Under the leadership of the district chief, Ye Fan walked into the Bianhua community.

The first thing I saw was a few apartment buildings that were only three stories high.

These should be the low-level apartment buildings in the Bianhua community. Mu Xixi and the others walked towards a low-level apartment building in the corner.

Then Ye Fan and the others continued to walk in, and saw the six-story mid-level apartment building again.

The thirteen-story apartment building in the most central area is the only high-end apartment building in the Bi'anhua community.

"The strength of this Bianhua community is very good. There are dozens of ghosts that I have sensed." Zi Yun'er in the contract space said suddenly.

Ye Fan nodded imperceptibly, the scale of the Bianhua community is indeed not small.

If the occupancy is full, the number of ghosts will exceed one thousand and eight, and all of them are at or above the Wrathful Soul level.

Even if you just collect the property fee, the monthly income is not less than that of the resort.

Moreover, Ye Fan also saw that in the Bi'anhua community, there are also some supermarkets, canteens and so on, which is another source of income.

Then the district chief took Ye Fan to the elevator of the high-end apartment building, and the elevator opened automatically.

This elevator alone has a ghost level, which really surprised Ye Fan again.

This kind of ghosts that need to be attached to objects are often relatively low-level.

Now there is a ghost-level elevator, but it is very uncommon.

After entering the elevator, the elevator goes up quickly.

When it was opened again, Ye Fan had reached the third floor.

When you get out of the elevator, you will see an office area.

The district chief walked over and took out a document from the drawer.

"This is the occupancy agreement of the Bi'anhua community. If you sign your name on it, you will become a resident of the Bi'anhua community. Please take a look." The district chief handed over the document.

Ye Fan was not polite either, took the document and read it carefully.

In the horror game world, that is not something that can be signed.

There are some documents, if you sign it, you have sold yourself, and it is also protected by the rules of the horror game world.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the document, Ye Fan signed his name.

"This is your room card. After Ye Fan signed his name, the district chief took out a room card and handed it to Ye Fan.

"Now let's talk about your becoming a director."

"Good!" Ye Fan nodded.

"According to the method mentioned by the previous five directors, it is to wait until the board of directors, and all the directors will vote to decide."

"As I said before, there are a total of twelve directors in the Bi'anhua community, including me, the district head, who can vote for a total of thirteen votes.

"But now the twelve directors are dead, so there are still twelve votes."

"But if you want to become a director, you must get at least seven votes. If it is even, you may not be able to be a director."

"I can give you this vote, and I can also guarantee that the second, sixth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh directors will all vote for you.

"Then I won six votes directly." Ye Fan laughed.

"That's right, but don't be too happy too early." The district chief continued: "The fifth and eighth directors you saw today, the seventh director who didn't come, and the dead twelve directors, They are all big councilors."

"The big director usually doesn't deal with me, and this time you are grabbing their position as a director, so they will definitely not support you."

"What about the remaining two directors?" Ye Fan immediately grasped the crux of the problem.

"The third and fourth directors have always been in a neutral state, and they don't take matters between me and the big director." The district chief replied.

"That is to say, I have to let one of the two directors choose to vote for me." Ye Fan said.

"That's right, but the third and fourth directors don't have a good impression of humans, so whether you can convince them or not depends on you.

"I don't have a good impression of humans." Ye Fan frowned, this is not easy to fix.

"Then tell me about the characteristics and hobbies of these two directors."

"Okay, the third director has a rough personality and looks down on humans, but he respects the strong and likes to fight.

"Respect the strong, like to fight." Ye Fan nodded, this may be able to hit the server directly.

"What about the four directors?"

"The four directors usually look like a good old man, they don't like fighting, they like smoking and drinking.

"Smoking and drinking!" Ye Fan smiled, this hobby is good, he can just do what he likes, is this not hot?

"Can you arrange a time for me to meet with these two directors?" Ye Fan asked.

"Yes, but these two directors are not in the community now. The third director can come back the day after tomorrow, and the fourth director can come back on the fourth day."

"It will take so long, will they still be able to catch up with the council?" Ye Fan frowned.

‥…seeking flowers 0

"Don't worry about this, the next council will start counting from tomorrow, and it will start on the seventh day.

"That's good, there's plenty of time...  

"By the way, if I kill another director of the other party, then I won't have to worry about it." Ye Fan said suddenly.

"This..." The district chief was taken aback for a moment, apparently also taken aback by Ye Fan's thoughts.

But then he shook his head: "Let's forget it, the chief executive will be back tomorrow. The chief executive is very strong, and his soul power has reached 20,000."

"It wouldn't be very nice if it pissed him off."

"Okay." Ye Fan nodded, but he was thinking about whether to make a fuss.

The upper limit of 20,000 soul power, you can fight at the bottom.

"Okay, I'll go first." Ye Fan said.

"Okay, but you have to be careful during this time, it's best not to leave the community." The district chief urged.

"After all, you can think of killing one of their directors, and they can also think of killing you directly, and then electing one of their people."

"I see!"

Needless to say, the district chief, Ye Fan has no plans to leave the community recently.

After finally being able to return to the real world, he had to go back and play for a few days.

"By the way, where should the property fee be paid?" Ye Fan asked.

It's free for only three days, instead of making another trip later, it's better to save it in advance while you have time now.

"There is a payment point at the entrance of the community, or next to the high-end apartment building."

"Thanks." Ye Fan took his room card and left. It was on the sixth floor, 606.

After coming here for so long, I finally met an auspicious number.

"Don't pay too much. After you become a director, you will move to the tenth floor. Directors don't have to pay property fees." The district chief reminded.


Back on the first floor, Ye Fan walked around the high-end apartment building and found a small payment window.

"Pay the property fee." Ye Fan walked over and said.

"Okay, how much do you pay?" A ghost behind the window asked enthusiastically.

"Pay fifty!" Ye Fan handed over a fifty Ming coin and his room card.

"Uh..." The evil ghost was stunned immediately, the senior user of the Bi'anhua community paid the property fee once.

I don't know if I read it wrong, Ye Fan seemed to see the evil spirit pinch himself hard, and even took off a piece of flesh. .

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