Horror Game: Kidnapping The Lady Of The Horror Tavern

Chapter 106: Afraid Of Water In The Supermarket?

"By the way, this hand sanitizer is pretty good, should we buy some?" Ye Fan laughed.

"No, these low-level drugs have no effect on us at all." Zi Yun'er said.

"OK then!"

At this time, a new customer came to the supermarket and walked towards the raw food area.

Seeing the ghost approaching, the person in charge of the raw food area had no choice but to walk over.

And with the appearance of this ghost, it was like opening a sluice gate, and ghosts kept coming into the supermarket.

This made everyone busy except Ye Fan, and some even had to receive several ghosts at the same time, which was miserable.

And Ye Fan....... is wandering leisurely in the area he is in charge of.

His area was originally in the corner, and if he didn't really need the medicine, there would be no ghosts coming to him at all.

So the surrounding area of ​​Ye Fan is very clean.

Sure enough, "60" wrongly blamed these newcomers.

They still respect their predecessors and know to give him the easiest work.

And those few newcomers, looking at Ye Fan who was leisurely watching their work, their faces were full of regret.

Suddenly, there was a reprimand from the clothing area, and Ye Fan looked over quickly.

It turned out that the newcomer brought the wrong type of clothes to the guests, so he was reprimanded.

At the same time, there were voices of dissatisfaction from the guests at the cooked food area, because the newcomers brought the wrong things to the guests.

Fortunately, the ghosts in the supermarket are not too fierce, so they didn't do anything to them.

Seeing this, Ye Fan didn't ask any further questions, since it had nothing to do with him anyway.

Finally, after waiting for a long time, Ye Fan welcomed the first guest.

"Waiter, do you have a good bandage?" the ghost asked.

"Yes, there are, but are you sure the guest just wants bandages?" Ye Fan looked at Si in front of him.

A knife was inserted into the head, and the entire blade went into the brain, and at the same time, drops of blood formed by soul power dripped on the ground.

"Yes, as long as the bandage is fine."

"Okay, got it." Ye Fan went to the shelf and brought him a roll of reinforced bandage.

After seeing the ghost leaving, Ye Fan shook his head and walked into the next cleaning room.

Perhaps this is the bad thing about the medicine area, as it is easy to stain the ground.

But when Ye Fan arrived in the cleaning room, he found that the faucet was completely dry, how could it mop the floor.

"Wait a minute!" Just when Ye Fan wanted to just take the mop, Zi Yun'er said suddenly.

"What's wrong!"

"This water pipe should also be a ghost before, but the soul body was broken up.

"That's weird, who doesn't have anything to do with the water pipes, and I haven't heard of any fighting in the supermarket." Ye Fan looked at the water pipes in front of him suspiciously.

At least Mu Qianqian didn't mention the lack of water in the supermarket before.

"And I just noticed that not only here, but in the whole supermarket, there seems to be no plumbing ghosts." Zi Yun'er continued.

"How is this possible?" Ye Fan was even more astonished, infrastructure ghosts like water pipes, there are more or less in every dungeon, so that water is convenient.

This is the first time he has encountered a situation where there is not a single water pipe ghost in the entire dungeon.

"Could it be that the supermarket has cut off the water?"

"I don't know, I've never heard of it before.

"Okay then, it seems that there are a lot of strange things here, you have to check it carefully at night." Ye Fan left with a mop, and you can go outside to ask about the water problem.

"Hey, is your supermarket running out of water?" After walking out of the cleaning room, Ye Fan knocked on the shelf next to him.

"Yes!" A human being appeared on the shelf and replied cautiously.

"Since when?"


"Yesterday!" Ye Fan frowned, feeling very unlucky.

"Then where else is there water here?"

"There is a public water tap at the entrance of the supermarket."

"Got it!" Ye Fan walked outside.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he saw the old ghost from before.

"The old man hasn't left yet." Ye Fan asked with a smile.

At the same time, my heart was beating a bit, this old ghost must have reacted.

"There's almost no water here." The old ghost didn't answer Ye Fan, just said something, and left.

"There's almost no water here?" Ye Fan frowned. Is this old ghost implying something?

Ye Fan went over to turn on the faucet, and the water flow was really small.

But it was enough for now, so Ye Fan wet the mop and went back.

And the words of the old ghost have been echoing in Ye Fan's mind.

On the other side, the newcomers had just finished receiving this group of guests when they saw Ye Fan started mopping the floor, so they had to do the same, and they were so tired that they were out of breath.

Then, amidst Ye Fan's leisure and other people's busyness, the time soon came to noon...

The evil ghost foreman who went upstairs before also came down from the second floor.

"Not bad!" Looking at the situation in the supermarket, the evil ghost foreman nodded, then took some products from the shelves and said, "These are your food and water."

"Take turns going to the lounge while eating, not here."

Hearing that there was food, several people hurried over.

Ye Fan also walked over, but when he saw the food, Ye Fan called it a good guy.

A certain fermented sauerkraut noodles, a certain rotten and smelly ham sausage, and a certain Liyou who refused to eat dogs. Is this trying to poison him to death?

But the water is quite normal, just ordinary water.

But it is this normality that is the biggest abnormality. The food can still be understood, and the water is taken directly from the shelf, which shows that the supermarket knows that they have cut off the water.

But knowing that I have cut off the water but still not dealing with it, this is not normal.

"Report, I found an important thing to report." A newcomer suddenly shouted.

"Say it!" The ghost foreman looked at the newcomer.

"Report, I found that the water in our supermarket is cut off, I think it should be dealt with in time, otherwise every time we clean, we have to go outside to fetch water, which will easily affect the shopping mood of customers

However, the foreman of the evil ghost just nodded flatly: "I know this, it is already being dealt with, and it will be resolved in a few days."

"How many days?" Ye Fan was even more surprised, how many days will it take for this matter.

The newcomer also quickly said: "Report, I can help the supermarket solve this problem. There is water from the faucet outside, and I can directly pull the water over [I have done 5.3 before."

While speaking, the newcomer still had some complacency on his face, as if he felt that he was going to make a contribution.

But the foreman of the evil ghost changed his face drastically, and he sternly reprimanded: "How dare you!"

The newcomer was stunned immediately. What's going on? Shouldn't it be a compliment?

Others also looked at it suspiciously, wouldn't it be a good thing for the supermarket to restore the water supply quickly?

"Ahem, I mean, I've already asked someone to do it, so don't mess around, it will be bad if you mess up the water pipe.

"And you are waiters, you just need to do what the waiters have to do." Realizing his slip of the tongue, the evil ghost foreman quickly explained.

And Ye Fan could see it, he seemed to be very afraid that the outside water would be drawn into the water pipes of the supermarket.

This is very strange, you must try it that night. .

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