Elder Lin's hands began to tremble as he held the card.

In the Dark World, there are clear levels of division according to the assets of users.

For example, those with assets of 1 billion can become silver users, those with assets of 5 billion can become gold users, and those with assets of 10 billion can become platinum users...

Users of each level can apply for a Dark World card of that level.

And the Dark World card of the diamond user is the highest level user in the Dark World.

He requires the minimum assets to reach hundreds of billions of Dark World coins!

With this amount of assets, even in the entire horror world, they are all great nobles who can rank high.

Such nobles are particularly noble.

When he first started working in the Dark World, he had the honor of seeing such a great noble in the Dark World doing business.

At that time, the entire Dark World was on alert and no other customers were allowed to enter.

All the staff of the Dark World served that diamond user.

However, he had only seen that once in his life.

After all, such beings usually don't need to come to the Dark City to handle business.

That time was the most impressive time he had ever seen in the Dark City treating a user.

After that, he was transferred to the Ghost City as the president.

But in the Ghost City, the highest-level user is only a platinum.

And the human in front of him actually took out a diamond card.

This made him stunned.

This was also the second diamond card he had ever seen in his life.

At this moment, he was a little excited, and his hand holding the diamond card was shaking slightly.

Then, he put the card on the ghost device that the Dark City could use to check the card balance.

The next second, the number that appeared on it made him widen his eyes!

Seeing the long string of '0' at the end, he felt that his eyes were a little blurry.

He counted it repeatedly several times and found that the assets in this card were really 100 billion!


At this moment, on the top floor of the Ghost City, many nobles looked at the black door formed by Lin Lao's ghost domain with puzzled faces, and began to feel anxious.

"Why hasn't this guy come out yet? How long has it been?"

"Could it be that the human has not enough ghost money and has been dragging Lin Lao?"

"What a waste of time."

Some ghost nobles sneered:

"It's impossible for this human to come up with 1 billion."

"Maybe he has violated some rules and was tortured by Lin Lao in the ghost domain."

At the moment they spoke, the ghost domain suddenly dispersed.

The figures of Chen Xun and Lin Lao appeared in front of all the ghosts.

However, what disappointed these ghosts was that Chen Xun was still intact at this moment.

He didn't look like he had been tortured.

"My lord, please sit back in your seat."

"Come to the ghost city when you have time, and I will cook for you myself."

At this moment, they found that Lin Lao was actually beside Chen Xun, talking politely.

All the ghosts were stunned.

What's going on?

How could this high and mighty Elder Lin be so polite to this human?

This... doesn't seem like Elder Lin's style of doing things.

When they went to the Dark Line to do business before, Elder Lin was always cold to them.

They even had to keep trying to please Elder Lin before he would do things for them.

Even the great nobles were like this.

And the impression Elder Lin gave them was that he always had a stern face.

They had never seen Elder Lin so enthusiastic.

And he was still treating a human.

Seeing this scene, they were overwhelmed with a huge wave of emotion.

What did this human do to Elder Lin?

However, people with a little insight immediately discovered something.

The fact that Elder Lin could treat this human like this meant that the assets of this human guy were so much that Elder Lin had to treat him politely.

Many great nobles had a sense of crisis in their hearts at this moment.

All the nobles' eyes were on Chen Xun.

Chen Xun sat down, and the nobles immediately lowered their voices and said to Chen Xun:

"Little ghost, you'd better stop when you see the good, don't force us to take action."

Chen Xun was stunned, and said to Ying in his heart:

"Ying, can these guys be dealt with?"

Ying said:

"The boss has too many people... but it should be no problem to run away."

Chen Xun nodded and ignored the nobles.

"Arrogant guy!" The nobles said coldly.

It was at this time that on the rooftop, Lin Lao, who had not yet calmed down, suddenly paused.

Because he found that at this moment, he actuallyHe was also pulled into a ghost domain.

And he was unaware of this process.

This is a huge palace.

In front of the palace, a figure who was countless times taller than him sat on a king's chair, staring at him coldly.

Lin Lao's voice trembled:


The one sitting on the king's chair was the fierce ghost king!

Not long after, the fierce ghost king's voice came:

"How much assets does that human guy have?"

Just now, Lin Lao was checking the assets in his own ghost domain. The ghosts outside the ghost domain did not know the situation inside.

Therefore, the fierce ghost king specially opened another ghost domain to ask Lin Lao.

He needed to prove his guess.

The identity of the human guy.

Lin Lao said in a trembling voice:

"Reply to the king... That guy has a diamond card with 100 billion ghost money in it."

"But I guess that guy's assets are probably more than that."

After all, that 100 billion is an integer, not even a little extra.

Obviously, the other party only deposited so much ghost money on this card, and his assets must be more.

"I understand." The fierce ghost king nodded lightly.


It was at this time, in a room in the house opposite the fierce ghost hotel.


In these ghostly spirits, pairs of red eyes flashed.

"Sir, we have already found out that there are indeed several humans in the Haunted Hotel this time."

"However, it seems that an auction is being held there, and many nobles, even the president of the Underworld, are in it."

"Are we sure we will act later?"

In the black fog, a bloody mouth suddenly opened under the largest red eye and said:

"Are you confused about why I want to act today?"

"We are the hunters. Logically speaking, we are an organization that specializes in hunting humans."

"But have you ever thought that we have been poor for too long?"

"Now, we can take advantage of this action to kill those nobles and seize their assets."

"Wouldn't it be great?"

"Don't worry, they will blame the headquarters if something happens anyway."

"Then we will just take the money and run away."

Another ghost suddenly said:

"But sir, I heard that the president of the Underworld is very powerful. Will we..."

But the ghost was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Don't worry, I'll hold him back when the time comes."

"As long as you hold back those underworld leaders, no one above will be your opponent."

"This time, I'm going to give these nobles a big surprise."

"Why can they have so many underworld coins, but we have to live a miserable life?"

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