The meeting room fell into a brief silence.


Even the old man sitting at the front of the long table frowned tightly when he saw this scene, and then he laughed out loud.

He wanted to see Chen Xun being humiliated just now.

But unexpectedly, Chen Xun not only did not get humiliated, but gave him a big surprise.

That's three Yamas.

You know, even when he became the ghost king, he couldn't contract so many Yamas.

Thinking of this, the old man's face suddenly showed a relieved expression.

And the most uncomfortable ones were the three Yamas ghost generals.

The reason why they said so before was just to support the senior management of the Chen family, and even to show their displeasure to get more profits from the Chen family.

They didn't really want to be dismissed from this position.

After all, after having this position, not only the salary is extremely high, but also more benefits can be obtained by using this position.

But if they are really dismissed from their positions, let alone benefits, they will not even get the salary.

You should know that the Chen family is very generous, and their salary is much higher than those outside.

If they lose this job, their quality of life and even resources will be much less.

How can they accept this?

The three Yamas panicked at this moment.

Their faces, which had just turned cold, began to become gentle.

They knew that if they didn't fight for it now, they might really turn from eating public food to wild ghosts outside.

Thinking of this, they looked at Chen Xun and said:

"Little ancestor, the three of us know the soldiers of the Chen family best, you can't relieve us of our duties."

"These three guys are unfamiliar, and I'm sure I can't lead them well."

As the three Yamas said, they squeezed out a smile at the corners of their mouths.

However, the next second, Chen Xun shook his head and said:

"No need, I can't prove my strength to make you surrender."

"It's better to use my own contracted ghosts."

After Chen Xun finished speaking, the three Yamas immediately showed an anxious look on their faces.

The reason why they asked Chen Xun to prove his strength just now was just to control Chen Xun and deliberately make things difficult for him.

If they knew that Chen Xun had three Yama-level contracted ghosts, how could they dare to say such things?

Now it's not about whether Chen Xun can prove his strength.

Now it's about whether they can keep this job.

They looked at Chen Xun and said:

"Little ancestor, there's no need to prove your strength, no need to prove your strength."

"We obey you, we obey you."

After the three Yamas finished speaking, they showed a flattering smile at the corners of their mouths.

Chen Xun said:

"In that case, it depends on how you prove your loyalty."

After hearing Chen Xun's words, the three Yamas were stunned on the spot.

How to prove this loyalty?

Swear to the heaven?

Chen Xun looked at the three Yamas with a harmless smile on his face, and then said:

"Don't you know how to show your loyalty?"

"Don't worry, I will teach you how to do it."

After that, Chen Xun took out three ghost contracts and handed them to the three Yamas.

"It's very simple. Sign them, and you will still be generals of my Chen family in the future."

"If you don't want to, you can leave now. I will give you a very generous ghost money to compensate you."

What the three Yamas said before was right. They knew more about the soldiers of the Chen family than the owners of the Jingxin Hotel.

Letting them leave like this is indeed a loss.

Moreover, Chen Xun does need some high-end combat power.

However, they must be absolutely loyal to him.

The moment they saw the three ghost contracts, the three Yamas suddenly widened their eyes.

You have to know that even if they were ghost generals in the Chen family, the Ghost Emperor did not let them sign any ghost contracts.

After all, ghost contracts are a kind of restriction for them.

As Yama, how could they be willing to sign such a thing?

They looked at Chen Xun and said:

"Little ancestor, can we not sign this ghost contract?"

"After all, we have never signed this thing before."

After hearing Chen Xun's words, Chen Xun nodded and said:

"Of course, I'm easy to talk to."

"This ghost contract is signed voluntarily."

After hearing Chen Xun's words, the three Yamas were relieved.

But the next second, they heard Chen Xun continue to say:

"But, I've always been very cautious when using ghosts."

"I think ghosts talkMany times, it is fake, and the loyalty spoken is not credible. "

"So, if you don't sign, then congratulations, I will give you a very generous compensation."

Chen Xun needs subordinates who can be absolutely loyal.

What is absolute loyalty?

It must be after signing the ghost contract that Chen Xun can trust slightly.

If you don't even sign the ghost contract, how can you say you are loyal?

You must have ulterior motives.

After hearing Chen Xun's words, the three Yamas frowned, and finally sighed, and then a drop of black blood dripped on the ghost contract.

"Little ancestor, we signed it. "

They knew that if they didn't sign the ghost contract, they would definitely not be able to keep the job.

They felt a little regretful. They shouldn't have targeted Chen Xun just now.

The descendants of the Ghost Emperor were indeed not good people.

They were thinking in their hearts.

Chen Xun took the three ghost contracts and after confirming that the contracts were correct, he looked at the three Yamas:

"Okay, since you have signed the ghost contract, you will be their deputy generals in the future."

Chen Xun pointed at the owner of the Jingxin Hotel and continued:

"If there are no other opinions, then we should talk about your treatment. "

Whether they are convinced or not, since they have become Chen Xun's subordinates, Chen Xun feels that he needs to increase their salaries.

Give a slap and give a candy, now is the time to calm down the evil spirits.

After saying that, Chen Xun looked at the three Yamas.

At this moment, how dare the three Yamas have any opinions?

They had opinions at the beginning, but now they have been demoted from generals to deputy generals.

If they have more, they will probably become soldiers.

However, when they heard Chen Xun say that he wanted to talk to them about their treatment, their hearts suddenly tightened.

Their current positions have been downgraded, and I am afraid that their treatment will also be reduced a lot.

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt uncomfortable as if they had eaten a bunch of flies.

If they had listened to the arrangements of the Ghost Emperor before and served as generals for this junior, how could these things happen?

Now Chen Xun wants to use them as a scapegoat, and their treatment and benefits will probably be reduced a lot!

It's really self-inflicted!

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