Horror Game: Kidnapping The Lady Of The Horror Tavern

Chapter 194: Bizarre Trial Examination

"Now, let me talk about the rules of the next trial." Chu Xuan continued.

"Because our dungeon is a school, it is naturally related to teaching."

"So the profession that our copy can provide you is teacher."

"However, this job is not easy for you to get, and I will come up with some test questions for you next.

"The range of test questions is very large, including articles, ancient Chinese, physics, even chemistry, music, and foreign languages.

"Axuan, do you benefactors also believe in physics? And you don't even learn foreign languages." Liu Yiyi asked in surprise.

"Physics, to a certain extent, is a kind of law of force, which we naturally have to learn.

"As for foreign languages, of course we have to keep pace with the times."

"Among the test papers I issued, as long as you can answer one of them correctly, you can become the teacher of the corresponding subject.

"If I can answer all the questions correctly, I can directly let the person who answered correctly become the head teacher."

"However, if you fail to answer a single question, then you cannot be a teacher, you can only be a handyman.

"So now, do you have any questions?"

Everyone including Liu Yiyi shook their heads.

Chu Xuan had already explained in great detail, and they knew what they were going to do next.

Therefore, some knowledgeable people showed confident expressions.

193 The rest of the big bosses frowned tightly.

"Since you don't have any comments, just wait a moment, I'll give you the test questions now." Chu Xuan wrote it on the white paper she took out.

On the other hand, Ye Fan and the others are getting closer and closer to the campus of the dead.

The hotel where they rested was between the Rose Manor and the campus of the deceased, so it was not very far from either side.

Coupled with the fact that their cars were all spewing flames this time, the speed was so fast that Ye Fan and the others came to the dead man's campus very quickly.

The Dead Campus occupies a very large area, much larger than the current Bi'anhua community.

The number of ghosts in the campus is at least tens of thousands, or tens of thousands.

It is divided into three areas: Wandering Soul Campus, Unjust Soul Campus, and Evil Ghost Campus.

There are hundreds of ghost-level teachers.

The number is no less than that of the Bianhua Community which absorbed the remaining ghosts from the Past Life Community.

And the vice-principals and deans of the three areas are all red-clothed ghosts.

In addition, Chu Xuan, who is not currently in the dead man's campus, and the red dress who has not been exposed.

The number of red clothes in the campus of the dead has probably reached double digits, which shows how terrifying it is. (bdch)

Otherwise, it would not be able to become the most powerful dungeon in this city.

"You guys go back to the contract space first, I'm going to the interview." Ye Fan took out the interview invitation letter and said.

"Hmm/yes!" Zi Yun'er and Si Qin nodded at the same time, and then returned to the contract space.

Ye Fan walked towards the registration point.

"I want to apply for a teacher in the Dead Campus, here is my invitation letter for an interview." Ye Fan handed over the invitation letter.

At the same time, at this time, Ye Fan also adjusted his soul power fluctuation to the ghost level.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to become a teacher in the Dead Campus, you must at least be a ghost.

Of course, exceptions can be made for newcomers who pass the trial.

It was precisely because of this that Chuxuan didn't want to break the rules of the Dead Campus, so she never applied for the trial to recruit newcomers, and she ended up squatting in Liu Yiyi.

And the ghost at the registration point was not surprised to see someone applying for the job.

The Dead Campus is powerful, and every time it recruits teachers, it will attract many ghosts.

So after confirming that Ye Fan's strength is up to the standard, he took out a set of test papers and said: "Here is a set of test papers, which cover the test questions of various subjects.

"If you can score more than 90 on one of the test papers, you can pass the interview."

"If you can get three grades above 90, you may become a head teacher."

"I understand!" Ye Fan took the test paper and walked to the side to start doing the questions.

It's such a shit, I have to study for exams in the real world, but here I am, it's still the same.

Moreover, these topics are quite esoteric, and they are all high school content.

Fortunately, Ye Fan was barely considered a half-scholar before, so he seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

At the same time, Chu Xuan in the trial space also produced a test paper and distributed it.

"Remember, you only have two hours to answer the questions now, if you exceed the time, you will directly count as a failure of the challenge.

In an instant, all the newcomers opened the test papers and prepared to do the questions.

But when they saw the topic above, they were instantly dumbfounded.

Physics question: A bear fell into a hole of 4.916 meters and landed in 1 second. What color is the bear?

Math question: Please prove that between three and four, there is another integer.

Music question: It is known that the speed of sound propagation is 340 m/s, and it takes three seconds for a ghost to use sound to confuse human beings.

The ghost is 175cm tall and one thousand meters away from humans. When it confuses him, it takes 5.944 seconds to ask how tall the person bewitched by the ghost is.

Foreign Language: Please translate the content expressed in the following ghost language.

After reading these questions, all the newcomers, the whole person is not good, and their faces are full of bewilderment.

Even Liu Yiyi had an unexpected look on her face.

Then Liu Yiyi said: "Is it so easy to become a teacher now?"

In an instant, everyone looked at Liu Yiyi, did they hear the human language?

However, they were completely unaware that the content of Liu Yiyi's test paper was completely different from theirs.

Physics question: Why does an object fall when it is thrown into the air?

Math question: What is one plus one?

Music question: The 7 notes in music are do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.

How to express it numerically.

Foreign Language: How to Say Good Morning in Human Language.

"Time waits for no one, do it soon." Seeing that everyone was looking at Liu Yiyi, Chu Xuan said.

Hearing this sentence, everyone fell into deep thought.

Only Liu Yiyi was writing hard over there.........Because gravity plus 1 equals 2...the musical note is 1234567...good morning!

Not long after, Liu Yiyi submitted the test paper, which brought a lot of psychological pressure to the others.

"Yiyi, come sit here." After Liu Yiyi handed in the paper, Chu Xuan directly invited her to sit beside her.

"Yeah!" Liu Yiyi nodded, and together with Chu Xuan, they waited for the others to finish their exams.

"Yiyi, what do you want to do when you arrive at the Dead Campus?" Chuxuan asked.

"I can do whatever I want, or you can watch the arrangement."

"Okay!" Chu Xuan nodded, and at the same time she had already made a decision in her heart.

"Why don't you just be the principal's assistant, you don't have anything to do every day, just wander around the school, and your status is relatively high.

"Isn't that good?"

"What's wrong with this, I have the final say in the Dead Campus, and I can do whatever I say."

"That's fine!" Liu Yiyi nodded. .

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