and why.

After all, Chen Xun didn't seem to have provoked too many powerful players from the Beautiful Country.

The only time was when he met Esther in the dungeon of the town.

But if that guy could invite so many ghost kings, he wouldn't have been beaten by Chen Xun in the dungeon.

So, there was someone else who wanted to kill him.

The players from the Beautiful Country laughed and said, "You don't need to know, because you will die soon." "Don't worry, the adult in the real world has been waiting for your return. You will definitely die when you return to the real world." "This seems to be the fifth rich man in the game that I have participated in killing. It is really a wonderful experience." One of the players from the Beautiful Country looked at his watch and said, "One minute left." His words were cold, as if he was sentencing Chen Xun to death. But at this moment, from Prison No. 4 to Prison No. 2, a strong ghost aura suddenly spread towards the square of Prison No. 8. There was even some red blood mixed in these ghost auras. At this moment, even the prisoners in Prison No. 8 who were present were stunned. Because they found that these powerful ghosts who had never joined the entertainment time before actually wanted to join the entertainment time this time! Soon, the majestic ghost aura spread over the entire square, even wrapping up the entire square. All the players and prisoners in the square were in the ghost aura.

At the same time, pairs of red eyes in the ghost aura opened in the black ghost aura.

A cold voice came:

"Who wants to go against our boss?"

When these red eyes noticed the players from the Beautiful Country, they sneered:

"It turned out to be these Western monsters."

[Ding~ The entertainment time is up, everyone can play to their heart's content. 】

It was at this time that a strange female voice suddenly sounded.

The ghost master from the Beautiful Country who was looking at the watch was suddenly stunned, because he found that the opening time of this entertainment time was actually twenty seconds faster!

After the strange female voice fell, the red eyes in the ghost aura began to examine the ghost masters from the Beautiful Country.

On the ground of the square, blood began to flow continuously, and the entire ground seemed to have turned into a red blood pool.

It was the bleeding ghost.

The bleeding ghost quickly locked onto the players from the Beautiful Country.

Then the blood began to gather in front of these players from the Beautiful Country.

Then he turned into a human figure and stood in front of a player from the Beautiful Country.

He exhaled a puff of smoke and pinched the neck of the player from the Beautiful Country with one hand.

"It's just a small minion. I can easily deal with it."

The bloody vampire said, as if he wanted to twist the neck of the player from the Beautiful Country off.


The sound of a sharp palm piercing through the muscles came.

But the next second, the bloody vampire found that the player from the Beautiful Country in front of him also began to ooze red blood.

The blood spread out and also flowed on the ground, and then gathered into a human figure not far from the bloody vampire.

It turned out to be a dark-skinned vampire.

"Haha, the taste of blood."

"It's a pity that your blood is too smelly, otherwise I must make you my blood slave."

The bloody vampire was also stunned when he saw the vampire.

"I didn't expect you to be a hybrid vampire." The blood-stained vampire sneered.

It seemed that he had some knowledge of these vampires.

Soon, the two ghosts started to fight.

On the other side, as soon as the entertainment time started, many changes occurred in the ghost masters of the Beautiful Country.

Either the muscles bulged, or the body rotted, and terrible changes occurred.

And the hideous ghosts instantly replaced the bodies of these players of the Beautiful Country.

There were even people with beasts.

Except for the third-level ghost king who was a vampire, the other ghost kings were basically hideous ghosts.

A strong ghost aura permeated.

All of them were ghost kings.

Seeing this, the prisoners in Prison No. 8 immediately avoided far away.

They knew that the current battle was not something they could participate in.

When the "transformation" was completed, these players of the Beautiful Country turned their eyes to Chen Xun and said:

"I didn't expect that the high-end combat power in this apartment would also be willing to fight for you.""No wonder those adults insisted that we come. If some low-level idiots came in, they would have been killed by you in seconds!"

"But now, we are not without the ability to fight."

Among these players from the Beautiful Country, there are a total of more than a dozen ghost kings.

And Chen Xun has more than twenty behind him.

I don't know where these players from the Beautiful Country got their confidence from.

But soon, Chen Xun frowned.

Because he found that a vampire suddenly took out two white teeth.

There was a fascinating smell on the teeth.

It seemed that people's body and mind were immersed in these two teeth.

Even Chen Xun was a little dazed, but soon, a ghost on his body exuded a warm ghost aura and injected it into Chen Xun's body.

This tooth was ineffective for Chen Xun.

Don't forget, Chen Xun has a ghost that can isolate any ghost ability.

It's just that those ghost kings are not so lucky.

The ghost kings on the square were also stunned, and then the ghost energy dissipated.

Human-shaped bodies appeared in the square.

They were confused and dazed, and finally came to their senses, and then began to use ghost energy to resist the negative effects of the tooth on them.

But their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

"Boss, be careful!"

It was at this time that Ying suddenly appeared beside Chen Xun, and ghost energy spread out, as if resisting the strange power of the tooth.

At this time, a ghost introduction panel also appeared in front of Chen Xun:

[Vampire Fangs (Yan Luo Level): This is a tooth pulled out from a Yan Luo-level vampire, with a strong charm effect. If you don't use half of your body's ghost energy to resist, you will soon fall into a terrible illusion and never get out. ]

[This ghost has a strong effect on ghost kings and those below ghost kings. ]

After seeing the introduction of this ghost, Chen Xun frowned.

If so, although Chen Xun has more than 20 ghost kings, their strength is all halved.

Compared with the ghost kings of the beautiful country, they are probably at a disadvantage.

"Hehehe, although there are indeed many ghost kings here, we have already prepared for this." A vampire sneered.

This is a Yama-level ghost, even in the entire western continent there are not many.

Before they entered this copy, the adults in the mist asked them to bring this thing in.

He originally thought it was a bit redundant, after all, this time they brought more than a dozen ghost kings just to kill a player who didn't even have a ghost king.

There is no need to do so much.

Now he finally understood what the adults in the mist meant.

Each of these game tycoons should not be underestimated.

But fortunately, with this ghost, even if they are facing more than 20 ghost kings, they are not at all inferior.

After all, the strength of these ghost kings at this moment has been greatly reduced.

"Hey, a nice toy!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly echoed in the square.

A large hand formed by ghost energy reached out from Prison No. 1 towards the square.

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