Should we pick them? Is there any need to ask? Of course we should choose to pick them.

As Ye Fan decided to pick them, the plants in the field in front of him quickly turned yellow and were harvested.

Then, in Ye Fan's surprised eyes, the plants were quickly broken into dregs after being harvested.

Seeing these dregs, Ye Fan suddenly had a sense of familiarity for some reason.

Then the plant dregs automatically divided into many small portions, and with a flash of light, they turned into cigarettes.

And those cigarettes automatically divided into twenty pieces, and with another flash of light, they turned into a well-packaged box, with two big words written on it - Huazi!

This is good, he had a sore throat from smoking other cigarettes and coughed.

After all the Huazi were packed in boxes, ten boxes of Huazi became a complete box in front of Ye Fan.

【Harvest one soul power Huazi: one pack has ten pieces, one pack has twenty pieces】

【Next maturity countdown: 23:59:59]

Looking at Hua Zi in front of him, information automatically appeared in Ye Fan's mind

【Item: Soul Power Flower】

【Effect: Soul force limit +5/root】

【Introduction: Huazi, who has high-quality pure soul power, has a high attraction to ghosts.】

【Maximum number of uses per day: one box. Exceeding the number can only restore a large amount of soul power, and cannot increase the upper limit of soul power. 】

The function is to increase soul power. Ye Fan instantly thought of the soul power attribute he saw on his attribute panel just now.

Although he didn't know how he had this little soul power, Ye Fan was not unfamiliar with this name.

This thing should be the same as spiritual power, Yin power, and divine power. The larger the number, the stronger the energy.

And he only has a little soul power now. You don't need to think about it to know that he must be a scumbag. He can't even fight five scumbags because he can't even feel.

But just this one Huazi can provide Ye Fan with five points of soul power, and he can use one box every day, which means one hundred points of soul power, which will definitely make his strength increase rapidly.

But he is only a conscious body now and can't use it yet, so Ye Fan had to turn his attention to the apple tree next to him.

【Soul Apple: Ripe, should I pick it?

Of course I picked it, but this time it was not as fancy as Huazi's.

This time it was the ten apples that automatically floated in front of Ye Fan.

【Harvest 10 Soul Apples】

【Next maturity countdown: 23:59:59】

【Item: Soul Apple】

【Effect: Soul force limit +100/piece】

【Introduction: Apples with high-quality soul power are extremely attractive to ghosts.】

【Maximum number of uses per day: one. If the number is exceeded, only a large amount of soul power can be restored, and the upper limit cannot be increased. 】

One apple is a hundred points of soul power upper limit!

Ye Fan couldn't help but be stunned. This effect is even more powerful.

Although only one can be eaten per day, it does not conflict with Huazi.

In this way, Ye Fan can increase his soul power attribute to two hundred points within a day.

Although I don't know what level two hundred points of soul power represent, it should not be weak.

Therefore, Ye Fan hurriedly withdrew from the soul farm and couldn't wait to improve his soul power.

But just when he wanted to take out Huazi and apples to eat, he suddenly stopped.

Because Ye Fan suddenly remembered the introduction of these two items.

With high-quality soul power, it is extremely attractive to ghosts.

If he takes out these things now, will he be robbed by ghosts?

In this regard, Ye Fan dare not try it easily.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan had to suppress the impulse in his heart and wait for a good opportunity.

And Ye Fan also remembered another thing, that is, he still had a novice gift pack that he had not received.

"Get the gift package!" Ye Fan said silently in his heart.

【The gift package has been successfully received and has been put into the inventory. 】

Inventory? Where is it?

Just as this thought came to mind, an inventory appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

And this inventory seemed to be connected to the soul farm.

Because in addition to the two strange things, the ten soul apples and a soul flower that were harvested before were also there.

Ye Fan hurriedly looked at the two newly obtained items.

One was a diamond-shaped crystal emitting light, and the other looked like a scroll.

【Item: Soul Power Origin Crystal】

【Effect: Soul force limit +5000】

【Introduction: A crystal with high-quality soul power, which can improve the soul power quality of ghosts and has a fatal attraction to ghosts.】

【Only for ghosts to use! 】

The soul power limit increased by 5,000, and Ye Fan's heart trembled.

But when he saw that it could only be used by ghosts, Ye Fan was instantly discouraged.

Such a powerful item, but I can't use it myself, it's really a loss.

So Ye Fan had to turn his attention to the second item.

【Item: Perfect Soul Contract】

【Effect: Regardless of the difference in soul power between the two parties, you can successfully sign a soul contract with the ghost, and it will never bite back.】

【Introduction: The effect is powerful, but a contract can only be signed with the ghost if it is willing. 】

Uh... it seems to be another item that is of little help now.

Ye Fan does not think that there will be ghosts who will voluntarily sign a contract with him.

However, this does provide Ye Fan with some information, that is, players can sign a contract with ghosts, but there are certain restrictions, and it is related to the size of the soul power.

And even if the contract is successfully signed, there may be a backlash, which further illustrates the power of this contract scroll.

It's a pity that no ghost is willing to sign a contract with him now.

Three-day summer promotion, recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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