The wretched man looked at the food with a pale face.

He really couldn't eat it.

But the ghost in front of him who was pushing the dining cart was still looking at him with ill intentions.

"Passenger, do you not like this food?" the ghost continued.

At this moment, a bloody screen popped up in front of Chen Xun and the others again:

Number of players alive: 8.

Another person died!

Someone broke the rules.

And now, it's time to eat.

In other words, there is also a rule during this dining time.

Looking at the ghost pushing the dining cart, this rule is likely to be above the food.

Will you die if you don't eat the food?

The wretched man seemed to realize this, and then he turned pale, picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of soup, and finally put it into his mouth.

The person pushing the dining cart saw this, and then continued to push the dining cart forward.

The next second, the wretched man vomited.

Fortunately, he didn't have dinner today, so he didn't vomit anything.

"Guest, this is your food."

The ghost with the kitchen knife on his head handed a bowl of food to a well-dressed ghost passenger. The passenger took a look at the food and looked dissatisfied.

"What kind of food is this? Is it edible?"

It was the first time that Chen Xun noticed that there were ghosts dressed so well.

A suit and a tie.

Hearing the words of this well-dressed passenger, the kitchen knife ghost immediately showed a look of disgust:

"This meal was chosen by our conductor. If you are not satisfied, our conductor will be very angry."

The ghost spirit of the kitchen knife ghost came out.

The well-dressed ghost was not panicked at all:

"I want to change the food. I want to go to the dining car!"

Hearing that he was going to the dining car, the ghost spirit of the kitchen knife ghost instantly shrank back, and even had a smile on his face.

"Of course, my distinguished guest."

"If you are willing to go to the dining car, I think our conductor will be very happy."

After all, the meals delivered now are free, and going to the dining car compartment requires additional consumption.

This is very good for the conductor's performance.


As he said this, the well-dressed ghost stood up and walked towards the front car.

The dining car compartment is located in Carriage No. 1.

Chen Xun kept his eyes on the well-dressed ghost.

When he retracted his eyes again, he found that the dining car had been pushed in front of him.

Chen Xun subconsciously glanced at the big man and found that the guy was eating the food delivered as if nothing had happened.

"Guest, this is your food."

While Chen Xun was calming down, the kitchen knife ghost had handed him a bowl of food.

And there was malice on his face.

Chen Xun looked at the food in the bowl and his stomach began to churn.

The food contained not only human fingers, but also black hair and a human eyeball.

Chen Xun remembered what the exquisite ghost had said just now, and then looked at the kitchen knife ghost and said coldly:

"Is this the food provided by your train?!"

The kitchen knife ghost looked at Chen Xun with obvious surprise.

Even the other ghosts in the carriage stopped their actions and looked over curiously.

Even one by one, there was a sneer on their faces:

"A mouse dares to talk like that!"

"Hehe, kill him, I want his beautiful eyes."

As if they realized that Chen Xun was looking for death, the ghosts looked at some parts of Chen Xun's body maliciously.

It seemed that they wanted to tear off that part and keep it as a treasure later.

Even the big man looked over with a sneer on his face:

"This new guy is finished."

"This is a rule, can't he see it?"

Then, the strong ghost aura came out of the cleaver ghost:

"This is the meal chosen by our conductor. If you are not satisfied, our conductor will be very angry."

"Perhaps, only by leaving a part of you can we calm his anger."

Chen Xun looked at the cleaver ghost and it was impossible to say that he was not nervous.

But he still appeared to be very calm on the surface:

"I want to change the meal, I want to go to the dining car."

But to Chen Xun's surprise, the ghost aura on the cleaver ghost not only did not decrease, but became more intense.

"Mouse, going to the dining car is an extra expense."

"If you don't have money, your head will be twisted off."

The cleaver ghost said, showing his yellow teeth.

After hearing this, Chen Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, as long as you have money, you don't have to eat these terrible foods.

Then Chen Xun looked at the kitchen knife ghost coldly and handed him a banknote."Here's your tip."

"Please move your dirty, smelly feet away. I'm going to the dining car."

The kitchen knife ghost was stunned when he saw the 100-dollar ghost money.

Even the ghost energy instantly shrank back.

When the ghosts around saw the ghost money, greed also appeared in their eyes.

"This mouse actually has ghost money."

It seems that the temptation of this ghost money is particularly great for these ghosts.

Chen Xun's rapidly beating heart began to calm down.

He just took a gamble.

From the previous careful ghost, he was sure that going to the dining car would not violate the rules.

And from the attitude of the ticket inspector before and after he took out the ghost money, he guessed that this ghost money might change the attitude of these ghosts towards him.

Or, this is a rule.

For example, ghosts cannot harm passengers who take out money.

The kitchen knife ghost took the ghost money and felt the strong ghost energy on your ghost money, and immediately became polite to Chen Xun.

"Dear guest, please forgive my rudeness just now."

"You can go to the dining car now. The dining car is No. 1."

After saying that, the kitchen knife ghost moved his dining car to the side, leaving enough space for Chen Xun to walk.

Seeing this, Su Weiwei on the other side pinched the 100-yuan ghost money in her hand, and then said:

"I want to go to the dining car too!"

She didn't want to eat these weird foods.

The wretched man and the big man were stunned.

They all looked very scared ghosts, but they were polite to Chen Xun.

Could it be that money can make ghosts work?

"How many ghost money does this guy have?"

"It shouldn't be. He is a new player. Where did he get these ghost money?"

The big man thought, and there was more greed in his eyes.


On the other side, Chen Xun took Su Weiwei out of the No. 3 car and soon came to the No. 2 car.

The ghost in Car No. 2 immediately cast a malicious look at Chen Xun and his group.

If that look could kill people, Chen Xun had no doubt that he would have been torn into pieces by now.

"How did you know that you can avoid eating those terrible foods by using money?"

Su Weiwei followed behind Chen Xun, looking at the ghosts around her nervously.

Chen Xun ran to the dining car, and she didn't dare to stay there alone.

Moreover, she didn't want to eat those terrible foods.

Chen Xun glanced at him and said:

"Nothing, just guessing."

"After all, ghosts also need money, as long as you have money, it's easy to do things."

Hearing Chen Xun's words, Su Weiwei felt as if she had suddenly realized something.

Now she realized the importance of ghost money.

No wonder some people are willing to spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy ghost money with a face value of 100 yuan.

At this moment, she was even more grateful to Chen Xun.

Not long after, Chen Xun and his group came to Car No. 1.

Carriage No. 1 is separated from other carriages by a glass door, on which there are several bloody words:

"If you enter the carriage and don't consume, part of your body will be left behind!"

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