"Do you know where my aunt is now?"After cursing in his heart for a few times, Ye Fan hurriedly asked

"I don't know. According to the information from the clone, your aunt was suddenly teleported there. Now we only know that she is at a bus stop, but we don't know which bus stop she is at."

""Fuck!" Ye Fan couldn't help but yelled out again. He was so unlucky. Although more and more players were selected into the horror game world now, it was still very small compared to the total number of people in the world.

However, he and Liu Yiyi were selected into the horror game world one after another. This luck was really good.

But Ye Fan didn't mean to blame Zi Yun'er. After all, being selected by the horror game world was irresistible.

And there were so many bus stops in the horror game world, it was normal for Zi Yun'er not to recognize the place. She just hoped that she was not far away from him.

So Ye Fan said:"Pay close attention to the situation at my aunt's side. If there is any information, notify me immediately."

"I understand!" Zi Yun'er nodded seriously.

But after making all these arrangements, Ye Fan still felt uneasy.

Although there was Zi Yun'er's clone, there were also many red-clothed people in the horror game world. What if he encountered a powerful one?

At this time, the word that best describes Ye Fan's psychology is that he is too concerned.

After that, Ye Fan casually washed up a few times and went straight back to the horror game world.

As soon as Zi Yun'er's clone knew the approximate location of Liu Yiyi, Ye Fan rushed over as quickly as possible.

When Ye Fan returned to the Bianhua community, Siqin sensed Ye Fan's return and hurried over.

At the same time, he asked,"The vehicle is ready. Shall we set off now?"

"You go by yourself, I have something to do and can't leave now." At this time, Ye Fan didn't care about the banquet.

Seeing Ye Fan's anxious look, Si Qin was also surprised, wondering what happened to Ye Fan.

"Oh, go and notify the director to come over... Never mind, I'll do it myself~." Ye Fan directly used the connection between the master and servant contract to notify the director to come over.

After they knew where Liu Yiyi was, they might need the director's map to find her.

Soon, the director came to Ye Fan.

"Boss, what's the matter?" the director asked

"Wait here for a while, you may need your map later."Ye Fan said

"Yes!" The chief director was waiting beside him.


At the same time, in the headquarters of the Thriller Game Investigation Bureau in the capital, a fierce argument was also taking place during a video conference.

Among those present were the director of the Thriller Game Investigation Bureau, Liu Zhenyu, and several people who were no weaker than them.

These people were the real top leaders of the Thriller Game Investigation Bureau, the backbone and even the trump card.

At this time, one of them said loudly:"I don't agree, those who are not of my race must have different hearts"

"Those ghosts must have bad intentions. Although they promised not to cause trouble, they will always eat shit."

"I don't agree either. They asked us to set aside an area for them to live in and acknowledge their existence. What's the difference between this and ceding land and paying compensation?" another person also said.

But just after they finished speaking, the third person retorted:"But now, what else can we do?"

"The passage between the two worlds has been opened, and this is no longer something we can decide."

"Don’t forget, this time it’s the red-clothed people that appear, and not just one, but an entire large copy. Do we have the strength to handle a large copy?"

"In addition, as far as I know, some other places, even in other countries, have also successively appeared such channels between the worlds."

"Although there has been no response from the other side of the channel, the situation here is only a matter of time."

"If we put our entire horror game investigation bureau together, we might be able to solve this large-scale dungeon."

"But what about next time? What about the next time? How many can we solve?"

Following the series of questions from the third person, everyone fell silent.

After a long time, the director of the Thriller Game Investigation Bureau said,"Old Liu, this time the world channel appeared in the branch area you are in charge of. What do you think?"

Hearing the director of the Investigation Bureau calling his name, Liu Zhenyu showed a bitter smile, and then said,"I agree with Old Sun's opinion"

"Maybe we really need to face these large-scale copies of horror games head-on."

"This is inevitable. If you escape this time, there will be another time."

"Yes!" The director of the Investigation Bureau nodded somewhat unwillingly:"This time we can only let you take the lead for us. We will give you the greatest help, both in terms of manpower and resources."

His words also made others look at him in surprise.

"Lao Liu, you are not stupid, are you?"One of them said

"I'm telling the truth. It's better to appear on my side than on your side."Liu Zhenyu said with a wry smile

"How do you say that?" the Director of Investigation asked

"Don't forget, the city where Ye Fan lives now is the city where my branch is located."

"Moreover, our city is not far from that world channel. If the worst result really happens, with Ye Fan here, maybe it will be better."

"After all, Ye Fan's strength is at least equal to that of two red-clothed warriors."

At this moment, Liu Zhenyu could only comfort himself.

When others heard this, their eyes lit up.

"Yes, how could he forget such an important person? Although he doesn't like our horror game investigation bureau very much, he may not care about the life and death of others."

"But his home is still in the city, he can't just watch a group of ghosts smash his house"

"But speaking of the matter about Ye Fan, who was the idiot who handled it...)…"

"Hey, let's skip this."


On the other side, while Ye Fan was waiting anxiously, Zi Yun'er suddenly said,"The bus is here, it's 444."

"444" Ye Fan was stunned:"Is it the 444 that I know?"

"That's right!" Zi Yun'er nodded.

Seeing Zi Yun'er nod, Ye Fan couldn't help but admit that this world was full of coincidences.

It was because of him that bus 444 left the novice area early.

Unexpectedly, now it was bus 444 that picked up his aunt.

Moreover, Ye Fan had a friendly relationship with the ghost driver and conductor of bus No. 444.

Later, he could let Zi Yun'er's clone ask them for some information, so that Ye Fan could find Liu Yiyi.

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